🇬🇧EN: A new version of the single "Leaves, Dust, Ash, Tears, Blood," with singer Lumya, is out.
All links: https://ffm.to/patros15-lumya-leaves-dust-ash-tears-blood
It is a deep atmospheric fusion of Future Garage and IDM, complete with Dream Pop / Neo-soul / RnB style vocals.
The theme, the mood, the storyline is still relevant as it expresses deep depression, fear and uncertainty at home, in the world, the impending war, war in the family and society, autumn, leaves of trees, leaves of people, dust, ashes, tears and blood of destruction...
It is a message for people to reflect and not be afraid to speak out about the evil around them, to not be afraid to do good when it is needed, to not be afraid to fight for justice for everyone without distinction when they see something happening that hurts the weak, but most of all, to open their eyes, even people who close their eyes and look away, denying the reality and the problems of their surroundings and society, to work for change, to be more humane and understanding, so that it is not just a false pretence on their part, contempt, doing things on purpose against people who talk about difficult issues, who are not to blame for many things, who can't or can't help themselves. ..
We wish it would not get worse in society, so everyone should think about it...
Thank you for listening and for your support!
🇸🇰SK: Nová verzia singlu „Leaves, Dust, Ash, Tears, Blood“, vytvorená spolu so speváčkou Lumya vychádza piatok 22. Novembra.
Jedná sa o hlbokú atmosférická fúzia Future Garage a IDM, ktorú doplnili vokály v štýle Dream Pop / Neo-soul / RnB.
Téma, nálada, dej je stále aktuálny, pretože vyjadruje hlbokú depresii, strach a neistotu doma, vo svete, blízkej vojne, vojne v rodine a spoločnosti, jeseň, listy stromov, listy ľudí, prach, popol, slzy a krv skazy...
Odkazuje na to, aby sa ľudia zamysleli a nebáli sa rozprávať o zlom v okolí, aby sa nebáli konať dobro, keď je treba, aby sa nebáli bojovať za spravodlivosť pre každého bez rozdielu, keď vidia, že sa deje niečo čo zraňuje slabších, ale najmä aby otvorili oči aj ľudia, ktorí zatvárajú oči a odvracajú zrak, popierajú realitu a problémy okolia a spoločnosti, aby sa snažili pre zmenu, aby boli viac ľudskejší a chápavejší, aby to nebola len falošná pretvárka z ich strany, opovrhovanie, robenia veci naschvál proti ľuďom, čo rozprávajú o ťažkých témach, ktorý za veľa vecí nemôžu, ktorý nevládzu alebo si nevedia pomôcť...
Priali by sme si, aby sa to v spoločnosti ešte nezhoršovalo, preto by sa mal zamyslieť každý...
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