Latin American Literature Today

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Latin American Literature Today Latin American Literature Today is an online, multilingual journal affiliated with World Literature

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The mission of Latin American Literature Today (LALT) is to publish outstanding works of contemporary Latin American literature, both in their original language and in translation to English. We publish Latin American literature in the spirit of mutual generosity and understanding across borders, hoping to be of benefit to Latin America

itself and to the world that reads its writers in our digital pages. We seek to help Latin American writers by publishing their writing in English, to help Latin American readers by breaking down geographic boundaries between their countries, and to help English-language readers around the globe by inviting them to read Latin American literature in translation. With these goals in mind, we publish four quarterly issues a year, featuring fiction, poetry, interviews, essays, literary journalism, book reviews, and more. Please visit our website for submission guidelines:

There’s still time to support this groundbreaking project from Flecha Books: the first book on the work of Iris Alba, th...

There’s still time to support this groundbreaking project from Flecha Books: the first book on the work of Iris Alba, the innovative Argentine designer who redefined the aesthetics of Spanish-language publishing with her vibrant cover art.

Learn more at the link:

The first book on the work of influential Latinx Art Director and Designer. Prologue by Ellen Lupton.

Luz Marina Rivas nos brinda un panorama de los logros literarios de las escritoras venezolanas del siglo XXI en Letras L...

Luz Marina Rivas nos brinda un panorama de los logros literarios de las escritoras venezolanas del siglo XXI en Letras Libres:

Narrativas urbanas y cosmopolitas, novela histórica, migración y diáspora: dentro y fuera de Venezuela, las escritoras de ese país conforman un mapa lleno de vitalidad.

¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de participar en nuestro primer concurso de reseñas!Envíanos tu reseña literaria antes del...

¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de participar en nuestro primer concurso de reseñas!

Envíanos tu reseña literaria antes del 31 de diciembre y podrías ganar $50 USD y ver tu texto publicado en la revista en español e inglés.

Más información aquí, en Letralia:

I Concurso de Reseñas Latin American Literature Today 2023. Fecha: 31/12/2023. Premio: 50 dólares y publicación en español e inglés. Ámbito: internacional. Admite envíos por Internet.

Check out the interview with Zoque poet Mikeas Sánchez by Krishna Naranjo Zavala from our twenty-fifth issue, and tune i...

Check out the interview with Zoque poet Mikeas Sánchez by Krishna Naranjo Zavala from our twenty-fifth issue, and tune in to the upcoming edition of on Wednesday, December 6 at 2pm CST to hear Mikeas Sánchez in conversation with translators Wendy Call and Shook on their new collection HOW TO BE A GOOD SAVAGE AND OTHER POEMS, coming soon from Milkweed Editions.

Read the interview:

Register for LALTulsa via Zoom:

Poetry that Sows and Sings in Zoque: Her poems, inhabited by extraordinary entities and by voices both feminine and masculine, recreate song and prayer through their rhythmic patterns, as we read in her texts inspired by the traditional dances of her birthplace: Chapultenango, Chiapas.

On Wednesday, December 6 at 2pm CST, don’t miss a special preview of the new poetry collection HOW TO BE A GOOD SAVAGE A...

On Wednesday, December 6 at 2pm CST, don’t miss a special preview of the new poetry collection HOW TO BE A GOOD SAVAGE AND OTHER POEMS (coming soon from Milkweed Editions) at the upcoming edition of !

We’ll be in conversation with the book’s author, groundbreaking Zoque poet Mikeas Sánchez, plus prolific translators Wendy Call and Shook.

Click here to register via Zoom:

Click here to learn more about the book:

Amigos lectores en Santiago de Chile, no se pierdan la próxima edición del ciclo “La Ciudad y las Palabras”, presentado ...

Amigos lectores en Santiago de Chile, no se pierdan la próxima edición del ciclo “La Ciudad y las Palabras”, presentado por el Doctorado en Arquitectura y Estudios Urbanos PUC:

Felicitamos a María Negroni, poeta argentina y ganadora del VII Premio Internacional de Poesía Margarita Hierro, convoca...

Felicitamos a María Negroni, poeta argentina y ganadora del VII Premio Internacional de Poesía Margarita Hierro, convocado por la Fundación Centro de Poesía José Hierro, por su poemario UTILIDAD DE LAS ESTRELLAS, “un libro casi testamentario, que mira al mundo con esperanza y convencimiento”.

