TYPE "A Magazine for People Curious About Fonts". Become a Charter Member. https://typemag.org/join

“At first, I didn’t get graphic design. At all. I would draw graffiti-inspired flyers for my projects and fail.”Read the...

“At first, I didn’t get graphic design. At all. I would draw graffiti-inspired flyers for my projects and fail.”

Read the story of Studio Grand owner Jaamal Benjamin.

Who is Jaroslav Benda? A new book by Briefcase Type Foundry has the answer.

Who is Jaroslav Benda? A new book by Briefcase Type Foundry has the answer.

Rediscovering a long-lost master designer Who is Jaroslav Benda? Czech typographer Petra Dočekalová has spent the past seven years finding the answer. By Lucas Czarnecki · Posted One of TypeCon 2019’s most stylish and fascinating talks was a quick introduction to Jaroslav Benda, an obscure Czec...

This history of the printed ballot is as beautiful as voting is necessary.

This history of the printed ballot is as beautiful as voting is necessary.

History of type, Graphic design This Is What Democracy Looked Like Alicia Cheng’s new book explores the visual history of the American voting ballot. Incredibly, it makes voting today not look so bad. By Lucas Czarnecki · Posted The 2020 election has been marked by several oddities, including the...

History we didn't  know, from John Boardley.

History we didn't know, from John Boardley.

An introduction to early African American print culture; its authors, editors, journalists, printers and publishers in America. From protest pamphlets to the first Black newspapers & books.

Nils Thomsen spent years on the Pensum Trilogy. We talked to him about his process, founding TypeMates, and why he lets ...

Nils Thomsen spent years on the Pensum Trilogy. We talked to him about his process, founding TypeMates, and why he lets users try his fonts for free.

Nils Thomsen-Habermann at work in his TypeMates office. Profile, New type The making of a type trilogy How Nils Thomsen founded TypeMates, designed the Pensum trilogy of fonts, and decided to trust his users. Posted Nils Thomsen of TypeMates recently wrapped production on Pensum Sans, the final addi...

If you liked  , time to leave for  !

If you liked , time to leave for !

Introducing BITS9 speaker: Crystian Cruz

Crystian Cruz is a Brazilian graphic designer with broad experience in editorial design and typography. He holds a Master in Typeface Design from Reading University (UK) and is currently undertaking a PhD and teaching at the University of Newcastle, Australia. His research is exploring creative ways to use digital typography as a medium to provoke engagement to content.

As a practitioner, Crystian has worked for more than a decade as Creative Director of leading magazines and newspapers, and as Type Director at Africa, a notorious Brazilian advertising agency. He has been working as an independent consultant since 2014.

Specialized in creating bespoke fonts for editorial design and advertising, he is always trying to find ways to tweak type features to solve specific design problems. This approach led to the invention of type behaviours such as insertion of bar charts in fonts and an OpenType feature to automatically condense letters at the end of each text line.

Crystian is continuously featured in magazines and books related to Brazilian design and typographic scene and has been working as a part-time lecturer in typography and graphic design in bachelor and postgraduate courses in several institutions for the last 17 years. Since 2017 he is contributing to the international typographic scene as a board member of ATypI.


คริสเตียน ครูส เป็นนักออกแบบกราฟิกชาวบราซิล ที่สะสมประสบการณ์ด้านการออกแบบเพื่อเนื้อหาและการออกแบบตัวอักษร เขาจบการศึกษาระดับปริญญาโทด้านการออกแบบตัวอักษรจากมหาวิทยาลัยรีดดิ้ง (สหราชอาณาจักร) ปัจจุบันกำลังศึกษาระดับปริญญาเอกและสอนอยู่ที่มหาวิทยาลัยนิวคาสเซิล ออสเตรเลีย ผลงานการวิจัยของคริสเตียนมุ่งเน้นไปที่การศึกษาเรื่องวิธีการสร้างสรรค์ในการใช้แบบตัวอักษรดิจิทัลในฐานะสื่อกลางเพื่อสร้างการมีส่วนร่วมให้กับเนื้อหา

ในด้านของการทำงาน คริสเตียนทำงานเป็นผู้อำนวยการฝ่ายสร้างสรรค์ให้กับนิตยสารและหนังสือพิมพ์มายาวนานนับสิบปี มีตำแหน่งเป็นผู้อำนวยการฝ่ายออกแบบตัวอักษรในเอเจนซี่โฆษณา Africa ที่บราซิล โดยมีบทบาทเป็นที่ปรึกษาอิสระในปี 2014

