A clip was record by camera about the soul( of mom/ wife) after dead 49 day.
-Let's together watching it's fake or real in below:
#ghost #realghost #camghost
#with: Gigiboz YouTube Gigiboz Soundcloud Trà Thanh
Ghost Attacking Baby Caught on Camera!!!
#ghost #realghost #camghost
#with: Gigiboz Soundcloud Gigiboz YouTube Trà Thanh
An old bus with soul of child was found in forest
#with: Gigiboz Soundcloud Gigi boz Trà Thanh Gigiboz YouTube
A video record catching ghost in hopital.
Wheelchair with no one at midnight ...in the hospital corridor
#with: Gigiboz YouTube Gigiboz Soundcloud Trà Thanh
#ghostvideo #ghostrecord #merrychristmas
Three short video from camera record the soul leave body when people die...
#with Gigiboz YouTube Gigiboz Soundcloud Trà Thanh
#cameraghost #ghostreal #ghost
A funny clip ....Ghost non real in thailand
#with Gigiboz Soundcloud Trà Thanh
#funnyghost #ghost #ghostfake
Dead body move .... is real vampire or zombie....?
Real Camera record short video ghost catching in factory
#ghost #videocatchingghost
#with: Gigiboz Soundcloud Trà Thanh
Camera catching a soul of young girl at the port land, the staff try contact by radio to notify...
#Ghost #cameraghost
Space without wind , but only a hammock move !!!😱😱
Camera quán quay lại Ma dạo quanh nhà lúc 23:12 2020-02-22
Ghost was catching in cam
Real ghost caught on tape in the hospital