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OCScreenwriters Writers in Orange County - Be Inspired, Do Good Work

The Orange County Screenwriters Association (OCSWA) is a not-for-profit organization conceived to be a connective resource of creative energy and real-world materials for professional and amateur writers and filmmakers.

Show Don't Tell (SDT) in visual arts is one of the commandments. Scriptwriting, both TV and feature, is a visual medium....

Show Don't Tell (SDT) in visual arts is one of the commandments. Scriptwriting, both TV and feature, is a visual medium. And although TV has historically been called a ‘talking heads’ medium, that is no longer as true as it was with multi-million dollar budgets going to series these days. The pilot for “Game of Thrones” cost upwards of eight million dollars. The production showed plenty and it was all gorgeously wrought.
SDT isn’t always the rule. There are times when you must tell. We have both dialogue and narrative in our toolbox. An agent I worked for told me once if the scripts I was reading for her consideration didn’t have great dialogue, put it on the pass pile.
But to understand the power of this scriptwriting trope, we can go to one of the best movies ever made: “The Godfather”.
Two scene sequences spring immediately to mind that tell everything by showing.
Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) has been attempting the entire film to avoid becoming involved with his family’s business. In the end, he has little choice, especially when his brother Sonny (James Caan) is brutally murdered after an attempt on their father’s life. War has been declared and Michael cannot avoid it.
During the baptism of Michael’s baby, filmmaker Coppola intercut the baptism scene with Michael’s revenge. Countless enemies of the Corleone family are gunned down while Michael and his family attend the baptism ceremony. A stark contrast to be sure and one that tells you everything you need to know about the world that Michael is now immersed in.
Similarly, the ending coda with Michael assuring his wife (Diane Keaton) that he did now kill her brother (he did), and reassured, as she’s leaving his office, a shot of a man kissing Michael’s ring and the office doors being closed on that secretive world tells us, by showing, that Michael is the new don.
Filmmaking just doesn’t get much better.


Plotpoints Podcast - are you listening?On Apple podcasts, Google, Amazon - everywhere - or direct on www.plotpoints.com

Plotpoints Podcast - are you listening?
On Apple podcasts, Google, Amazon - everywhere - or direct on www.plotpoints.com

Understand that this is NOT legal advice. It’s accurate AFAIK but copyright can be complicated have serious implications...

Understand that this is NOT legal advice. It’s accurate AFAIK but copyright can be complicated have serious implications so you should always check with an attorney when in doubt.
To answer the question presented…it depends. Let's compare and contrast:
- Both can be done online.
- U.S. Copyright is pricier ($45-$65) and has a somewhat more involved process. (https://copyright.gov/about/fees.html)
Writer Guild registration is much cheaper ($10 members, $20 non-members) and is easy-peasy comparatively. (https://www.wgawregistry.org/Register.aspx)
- U.S. Copyright gives you certain statutory rights (check with your lawyer) that Writer’s Guild registration does not.
- U.S. Copyright is a lifetime plus 20 years filing.
Writer’s Guild is 5 years and they don’t remind you when it’s time to renew.
- Anything you want can be U.S. copyrighted.
Writer’s Guild is limited in submission criteria although I don’t think they check what you’re registering and they have expanded the list a lot in the last few years. Again, please don’t take my word for it - verify it.
The last few years, I’ve been U.S. copyrighting everything once it’s finished although when I’m in a hurry I still do use the Writer’s Guild registration service.
NOTE: Whatever you decide, never send your work to a contest or a producer without doing some form of registration.

Blood Fiction, v.2The deal was, I had to shoot a civilian. And now I can see that the civilian is a kid. A kid on a swin...

Blood Fiction, v.2
The deal was, I had to shoot a civilian. And now I can see that the civilian is a kid. A kid on a swing. She’s just sitting there, with her head down and long hair drooping to her knees, swinging slightly left to right. She has cute little two-tone Buster Brown shoes and a short green tartan skirt. If I don’t shoot her, they’re gonna kill me.
The park is weirdly deserted, except for the girl on the swing. It’s a crappy little park, quiet except for the creaking of the rusty swing chains and the distant sounds of traffic. It’s not in Araña Venenosa turf, but they had cleared the area.
They told me she’s the daughter of a rival gang leader and that they were going to kill her no matter what I did. So, not a civilian. I wonder what she’s doing here alone.
Earl Javorsky, "Blood Fiction v.2" On Amazon
"Blood Fiction v.3" coming soon!

