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Your Brand no matter how inconspicuous it is now can grow bigger and better only if you protect and nurture it? The key ...

Your Brand no matter how inconspicuous it is now can grow bigger and better only if you protect and nurture it? The key lies in crafting and executing a brand growth and visibility campaign that resonates, captivates, and sparks connection with your target audience. At Alive Destiny Media (ADM), we do this with ease because we know the formular to get it done.

We specialize in the art of building and managing brand experiences, utilizing innovative marketing communication tools and strategies. Our approach ensures your brand not only stands out but becomes a magnetic force in your industry.

Ready to transform your brand narrative? Reach out to us today or explore more at

ADM... where brands come alive with strategic precision.

Please follow Alive Destiny MediaIs your brand invisible or hidden and thus sales and marketing of your products have be...

Please follow Alive Destiny Media

Is your brand invisible or hidden and thus sales and marketing of your products have become herculean? Envision your brand becoming bold and visible for all to see. The key lies in crafting and executing a brand visibility campaign that resonates, captivates, and sparks connection. At Alive Destiny Media (ADM), the formula for this is as simple as ABC.

We specialize in the art of building and managing brand experiences, utilizing avant-garde marketing communication tools and strategies. Our approach ensures your brand not only stands out but becomes a magnetic force in your industry.

Ready to transform your brand narrative? Give us a call today or explore more at

ADM... where brands come alive with strategic precision.

We recommend this if you'd love to make more impact for the Kingdom. To your success!

We recommend this if you'd love to make more impact for the Kingdom. To your success!

Discover your identity and inheritance in God. Find out how ordinary disciples are making disciples and starting incredible movements around the world. It could happen in your area too!

Excellence has a high price that only those who value it are willing to pay. Yes, portraying a life of excellence in lif...

Excellence has a high price that only those who value it are willing to pay. Yes, portraying a life of excellence in life and ministry is not cheap but the truth is that the cost of portraying excellence is very worth every penny you expend on it.

I often watch many Pastors and ministry leaders always trying to cut cost when it comes to packaging the gospel of the Kingdom they preach and I shake my head. I have also seen and observed that those who do not spare a dime in putting everything it takes to packaging and making attractive the gospel of the Kingdom they preach often succeed faster in ministry because many more people embrace them and their message.

When I talk about packaging the message of the kingdom I mean every communication tools (both physical and digital) used to attract and invite seekers to meetings. By communication tools I mean signboard, banners, posters, flyers and tracts (both printed and e-version, website etc.

Please never make the mistake of going to roadside designers to create these communication materials but allow professionals in the field to handle that for you. The reason is that today the communication tools and the way they are packaged and transmitted is evolving at a very fast pace. Most roadside designers don’t understand this trend talk less of keeping pace with it.

I often marvel when I see Churches and ministries scan a copy of their physical flyers and upload them on the social media. It is because they don’t perhaps understand that the format for e-flyer designs are quite different from the physical or printed ones they are used to. When you or your ministry commit this kind of error you are simply putting your ministry behind by a mile.

There is so much to say on this point alone but for time and space. If you want my team to handle your ministry’s communication and outreach for you please click on the link below to submit an enquiry form and we shall get back to you soon.

5 FACTS ABOUT PORTRAYING EXCELLENCE EVERY MINISTRY LEADER MUST KNOWThe subject of highlighting the importance of excelle...


The subject of highlighting the importance of excellence in ministry is perhaps one of the areas of my greatest passion. This is because daily I watch in utter dismay how many Churches and ministries shade or cover the gospel of the Kingdom of God from many that would have hitherto embraced it. Now I am talking about those who have the true gospel but decided to put it under the bushel of mediocrity. And I am the more pained when false prophets and teachers; wolves in sheep clothing portray excellence in the way they preach their false gospel and hence deceive many.

We have a message and it is the good news of the Kingdom. This must be properly packaged and amplified so that it will reach as many as possible. This series will serve as a foundation for many articles that will be written on this important subject.

God willing from tomorrow we will begin to look into these facts one by one and we trust God to bring an enduring change in the lives and ministries of not a few servants of God. If you missed all our previous series or wish to go over them kindly click the link below.

Please do not hesitate to like and share this series widely among God’s servants. Your feedback is also highly coveted. Shalom!

