Link in comments cuz it's Facebook
Our subject this week is #jerrymcdevitt he is the lawyer for WWE and sells us hard on #steroids #wrestling #wrestler #wwe #aew #roh #impactwrestling #wcw #nwa #wccw #uwf #prowrestler #prowrestling #wrestlingpodcast #podcast #wwwf #therock #stonecold #hulkhogan #wrestlemania #raw #smackdown #dynmiate #rampage #cmpunk #biography #wrestlingbiography
WWE’s lawyer owns Fox News #wrestling #wrestler #wwe #aew #roh #impactwrestling #wcw #nwa #wccw #uwf #prowrestler #prowrestling #wrestlingpodcast #podcast #wwwf #therock #stonecold #hulkhogan #wrestlemania #raw #smackdown #dynmiate #rampage #cmpunk #biography #wrestlingbiography
This week we're talking Bart Gunn! Here he is beating Bradshaw to death!
Missing Link ep is up at midnight! Here's a short match you pervs
Missing Link is out this Sunday at midnight EST on the free feed and before that sometime on the paid feed.
Drink piss!
We talk about Summerslam 1990 on the Patreon feed right now!
Here's a racist and a man wearing a confederate flag who are mad at a fat guy!
Tomorrow on our Patreon feed we have our run down of Summerslam 1990!
Here's the post match interview of the Hart Foundation!
This week we're talking about The Missing Link! Here's this juice bag's WWF debut!
Here's an Umaga match from way back baby!
This week we're talking about Umaga! Here he is as part of 3 minute warning, beating two old women
More Kid Kash from ECW! Our episode is available now for Patrons and tomorrow for regular nerds!
Kid Kash v Brian Kendrick on Smackdown, enjoy ur edging?
Here's Kid Kash being knocked out in 30 seconds in an MMA fight
This week our episode is about Kid Kash! Here's a match from the dying days of ECW were neither man was most likely paid
Reckless Youth vs Bryan Danielson in 144p footage baby!
Our episode on Reckless Youth is available on Patreon Thursday and for all you other losers Sunday at 12AM EST!
No joke this is just a great match. Our Chris Masters episode is available right now on SoundCloud!
Here's some buff guys being buff at each other from when Impact was on a farming channel
Here's John Cena taking the Masterlock Challenge before they totally gave up on Chris Masters!
This Sunday we have our Chris Masters episode available! Until then we're posting some of the hottt matches from his hottt career!