Mark Sevi's Scriptwriting Classes

Blood Fiction 2

Blood Fiction 2

Mark Sevi's Scriptwriting Classes

Take That First Step. Intro To Scriptwriting Class Starts Online May 30th.Let me show you how to put a script together. ...

Take That First Step.
Intro To Scriptwriting Class Starts Online May 30th.
Let me show you how to put a script together. TV, features, documentary – whatever your passion. I’ll take you from Fade In to the first pages of your story in a short time with a complete understanding of the art, craft, and business of scriptwriting.
This is a class that teaches all the fundamentals including:
• Story and Script Structure
• Tight Narrative
• Dialogue
• Story Themes
• And More!
Students agree: “Mark is a tireless, insightful student of the craft, and his classes/workshops will make you a better screenwriter regardless of your previous experience in the industry ~ JB”
I have decades of professional experience with 34 scripts sold and 19 made into features with an additional 16 producer credits.
Go to www.scriptwritingclasses.org now to register!

Mark Sevi's Scriptwriting Classes

TALK SHOP WITH A TOP COP (Free, On Zoom!)Writers, Don't Miss This Opportunity To Talk To A Technical Adviser!In 2001 Jef...

Writers, Don't Miss This Opportunity To Talk To A Technical Adviser!
In 2001 Jeff Walker swore to uphold the values of the L.A. Sheriff’s Department as a deputy sheriff. Since that time he has served honorably and with distinction in every aspect of the L.A.S.D. including patrol, jails, family vice, and undercover.
Sgt. Walker currently runs a strike team combating human trafficking and the stakes for some of the people he and his group save couldn’t be higher.
Jeff has done technical consulting on several film projects. This is your opportunity to make your script better by asking Jeff directly how the reality of police investigations work, and to understand the reality of what a serving officer does.
Among other topics, Jeff will be addressing:
What does Hollywood get right?
The difference between murder and homicide.
What does BOLO mean and how does that all work?
What’s it really like going undercover? How dangerous?
How does the L.A.S.D work and how is it different from the L.A.P.D.?
How hard is the job on these men and women who put their lives on the line each and every day?
What does a Crime Analyst do?
Join us on Saturday, May 25th at 10:30AM (Zoom) to hear Sergeant Walker’s take on all things police- and Hollywood TV and movies-related.
Register (simple) for Zoom link: www.scriptwritingclasses.org

Top Ten Tips For Terrific Scripts - May 18, 10:30AM (Free)- What's the most important element of any script or any story...

Top Ten Tips For Terrific Scripts - May 18, 10:30AM (Free)

- What's the most important element of any script or any story for that matter?
- What one thing is guaranteed to sink your script if you get it wrong?
- Why is it not actually 3-acts in scripts?
- Story essentials and more!

These and more questions will be answered by Mark Sevi, a professional scriptwriter with 34 scripts sold, 19 made into movies, and also with 16 producer credits on IMDB.
Mark has also published three books on scriptwriting, two story anthologies (with another coming soon), two books of fiction, and has been teaching scriptwriting for 20+ years.
Mark writes articles for Creative Screenwriting Magazine and Final Draft on scriptwriting/story technique. He is founder of the Orange County Screenwriters Association.

Come to this FREE online seminar to learn some great story and scriptwriting techniques, and to also get information about Mark's classes starting soon that have transformed people's writing.
All welcome!
Do a simple registration (name/email) at www.scriptwritingclasses.org

Let's be real. There's a lot of people asking for your eyeballs and money these days but: * How many of them have 25+ ye...

