Entrepreneur seeking investor to start an actual magazine. We are advocates, activists, interested in stopping our own extinction through kindness in unique ways that Goths create. We support healthy lifestyles through sustainability, compassion, footprint minimization, respect, awesomeness, with a delicate and haunting style. Purple. Vegan Beauty. Politically aware and opinionated.
100% Green ~
Vegan ~ Progressive ~ and Compassionate. Compassion can heal, educate, improve, question, inspire, and teach. If there is nothing after death and if there is EVERYTHING after death, what is real is right now. What matters is how we treat this Earth, how we treat one another, how we treat and interact with other life within out own ecosystems. Healing the Earth is the only way humans will survive. The Planet will live on without us. Our Actions Matter. Our Words Our Power. We do not discriminate persons by their skin pigmentation, s*xual orientation, education level, s*x and/or transgender, profession, disability, geological location, or spiritual practices. We rebel against hatred and cruelty, puppy mills, animal testing, misogynists, idiocy, censorship, misandry, religious extremists, terrorists, human trafficking, poaching, r**e and molestation, outdated poaching laws, dictatorships, weapons of mass destruction, racial inequality, small minds, ignorance, murder and genocide. We celebrate diversity, creating tribes instead of strangers, differences and similarities, fantastic food, a God/dess - Like fashion sense, amazing music, Wicca and Witchcraft Holidays, Neo-Pagans, Sexual Health, Freedom and Education, the positive side of technology, global culture, mutual respect, endeavors of discovery, creativity, Inner beauty, beautiful decor, the peaceful transition of power, our amazing Universe, diplomacy, democracy and being better than we were yesterday!