El poemario será publicado por Editorial Pre-Textos en 2024.

El poemario “Utilidad de las estrellas” fue seleccionado entre más de 800 inéditos por un jurado integrado por poetas y editores; se publicará en España en 2024; Negroni es la primera autora argentina que gana este premio

“Ella en realidad no cree en fantasmas, aunque asegure vivir con uno…”Elena San José acompaña a Cristina Rivera Garza, f...

“Ella en realidad no cree en fantasmas, aunque asegure vivir con uno…”

Elena San José acompaña a Cristina Rivera Garza, finalista del National Book Award 2023 de no ficción (National Book Foundation) por LILIANA’S INVINCIBLE SUMMER, en una jornada en la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara:

EL PAÍS acompaña a la escritora mexicana, recién ingresada en el Colegio Nacional, durante una jornada de la Feria del Libro de Guadalajara

Many thanks to all our valued readers who have contributed to our Fall 2023 fundraising campaign! We are just $520 away ...

Many thanks to all our valued readers who have contributed to our Fall 2023 fundraising campaign! We are just $520 away from reaching our $5,000 goal.

Share or donate at the link below to help us earn the full two-to-one match from our friends at the Whiting Foundation, and thank you for helping us share Latin American literature with the world.

¡Hoy se abre la convocatoria de nuestro primer concurso de reseñas!Envíanos tu reseña siguiendo las bases abajo y tendrá...

¡Hoy se abre la convocatoria de nuestro primer concurso de reseñas!

Envíanos tu reseña siguiendo las bases abajo y tendrás la oportunidad de ganar $50 y ver la reseña publicada en español e inglés.

Consulta aquí nuestras Normas de Publicación:

Many congratulations to LALT contributor Bruna Dantas Lobato and Brazilian novelist Stênio Gardel, translator and author...

Many congratulations to LALT contributor Bruna Dantas Lobato and Brazilian novelist Stênio Gardel, translator and author of THE WORDS THAT REMAIN (New Vessel Press) and winners of the 2023 National Book Award for Translated Literature from the National Book Foundation!

Announcing the Winners of the 2023 National Book Awards! The 74th Ceremony & Benefit Dinner was hosted by LeVar Burton and featured special guest Oprah Winfrey.

On Saturday, November 18 at 10am CST, tune in for a free online poetry reading co-sponsored by the “RESISTIR Groupe” of ...

On Saturday, November 18 at 10am CST, tune in for a free online poetry reading co-sponsored by the “RESISTIR Groupe” of Latin American PEN Centers of PEN International, World Literature Today, and Latin American Literature Today, featuring bilingual readings from the landmark anthologies RESISTIR, ANTOLOGÍA DE POESÍA LATINOAMERICANA 2020 and RESISTIR 2022-2023, 150 ESCRITORES MÁS.

More information and Zoom access here:

On Saturday, November 18 at 10am CST, the “RESISTIR Groupe” of Latin American PEN Centers, World Literature Today, and Latin American Literature Today will co-host an event, free and open to the public, showcasing thirty poets affiliated with eighteen Latin American PEN Centers from throughout t...

Felicitamos al escritor español Luis Mateo Díez, ganador del Premio Cervantes 2023 por su “prosa singular, que sorprende...

Felicitamos al escritor español Luis Mateo Díez, ganador del Premio Cervantes 2023 por su “prosa singular, que sorprende por sus continuos y nuevos desafíos”:

El novelista, autor de una obra en la que aúna la posguerra española y el género fantástico, consigue el máximo reconocimiento de la literatura en lengua castellana

LALT felicita a Luis López Carrasco y Camila Fabbri, ganador y finalista respectivamente del   de Editorial Anagrama:

LALT felicita a Luis López Carrasco y Camila Fabbri, ganador y finalista respectivamente del de Editorial Anagrama:

Don’t miss the brand new issue of The Common, our fellow winners of the Whiting Literary Magazine Prize from the Whiting...

Don’t miss the brand new issue of The Common, our fellow winners of the Whiting Literary Magazine Prize from the Whiting Foundation, featuring a special portfolio of writing from immigrant, seasonal, and migrant farmworkers, plus much more:

A special portfolio of writing from immigrant, seasonal, and migrant farmworkers, stories set in Chicago and India, an essay about coming of age in the Balkans, and poems by Rickey Laurentiis, Virginia Konchan, Joshua Burton, and Jonathan Moody.


