Taiwo Peter

Taiwo Peter Lover Of The Almighty God!


Brokenness brings you to a point of seeing the vanity of life; it makes you understand that there is nothing in this world. If you have never been broken in life you may not get the point. Listen, it is through brokenness that you will understand that it is possible to run fast and fail, and also it is possible to run slow and sure.

1. Brokenness can be orchestrated by Divine purpose.
2. Brokenness can come through your mistakes to make or mar you.
3. Brokenness can come through demonic targets.

I prophesy, God shall use your broken state as a tool to make you great. In Jesus mighty name.


Don’t play with temptation. Resist temptation.


Take note of these:

When you try to help negative minded people, they can paint your help in a negative light, and turn your good to evil. Scripture says: Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20. This is what negative minded people do.

A judas is a Judas. There is no amount of help that can change a Judas (betrayer). There are people that when you try to be their helper, you will die like a l***r, because they will surely betray you. Cut such people off, so they don’t destroy your life.

There are people who feel you owe them help, such people will always want to put you under pressure to help them. Be careful, don’t respond to unnecessary pressures from entitled people.

These are people who feel too holy to be helped. They feel they are more righteous than you so even if you help them they will disregard your help and disregard you.

Victim mentality makes you feel disadvantaged and hurt even without a cause. People with victim mentality are complainers and whiners who always feel victimized, they can even say you are helping them to victimize them.

Give money to a lazy man, it will further his trade in laziness. To keep helping a lazy man is to encourage his laziness and paralyze his greatness. Scripture says: He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster. Proverbs 18:9.

Ungrateful people will receive help from you, and still treat you as if you have never helped them in your life. If you are not grateful, you may end as a great fool without helpers.

I prophesy, on the journey of greatness God shall send you helpers and also make you a helper to many. In Jesus name.


God first gives you ASSIGNMENT before he gives you ANNOUNCEMENT; He gives you an aim before He gives you a name (Genesis 12:1-3). To refuse the assignment is to refute your announcement in destiny.

Amazingly, many people are seeking to have announcement and name, when they don't even know their assignment in destiny. Truth be told, the announcement even comes through the effectiveness of the assignment.

Go and find your assignment in destiny. I prophesy, God shall announce you by the effectiveness of your assignment. In Jesus mighty name.


You are what you THINK you are. Your mental configuration determines your life’s configuration (Proverbs 23:7). Listen, the lion is not the strongest in the jungle, the elephant is, the lion is not the most intelligent in the jungle, the chimpanzee is, the lion is also not the fastest in the jungle, the cheetah is. But yet the lion is the king of the jungle, because the mentality of the lion is configured to rule and dominate. Get this: Your life cannot be correct until your mentality is correct.

God created you in His image for dominion and to rule in greatness, but if your mentality is not configured in this order, you will remain in great mess even while you carry a great destiny. Scripture says: And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Genesis 1:26.

There is a great destiny in everyone, but not everyone has the mentality for a great destiny that is why some become great and others never smell greatness in destiny. Understand that the mentality of a great destiny is cultivated, not prayed for. You must decisively get out of mental limitations and open your mind greatness.

I prophesy, you are free from every mental imprisonment limiting the greatness of your destiny. In Jesus name.


Prayer is not what you boast and brag about, it is your personal walk with God. It is spiritual arrogance to boast on how long you can pray rather than boast on the finished work of Christ. Ephesians 2:9 says: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Christ saved you, not your long prayers. It is okay to pray long, but it is better to pray in spirit.

Beyond just praying long, the impact of prayer on your life is what matters. Make your prayer a matter of relationship, not a matter of activity. Prayer is a dialogue, not a monologue. You can pray long and still pray wrong if your prayer is not born out of relationship with God in Spirit.

Receive the grace to pray right and activate right results. In Jesus name.



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Take note of these and be practical:

There is a level of knowledge and wisdom you encounter to access certain levels in life and destiny. Without encounter with knowledge and wisdom, you will navigate life in dramatic struggles as though your heavens are completely locked. You must search out knowledge and wisdom. Scripture says: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs 24:4.

There are people you meet in life that turn your life around for good. In the same way, there are people you meet and your life gets destroyed; whom you meet determines what meets you. Encounter with great personalities will open you up to the possibilities of greatness. Your connection determines your collection.