Let's be real.
There's a lot of people asking for your eyeballs and money these days but:
* How many of them have 25+ years of experience teaching?
* And 30+ years as a professional writer and producer? (IMDB)
* How many have written a revolutionary book on Scriptwriting, and two other books of tips and tricks for any writer? Amazon

My students, current and former, find tremendous value in my classes.
- "Every moment of time I have spent with Mark Sevi has been valuable and enriching.
- "His class method of teaching is direct, logical, helpful, and inspirational in every sense..."
- "Mark is a fantastic teacher. His classes are jam-packed with information, but never overwhelming; laying out complex theories simply and utilizing current works to demonstrate his points. In his seminars, he includes his points of view among the rest of the group, and does not make it the point of view - even with all his experience - which is so valuable when dealing with the amorphous nature of art."
- "I tried to write a screenplay for about 40 years, (and I mean multiple, serious efforts), and I couldn't do it until I started working with Mark."

Why wait? That movie in your head won't write itself. Let me help you realize your vision!

Come to the seminar on May 18th (MeetUp Events) and then sign up for classes!

Classes start Thursday, May 30th on Zoom.

INFO/REGISTRATION at www.scriptwritingclasses.org

That Movie In Your Head Won't Write Itself! Let Me Teach You How!You don't have to know anything about scriptwriting to ...

That Movie In Your Head Won't Write Itself! Let Me Teach You How!
You don't have to know anything about scriptwriting to take this class.
In eight, short weeks you will go from zero to working on your own script pages.
The class is formatted to help you create pages immediately and then build on previous work to continue that growth in a fun, dynamic lecture and peer-driven workshop.
Students are given all the tools they need to understand and implement scriptwriting techniques each week.

Sign Up/Info: https://www.scriptwritingclasses.org

Questions? 919-SCRIPTS or [email protected]

FREE Scriptwriting Seminar: What's It Take?That movie in your head won't write itself so explore your inner scriptwriter...

FREE Scriptwriting Seminar: What's It Take?

That movie in your head won't write itself so explore your inner scriptwriter with Mark Sevi, a professional screenwriter.

Find out more about the art, craft of all things scriptwriting and also get info on online scriptwriting classes available in this FREE seminar.

Mark Sevi, a professional writer with 19 movies produced (34 scripts sold) and 16 other films as producer (and seven books published), will be speaking on many topics including why structure is so essential for ANY writer!

* Scenes, narrative styles, dialogue, mythology, writing strategies - all and more will be covered.* Questions about the film business will be addressed as well.

Mark will also be discussing his award-winning book on scriptwriting "Quantum Scriptwriting" available through Amazon. www.amazon.com/author/marksevi

A Zoom link will be sent to enrolled attendees through the registration website. If there are issues leave a message here, or at contact (at) ocscreenwriters.com - or go to the website listed below.

Intro to Scriptwriting Classes Start Thursday, February 1, 2024. Sign up now at www.scriptwritingclasses.org.

Mark's latest articles for Creative Screenwriting Magazine are here: https://www.creativescreenwriting.com/author/Mark/38253/

Character (Who), Plot, (What), and Why (Theme) are the tentpoles of storytelling mastery. But what's missing?~~~A free s...

Character (Who), Plot, (What), and Why (Theme) are the tentpoles of storytelling mastery. But what's missing?
A free seminar by professional scriptwriter Mark Sevi will unveil missing elements in most stories that make anything you write stronger, more complete, and eminently more compelling.
Join Mark on Zoom on Saturday, October 14th, for a fun an informative seminar into both the basics and beyond of any story and specifically scriptwriting - and find out about his classes starting soon!
Mark's classes, taught over the last 25 years, and his books on scriptwriting have explored all the fundamentals of storytelling and screenwriting but also take you beyond the basics, opening doors to the best writing you can do.
Topics like structure, mythology, theme, scenes, etc. all are covered in an eight week course of writing and lectures.

ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83659559633
Meeting ID: 836 5955 9633
Sign in to find out more! It's FREE!
Mark Sevi is a professional writer with 34 scripts sold, 19 movies made, 16 additional as producer and five books published. He's been teaching for 25+ years.

There are few joys at times as a writer. It's tough, demanding, and sometimes with little reward. But celebrating with l...

There are few joys at times as a writer. It's tough, demanding, and sometimes with little reward. But celebrating with like-minded people is always a huge thrill.
The book release/signing at Book Carnival couldn't have gone better. My love and thanks to all the authors of "Blood Fiction, v.2" but especially those who came to the book store and shared the moments.
On Amazon.

Tired of the same old? Try something different. Some very talented writers will be chatting about their stories and thei...

