❤️Druzimo se nesvakidasnje na otvaranju ljetnje sezone❤️
✨Izaberi viziju i provedi vikend u Herceg Novom 23-24. Juna na tvrđavi Forte Mare uz nesvakidašnji pogled na ulaz u Boku. Za ovogodišnje otvaranje ljetnje sezone imamo čast da po prvi put u Crnoj Gori plešemo uz zvuke legende i gospodina John Digweed-a ! U magičnom vikendu pridružit će nam se i Jimmy Van M , još jedan mag sa Bedrock etikete , kao i tvorac Lost&Found zvuka , harizmatični izraelac Guy J . Kao podrška za mix pultom pridružit će se RP3D iz SAD , kao i domaće snage u sastavu: Audiostorm, Bodzie, Novak, P.S. i Raven Tk .
Ulaznice u prodaji od Ponedjeljka 29. Maja.
Sve dodatne najave i informacije zapratite 👉 .vision 👈
✨Choose a vision and spend the weekend of June 23-24 in Herceg Novi at the Forte Mare fortress, which offers an unusual view of the entrance to Boka Bay. For this year's opening of the summer season, we are honored to have opportunity to dance to the sounds of a legend , Mr. for the first time in Montenegro! During this magical weekend, we will also be joined by , another magician from the Bedrock label, as well as the charismatic Israeli , who is the creator of the Lost&Found sound . from the USA will be providing support at the mix desk, along with local talent consisting of: , , Novak , and .
Tickets on sale from Monday, May 29.
Follow 👉 .vision 👈 for all additional announcements and information