New York! We are celebrating the launch of upcoming title FORGOTTEN MANUSCRIPT by iconic author Sergio Chejfec (tr. Jeffrey Lawrence) with an event at Unnameable Books in Brooklyn, Friday nov 10th @ 5pm. Come join!

“We returned home with our heads lowered, feeling ourselves vilely tricked…”Thomas Mira y Lopez translates renowned Braz...

“We returned home with our heads lowered, feeling ourselves vilely tricked…”

Thomas Mira y Lopez translates renowned Brazilian author José J. Veiga in our latest issue.

Read the story:

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Editor’s Note: This text is available to read in English and Portuguese. Clicking “Español” will take you to the Portuguese text.

Amigos en Santiago de Chile: el 7 de noviembre a las 6pm, no se pierdan  la participación de la autora y filóloga españo...

Amigos en Santiago de Chile: el 7 de noviembre a las 6pm, no se pierdan la participación de la autora y filóloga española Irene Vallejo —ganadora del Premio Nacional de Ensayo 2020 por su libro EL INFINITO EN UN JUNCO— en el ciclo “La Ciudad y las Palabras”, presentado por el Doctorado en Arquitectura y Estudios Urbanos PUC:

LALT le desea un muy feliz cumpleaños a la gran poeta uruguaya Ida Vitale, quien hoy cumple 100 años.Tuvimos el honor de...

LALT le desea un muy feliz cumpleaños a la gran poeta uruguaya Ida Vitale, quien hoy cumple 100 años.

Tuvimos el honor de destacar la poesía de Vitale en nuestro Nro. 12, con reflexiones sobre su obra por Irma Cantú, Katherine M. Hedeen y Víctor Rodríguez Núñez, más cinco poemas de su autoría.

Lee el dossier completo aquí:

En nuestro duodécimo número, rendimos homenaje a dos gigantes de las letras latinoamericanas: la uruguaya Ida Vitale, ganadora del Premio Cervantes 2018, y el peruano Julio Ramón Ribeyro, cuya obra celebramos en el nonagésimo aniversario de su nacimiento. También destacamos poesía, entrevistas...

¡No se pierdan la nueva edición de Poesía!

¡No se pierdan la nueva edición de Poesía!

Nueva edición de POESIA

Artista invitada: Annella Armas

Keep an eye out for SALT, the debut novel by Argentine writer Adriana Riva, translated by our phenomenal translation edi...

Keep an eye out for SALT, the debut novel by Argentine writer Adriana Riva, translated by our phenomenal translation editor Denise Kripper and coming soon from Veliz Books!

Enjoy a glimpse into our forthcoming novel in translation, SALT 💙 Written by and translated by

Coming soon!!!

“The spirit leaves if we don’t take care of itforges its own path if it is botheredtakes its own medicine if it gets sic...

“The spirit leaves if we don’t take care of it
forges its own path if it is bothered
takes its own medicine if it gets sick
it leaves, just like that, drifting over the sea
without saying goodbye…”

Gabriela Ramirez-Chavez translates Maya K’iche’-Kaqchikel poet Rosa Chávez in our latest issue, from DAUGHTERS OF LATIN AMERICA (Amistad).

Read the poems:

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Rech kqak’ama chi jumul ri quxlab’al

“I used to have a much more ‘romantic’ relationship to writing…”In Vogue, Emma Specter talks with Mexican writer Jazmina...

“I used to have a much more ‘romantic’ relationship to writing…”

In Vogue, Emma Specter talks with Mexican writer Jazmina Barrera about her novel CROSS-STITCH, translated by Christina MacSweeney and coming soon from Two Lines Press (The Center for the Art of Translation):

“Since my son was born, time became of the essence, and writing became something more urgent, something I desire and think about while I do other daily tasks, and that I run to when I have the chance,” says Barrera.

LALT felicita a María Ospina Pizano, escritora colombiana y ganadora del Premio de Literatura Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz ...