จากความเชี่ยวชาญด้านการออกแบบฟอนต์สำหรับการดีไซน์เนื้อหาและโฆษณา คริสเตียนเป็นหนึ่งคนที่มุ่งมั่นในการหาหนทางที่จะพบมิติใหม่ๆ ของการใช้งานฟอนต์เพื่อแก้ไขปัญหาด้านการออกแบบโดยเฉพาะ เป้าหมายนี้นำไปสู่การคิดค้นพฤติกรรมใหม่ให้กับแบบตัวอักษร เช่น การแทรกกราฟแท่งเข้าไปในฟอนต์และการใช้งาน OpenType เพื่อทำให้ตัวอักษรแคบอัตโนมัติในแต่ละบรรทัด

คริสเตียนยังทำงานในวงการนิตยสารและหนังสือที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการออกแบบและตัวหนังสือในบราซิล และยังแบ่งเวลามาทำงานเป็นอาจารย์สอนด้านการออกแบบตัวอักษรและการออกแบบกราฟิกในระดับปริญญาตรีและโทที่หลากหลายสถาบันมาเป็นเวลากว่า 17 ปี โดยนับตั้งแต่ปี 2017 เขาได้มีผลงานระดับนานาชาติด้วยการเข้าร่วมเป็นสมาชิกของ ATypI

สำหรับผู้ที่สนใจรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม เข้าชมเว็บไซต์ของเรา http://bitscon.asia/

If you go to a lot of type conferences (like us) you’ll get some great presentations about fonts and design, but not muc...

If you go to a lot of type conferences (like us) you’ll get some great presentations about fonts and design, but not much talk about business.

At this Thursday Matthew Rechs, former head of Adobe Fonts, is running an intense two-hour bootcamp on the business of type design, with interactive games and plenty of give-and-take.

If you are a type designer, or want to be one, business may be a skill you’re still acquiring. Come to Chicago, register for the conference, and participate in this workshop. You should stay for Paul Shaw, Jen Ferrel, et al; it’s a great design program.

But what you gain from Matthew’s insight about foundries, retail channels, and custom sales, may pay for the whole thing—airfare, hotel, ticket, and dinner with friends!


 , Thursday and Friday. Planned as an informal conference that would be worth the time for all of us, now we’d say it's ...

, Thursday and Friday. Planned as an informal conference that would be worth the time for all of us, now we’d say it's worth the trip! Workshops, tours, presentations, conversation, and a little deep-dish pizza for the out-of-towners! https://typemag.org/typetales

One great thing about building a successful studio—like Rick Valicenti at Thirst—is your perspective about where we've b...

One great thing about building a successful studio—like Rick Valicenti at Thirst—is your perspective about where we've been and where we’re going. Rick tells that story at next Friday, and welcomes participants to his studio. Sign up!


Just two weeks away:TYPE TALES CHICAGOOctober 3-4: A look at the letterforms of Chicago, past present and future.https:/...

Just two weeks away:

October 3-4: A look at the letterforms of Chicago, past present and future.


Join us for an informal conference where we exchange the stories Chicago’s letterforms—past, present, and future.

Thursday is a day for exploration, punctuated by a reception and the opening talk. Friday, a series of presentations and conversations—with plenty of time for questions . . . and comments. Full program and updates, here.

On Thursday, Oct. 3, badge-holders can sign up for studio visits at Thirst (with Rick Valicenti) and Starshaped Press (Jen Farrell). A Type Walk (with Paul Shaw) and a tour of Printer’s Row (with Jackson Cavanaugh). And a special look at the Design Museum of Chicago (with Tanner Woodford).

In the evening, a reception (with some deep-dish pizza for the out-of-towners), sponsored by Google Fonts. And then the opening talk by Paul Shaw.

On Friday a single track of presentations, with time for questions and comments, moderated by Susan Mango Curtis. Program runs 9:00 am to 6:00 pm with a 90-minute lunch break.


Steve Matteson,The Early Goudy

Jen Farrell, Letterpress in 2020

Rick Valicenti, The Surrounding Type

Patric King, A New Typeface for Chicago

Doug Thomas, J.L. Frazier and The Inland Printer

Will Miller & Nermin Moufti
A conversation about Firebelly Design

Sharon Oiga & Guy Villa, Jr., Chicago Design through the Decades

Closing Conversation: A wrap-up with all participants led by Susan Mango Curtis

October 3-4 2019

Columbia College Chicago
1104 South Wabash Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60605


Presented by TYPE Magazine
With support from Steve Shaiman
Sponosored by Google Fonts and Font Bureau

Join TYPE before the end of the month and get all the issues in the next 12 months. Memberships are $29 in the US and $5...

