Wednesday Wisdom w/ Mrs Ann: What's Your Vision?
What is "vision" and why is it so important to have a vision if tomorrow isn't promised? Join me as I discuss this subject and show you why vision is so important.
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Wednesday Wisdom w/ Mrs Ann: Ridding the Junk in Your Trunk
If you feel bogged down mentally, spiritually, physically, or financially you may be carrying aroud some excess "junk".
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Wednesday Wisdom w/ Mrs Ann: Casting your cares
When life is continuing to happen around you, as it will, what do you do when worry & anxiety tries to invade your mind & heart?
Join me in discussing how to truly cast your cares upon the one who cares for you.
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Wednesday Wisdom w/ Mrs Ann
Discussion on the Wednesday Wisdom 5-Week Journal Challenge
Join us while we discuss Proverbs 3:5 when we don't FEEL it
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There's NOTHING you'll ever experience that God has not approved for your journey. Seek Him first and He'll guide you every step of the way❣️
#SMACTalk #smactalkhuddle2023 #sisters #mothers #aunts #cousins #affirming #confirming #molding #motivating #awomansworth #purposedrivenlife
We know not everyone can relate to this young man's perspective however, we believe it's safe to say the we all have a "Mother figure" we can relate this to.
Come and check out this amazing event on Friday, Dec 8th, and Saturday, Dec 9th as we discuss The Worth of a Woman from a male perspective, and then take you on a journey to discovering how to walk out a purpose driven life.
#SMACTalk #smactalkhuddle #awomansworth #sisters #mothers #aunts #cousins #amothersworth #IGotMyMama
Friday night you have the opportunity to ask a panel of men for their perspective on The Worth of a Woman.
Many times relationship aren't cohesive because we simply misunderstand one another. This year we want to clear some misconceptions and provide some clarification regarding a man's mindset about women.
Whether you're single, married, a Mother, a woman in ministry, or a woman who owns her own business, all of our panelists are ready to share their heart regarding the woman's worth in addition to answering any questions you bring into the room.
This is the first 2-day Huddle we've presented and it's going to be FIIIIRE!🔥🔥🔥🔥
Get your tickets before registration closes.
The Worth of a Woman- A Woman in Ministry’s Worth
Join me and Pastor Karen W. as we talk about A Woman in Ministry’s Worth. Karen will share with us on how to embrace the highs and lows of the call in ministry.
If you're a female Ministry leader, Women's Ministry leader, or feel that you're being called INTO ministry or leadership, this is a conversation you don't want to miss bring a part of. Come with questions and expectaction. Leave encouraged!
The Worth of a Woman: A Mother's Worth
Be sure to set your reminder to meet us here on October 24, 2023 at 7pm EST [6pm CST]. The Boss Life Mom, TeLeah T. will be joining me to talk about Defining, Designing, & Refining The Mother Role. This conversation you Do Not Wanna Miss!!!
The Worth of a Woman: Finding you after losing him
Hey Ladies, if you've been married or in a long-term relationship that ended, you understand how the breakup can leave you feeling lost, alone, and depleted of self-worth.
Well join myself, Huddle Speaker Laur'N C. and Beauty Expert Theresa V. as we discuss how to find you after losing him, because every love loss doesn't mean you have to end up lost.
The Worth of [Married] Woman: This 'Is' and 'Is Not' of it.
Join Riderra & Mrs Ann to talk about the upcoming Annual SMAC Talk Huddle
SMAC Talk: The Worth of a Woman~~Finding your truest self inside out
How do you determine the Worth of a Woman?
How do you determine a Single Woman's Worth?
How do you find your truest self from the inside out?
Let's SMAC Talk about it.
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 at 7:15pm
Ladies~1 Minute to Ask Him.....
What questions would you as him....
SMAC Talk w/ Mrs Ann
I'm sure there's been things in life that have left you feeling as if you didn't know which way was up, or as if you didn't know if you were coming or going. I know I sure have. Unfortunately many times we are embarrassed to share those moments in life out of fear of what others will say about us. As a result, many of you are living with
👉🏾 low self-esteem
👉🏾 addictions
👉🏾 self-hatred
👉🏾 abusive relationships
👉🏾 depression
👉🏾 anxiety & more
To top it off, social media has many of you following digital creators and influencers who are superb at making a bad situation LOOK really pretty. Here's a FREE tip for today!
🛑 Stop believing the hype.
True success in conquering life comes from dealing with the realities of what's really going on. Not what's captured in the frame of a camera or the eloquence of words in a post.
What I do & where I assist women is in helping them deal with the real issues in areas that impact them such as:
💫 the pain of their past
💫 feeling less than
💫 discovering purpose and answering to it
I come alongside women to help them walk in authentic freedom and joy within.
Beginning July 1st, I want to help SIX (6) women that are tired of being stuck, confused, and overly stressed about where they're at in life and are truly ready to transform life into something bright and new!
IF that's you and you're ready to transform your life from what you wish you could have done to what you're now accomplishing, Inbox "I'm Ready"!
Serious inquires only please. If you simply want to know what the post is about, just ask.
Huddle Up! If you're not a part of the SMAC Talk community you should be!
Did you attend the 4th or 5th Annual SMAC Talk Huddle???
If so I have something for you!
If you did not, we'll I've got something for you also.
Be sure you like and follow SMAC Talk to stay up-to-date on special offers for my SMAC community!
See ya soon!
Go to "Stay Connected" at
List 3 Reasons why you would like to attend the FREE Personal Life Activation Session.
Would you like guaranteed seating? Purchase a copy of Identity Theft: Reclaiming Your Victory and email your Proof of Purchase to [email protected] with "POP" in the subject line!