Tired of the same old? Try something different. Some very talented writers will be chatting about their stories and their process.
Sunday, Oct. 8th, noon at Book Carnival in Orange.
Refreshments and fun!

Character (Who), Plot, (What), and Why (Theme) are the tentpoles of storytelling mastery. But what's missing? A FREE SEM...

Character (Who), Plot, (What), and Why (Theme) are the tentpoles of storytelling mastery. But what's missing?
A FREE SEMINAR on October 14, 10:30AM by professional scriptwriter Mark Sevi will unveil missing elements in most stories that make anything you write stronger, more complete, and eminently more compelling.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83659559633
Join Mark on Zoom on Saturday, October 14th, for a fun an informative seminar into both the basics and beyond of any story and specifically scriptwriting - and find out about his classes starting soon!
Mark's classes, taught over the last 25 years, and his books on scriptwriting have explored all the fundamentals of storytelling and screenwriting but also take you beyond the basics, opening doors to the best writing you can do.
Topics like structure, mythology, theme, scenes, etc. all are covered in an eight week course of writing and lectures.
Mark Sevi is a professional writer with 34 scripts sold, 19 movies made, 16 additional as producer and five books published. He's been teaching for 25+ years.

Actually…I don’t care. I just…don’t.  His last thoughts, current or future, don’t matter to me in the least. Tonight was...

Actually…I don’t care.
I just…don’t.
His last thoughts, current or future, don’t matter to me in the least. Tonight was his fault. His death would be his fault. Not mine. I was almost out—then he had to stroll along. He’ll get what he deserves. Just as I will.
“So, what happened next?”

Dennis Crosby, Blood Fiction, v.2

Come and meet the twisted storytellers of "Blood Fiction, v.2"INSIDE WERE TWO CASKETS supported by a metal stand. One op...

Come and meet the twisted storytellers of "Blood Fiction, v.2"
INSIDE WERE TWO CASKETS supported by a metal stand. One open and empty, the other closed. It was pewter colored and the lid heavy.
Floyd directed his flashlight beam inside.
A co**se. Covered with a white cloth. Eddie peeled it back. They jumped in unison. Jerry Crabtree’s body was wrapped in similar cloth, his exposed face a brownish, reddish mass of flesh.
Eddie felt his stomach lurch. He struggled not to vomit. “Good lord.” He stepped back. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
“You can,” Floyd said. “Think of it as two hundred and fifty bucks.”
* "Tonic", D.P. Lyle *

Come meet the twisted minds of Blood Fiction, v.2THE WOMAN gazed at the barbed wire. She sat against the Saguaro and bro...

Come meet the twisted minds of Blood Fiction, v.2
THE WOMAN gazed at the barbed wire. She sat against the Saguaro and broke a piece from a rib on the shattered side. She put it to her lips and chewed the fleshy pulp, then took the stringy remains from her mouth and rubbed them across her brow in protection from the sun. “I want to die,” she cried. “Why can’t I just die here?”
The man grasped the woman by the scarf wrapped around her neck. He yanked it tight and lifted her viciously to her feet. He clutched her close to his face and she stretched on her toes to prevent being choked. “Because we are as one - in body and soul, and in history. Eternally.”
From Blood Fiction, v.2 - Lorenzo Porricelli

BLOOD FICTION v.2 ANTHOLOGY! Meet the Award-Winning Authors! Book Signing/Book Release Party!Snacks, Prizes, Submissions...

Meet the Award-Winning Authors!
Book Signing/Book Release Party!
Snacks, Prizes, Submissions for v.3 will be considered!
Book Carnival Book Store, Sunday October 8, 2023 NOON

What's it take to write and market a script? Find out. Taught by Mark Sevi a professional scriptwriter and teacher. The ...

What's it take to write and market a script? Find out. Taught by Mark Sevi a professional scriptwriter and teacher. The registration link www.scriptwritingclasses.org

What's it take to write and market a script? Find out. Taught by Mark Sevi a professional scriptwriter and teacher.

What's it take to write and market a script? Find out. Taught by Mark Sevi a professional scriptwriter and teacher.

Mark Sevi and Author Dennis Crosby chat about writing and ChiTown.

Mark Sevi and Author Dennis Crosby chat about writing and ChiTown.



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