LALT felicita a María Ospina Pizano, escritora colombiana y ganadora del Premio de Literatura Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 2023 de la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara por su novela SOLO UN POCO AQUÍ:

🏆 El Premio de Literatura Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 2023 de la FIL Guadalajara es para la colombiana María Ospina Pizano por la novela "Solo un poco aquí". 🏆

🖋 El jurado, integrado por Sara P**t Herrera, Diana Sánchez y Daniel Centeno Maldonado, destacó la obra como “un bello y elaborado ejercicio de escritura creativa”.

🗓 La escritora recibirá el premio el miércoles 29 de noviembre a las 18:00 horas en una ceremonia que se llevará a cabo en el Auditorio Juan Rulfo.

Más información. 👇

La edición 2023 del Premio de Literatura Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz fue posible gracias al apoyo de El Claustro.


Tobias Carroll recommends a French graphic novel, poetry from Hong Kong, novels from Côte d’Ivoire and Mexico, and a q***r memoir from Italy.

“It was a relief to feel the script pushing me forward, even if the lines were hollow…”In Literary Hub, check out an exc...

“It was a relief to feel the script pushing me forward, even if the lines were hollow…”

In Literary Hub, check out an excerpt from FREE RADICALS by Rosa Beltrán, translated by Robin Myers and available now from Katakana editores and Hablemos, Escritoras.:

It wasn’t planned: it just happened. It happened to us. I was fourteen years old and found my mother outside the house. She was smiling, beautiful, her hair pulled back in a ponytail, sitting on th…

“There are shaman chants, breezy wishes, ethereal blessings, acerbic song lyrics, and desperate supplications…”Tess O’Dw...

“There are shaman chants, breezy wishes, ethereal blessings, acerbic song lyrics, and desperate supplications…”

Tess O’Dwyer reviews DAUGHTERS OF LATIN AMERICA (Amistad), the groundbreaking new anthology edited by Sandra Guzmán, in the latest issue of World Literature Today:

HarperCollins. 2023. 559 pages.

“Like the whole planet, I had nightmares in which my A.I. transformed into green smoke and floated out of its Altman ret...

“Like the whole planet, I had nightmares in which my A.I. transformed into green smoke and floated out of its Altman retrobands to take possession of my body...”

Will Vanderhyden translates futuristic fiction by Mexican writer Julián Herbert in

Read a new short story about A.I., addiction, and the trap of constant feedback.

Don’t miss the brand-new issue of World Literature Today, with a feature on artists of Iraqi descent, a mini-interview w...

Don’t miss the brand-new issue of World Literature Today, with a feature on artists of Iraqi descent, a mini-interview with Jazmina Barrera, a dispatch on “Traveling Mexico City’s Body by Metro” by Erik Gleibermann, and much more!

The November issue is out! It features 4 artists of Iraqi descent + essays, fiction, CNF, poetry, interviews, and book reviews from around the world. Check out the table of contents and begin reading now!

“We will guard your memory and return to you always…”Read and hear two trilingual poems in Didxazá, Spanish, and English...

“We will guard your memory
and return to you always…”

Read and hear two trilingual poems in Didxazá, Spanish, and English by renowned Isthmus Zapotec poet Irma Pineda, translated by Wendy Call, along with an enlightening translator’s note in the latest edition of World Literature Today:

Trilingual versions of two poems by Irma Pineda, in translations by Wendy Call

On behalf of all of us at LALT, many congratulations to Mauritian writer Ananda Devi, winner of the 2024 Neustadt Prize,...

On behalf of all of us at LALT, many congratulations to Mauritian writer Ananda Devi, winner of the 2024 Neustadt Prize, presented at the University of Oklahoma as the highlight of The Neustadt Prize and Festival!

Read more about her work below in World Literature Today:

Dinah Assouline Stillman interviewed Ananda Devi at the Assises Internationales du Roman de Lyon (AIR) festival in June 2012.

“Belli invents this traditional parlance by mixing antiquated phraseology with Peruvianisms, adhering to meter, to mytho...

“Belli invents this traditional parlance by mixing antiquated phraseology with Peruvianisms, adhering to meter, to mythology, and to the icons of mannerism…”

Iconic Chilean poet Enrique Lihn writes on the work of his friend, Peruvian poet Carlos Germán Belli, in the cover feature on Belli’s work in our new issue.

Read the essay:

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“Belli is a puzzling writer: he challenges readers of poetry on the right and on the left, who might wish to hem him within a spiritualist or crudely



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