Encounter with God settles you in the treasures of God, and makes you have the signature of the backing of God. The person who backs you will determine how far you will go in life. If you don’t have a backing by encounter with God, your back will end on the ground. If you must access the treasures of God, go for encounter with God. It was Moses' encounter with God that opened him to the treasures of God and gave him the backing of God even while he confronted Pharaoh (Exodus 3:1-7).

Encounter with yourself (personal encounter) means having self-discovery to provoke destiny recovery, and realize the essence of your existence. It is that point where you come to yourself and realize that you need to live better than you are living. Scripture reveals that the prodigal son lived a wasteful and wretched life until he came to himself; that was self-discovery. And this self-discovery activated destiny recovery. The moment the prodigal son discovered himself and knew that his life was going wrong, he recovered his destiny then returned to his father (Luke 15:11-32).

I prophesy, your life shall be immersed in the specific type of encounter needed to propel you to your breakthrough and break-forth in destiny. In Jesus name.


Evangelist Ope says: “Today when we hear the word ‘calling’, the first thing that comes to mind is ‘ministry’. When I say ‘ministry’, I mean the work of God! Calling is not limited to ministry. Our fathers of faith were called by God but not all were called into ministry. Take Father Abraham, who had a calling in business yet served God wholeheartedly and became the Father of many nations. Gideon was called into the military by God and fulfilled His calling by delivering his people out of captivity (Judges 6:12). David was called and anointed by God to be a leader (king) and he fulfilled his calling as one of the greatest kings of Israel (1 Samuel 16). Luke was a Physician (Colossians 4:14). Zenas was a lawyer (Titus 3:13).”


Everybody cannot rise at the same time in a family, God will first raise one as a pillar, then other pillars can rise through that existing pillar. Jacob had twelve children but Joseph was the pillar of the family. Amongst the sons of Jesse, David was the pillar. Some of you are the Joseph and David of your family, and you must recognize and stand in your place as a pillar.

The problem with many people and families is that they attack and destroy the pillars in their family just because of hatred and jealousy just like Joseph’s brothers did. Scripture says, And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more (Genesis 37:5). Many families are suffering today because they have killed their pillar out of hatred and jealousy.

When you attack and destroy the pillars in your family, you are a caterpillar. When you see people getting jealous and hating the person God has raised as pillars in their family, they are simply operating with a caterpillar mentality. Joseph’s brothers had caterpillar mentality that was why they sold him into slavery to destroy his life and destiny, but God turned the story around for Joseph. Scripture says:…And they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt (Genesis 37:28).

I prophesy, every satanic caterpillar targeted to stop you from rising as a pillar in your family is scattered by fire. In Jesus mighty name.


Evangelist Ope says: “When God made man, what mattered to Him was not his physical or mental disposition but one who would be a stakeholder in His master plan. There is a master plan. Every man Got created has a divine cause to fulfil in this master plan. You have a role to play in this master plan; you are part of God's plan. God Almighty has a plan for you. The fact that God Almighty has a plan for you does not mean that He will plan for you, because God honours men who plan. God has a purpose, a calling for everyone he has created. John 1:9 makes me understand that every man born into this world came with a calling.”


The assignment of the devil is not just to make men sin, but to attack the flesh of men with sickness to cause premature death so that they will be hindered from being used as vessels of impact by the move of Holy Ghost. The devil is interested in killing one man of God in order to prevent him from winning one million souls; he is interested in afflicting the flesh of one believer to stop him from winning one million souls.

Listen, always take care of your flesh and pray for Divine health, because once the devil afflicts your flesh and kills you, there is no way you can host the move of the Spirit or be a partaker in the mighty wonders of God. Scripture says: Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you (Philippians 1:24).

Many people have reduced the flesh to an object of sinful living that is why they have fallen victim of satanic fleshly afflictions targeted at stopping them from partaking of the move of the Spirit. Many people have not opened their flesh to the move of the spirit because of sinfulness that is why they are not experiencing mighty wonders.

I prophesy, every devil attempting to afflict your flesh to kill you and prevent you from partaking of the move of the spirit is arrested by fire. In Jesus name.






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