Join TYPE before the end of the month and get all the issues in the next 12 months. Memberships are $29 in the US and $59 internationally. http://ow.ly/kud330mTj1V

A complete typography survey of the 2018 elections for TYPE magazine. By Nolen Strals and Bruce Willen, New York/Baltimo...

A complete typography survey of the 2018 elections for TYPE magazine. By Nolen Strals and Bruce Willen, New York/Baltimore designers. Some great type branding, new palettes beyond red-white-and-blue, and strong local identity. In other cases, Gotham.

A preview of TYPE No. 3, now getting ready for the press.


The TYPE team is thinking about Paul Shaw, the type expert and writer, and guide on so many wonderful letterform walking...

The TYPE team is thinking about Paul Shaw, the type expert and writer, and guide on so many wonderful letterform walking tours in cities all over the world. Paul was wantonly attacked in Bryant Park last week, and nearly killed. We're contributing to the Kickstarter campaign to help with medical expenses, and, sadly, loss of income during his recovery. Please join us.


We're hoping Paul will be up and about soon, and back to his great writing, like the Wolpiana story in TYPE No. 2.

We're collecting funds to help Paul Shaw, a fixture in the typography, calligraphy and design world. He's one of the kindest persons I've ever met. Please donate to help with medical bills, additional surgeries and whatever he needs after a random act of violence in broad daylight on October 18th...

: TYPE magazine is introduced to the Southeast Asia type community at BITS 8, in Hua Hin.

: TYPE magazine is introduced to the Southeast Asia type community at BITS 8, in Hua Hin.

• TYPE Magazine No.2 from Type network

Goodies bag

TypeCon starts in a week, and its program might be the most interesting in the conference’s 20-year history. See our pic...

TypeCon starts in a week, and its program might be the most interesting in the conference’s 20-year history.

See our picks for the ten most interesting regular program talks.

TYPE thanks the amazing speakers at TAORS on Friday. Chris AustopchukRoger BlackAndy CowlesJoe HutchinsonKory KennedyLau...

TYPE thanks the amazing speakers at TAORS on Friday.

Chris Austopchuk
Roger Black
Andy Cowles
Joe Hutchinson
Kory Kennedy
Laurie Kratochvil
Karen Mullarkey
Jodi Peckman
Melanie Ress
Gus Wenner
John Williams
Martine Winter
Vincent Winter
Fred Woodward
Baron Wolman
Lloyd Ziff

Plus the great moderators:
Debbie Millman
Terry McDonell

Plus: The Fora.tv team, who recorded the whole thing, and will post in late July.
Bob Appel
Jon Lee

Thank you to all the TYPE members and everyone who bought a ticket. An amazing group!

We're grateful to our sponsors who made it possible!

Rolling Stone and PMC:
Jay Penske
Gus Wenner
Amber Mundinger
Bridget Schelzi

William R. Hearst III
John Goecke

Type Network:
Sam Berlow
Paley Dreier
Tamye Riggs

Plus our good friends:

Type Directors Club
Society of Publication Designers
Society for News Design
Type Thursday

And special thanks to James Reyman, who let us use his studio as a base for the event!

--Roger Black and Lucas Czarnecki


Photo: The first session, the First 10 Years, with Debbie Millman, Lloyd Ziff, Roger Black, John Williams and Vincent Winter.

"I don’t think I’ve ever had a philosophy about type, or if I did, it was 'Steal from the best.' When I was @ RS my infl...

"I don’t think I’ve ever had a philosophy about type, or if I did, it was 'Steal from the best.' When I was @ RS my influences were NOVA from England, TWEN from Germany, Henry Wolf, then Marvin Israel & Ruth Ansel & Bea Feitler @ HARPER’S BAZAAR, & Bea again when she did Ms. I basically responded to great work. Working w/Mike Salisbury @ RS I learned that ideas are what made people remember your work. Later I learned that Diana Vreeland had put it another, better way: 'Give them what they never knew they wanted.'"

--Lloyd Ziff

One of the speakers at TYPE's first event, The Art of Rolling Stone, May 25 in New York


Lloyd was associate art director of Rolling Stone in the mid-70s, and then chief art director at several Conde Nast magazines, including Vanity Fair and House & Garden. Since 2000 he has focused on photography and a couple of years ago published a remarkable two volume book of his work, New York/Los Angeles.




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“A Magazine for People Curious About Fonts”