The subject of highlighting the importance of excellence in ministry is perhaps one of the areas of my greatest passion. This is because daily I watch in utter dismay how many Churches and ministries shade or cover the gospel of the Kingdom of God from many that would have hitherto embraced it. Now....

If you are a Pastor or ministry leader and you are interested in getting your brand management right please take this se...

If you are a Pastor or ministry leader and you are interested in getting your brand management right please take this serious.



In this treatise on ‘How to Metamorphose Your Church or Ministry into a Truly Global One’ we have touched on some important foundations without which will the whole effort seem like a child’s play. Last time we also discussed the perfect timing your ministry should go live. Today we discuss, ‘Building a Virtual Hub for Your Ministry’.

Every Church and ministry leader ought to have a more in-depth understanding of the virtual world and how to harness all the opportunities for their ministry. This is important because it is only the few that understand this virtual (or online) terrain that will be equipped to fully explore all the opportunities.

When the Lord Jesus walked the earth, He realised that most people see the spiritual things of the kingdom as abstract things they found difficult to relate with so He simply demystified spiritual things by relating them to physical phenomenon. He will say things like, “The Kingdom of God is like this or it is like that” so they can know and understand how real the things of the Spirit are.

The way most people in business and ministry relate to the virtual world show that they still see it as an intangible and ephemeral world that doesn’t really matter, thus they don’t place much importance to it and aren’t willing to invest in it as they would a physical project. This attitude must change for every minister of the gospel that seek to maximise his ore ministry in the 21st century.
Gone are the days when the social media are only used as announcement or notice board for upcoming physical events. Every ministry that seek to make an indelible impact today must first learn how to build a reasonable online following using a combination digital tools and strategies meant for this purpose.
We will explore these tools and strategies next so that every ministry and Church leaders will begin to be intentional about their online presence and digital outreaches.

Kindly tag (or forward) this to a Pastor or minister of the gospel you think need this and watch out as we continue to highlight one after the other important steps you can take to metamorphose your church or ministry into a truly global one.

Jerry Dan Goldman, a Digital Marketing expert, CEO, Alive Destiny Media (ADM) and Chief Consultant, Church on the Web, an initiative geared towards equipping Churches and ministries to take advantage of and maximise the digital media evolution currently sweeping the world.

You can reach us on
Email: [email protected]
You can also visit to learn more

Get the crux of the matter in this series here...

Get the crux of the matter in this series here...


STEP 9: THE CRUX OF THE MATTER- Give Attention to Your Virtual Office

In this series about learning how to metamorphose your church or ministry into a truly global one we have discussed 9 important steps in this journey but today we will be discussing the crux of the matter. We have said all we said to say what we are now about to say. This is because is because all the steps we have discussed so far need to be put in place before establishing your virtual office. If you missed these earlier discourses in this series ask the person that forwarded this to you to forward the previous discourses or their links to you so you can catch up with the big picture.

To build a truly global ministry today you don’t need a big office complex nor a gigantic worship centre. What matters today is your virtual office (i.e. your ministry website) and your online streaming gadgets. Today we will focus on only the virtual office.

With the global digital revolution fanned into flame by the Covid 19 lockdown exercises globally attention is now being given to the virtual office of Organisations over above the physical office because this might be the only meeting point between the Organisation and her target audience. Almost all kinds of engagements and exchanges are now being carried out between Organisations and their target audience in the virtual world through different evolving technologies. Because of the above today corporate websites are now evolving from mere information board to a more complex function of serving as virtual offices.

Websites that serves as virtual offices are capable of initiating and concluding all manner and level of transactions from start to finish. Top Churches and ministries are evolving their online platforms into this already therefore garnering membership and disciples across the globe much more easily. With the online streaming technology aided by the global Covid 19 lockdowns Church attendance for these forward thinking ministries has skyrocketed to a record high.
Away from the online streaming technology which could be pretty expensive to setup by growing Churches and ministries a lot could be achieved by just the virtual office (i.e. your ministry website). You can turn your website into not just a virtual office but a virtual repository of your ministry’s messages and materials. With this enquirers who found their way to your ministry website will find the inspired information or solutions your ministry offers handy.

To build up on this topic, we will discuss next, _‘Building your Ministry Website into a Virtual Office’,_ Watch out for this.
Kindly tag (or forward) this to a Pastor or minister of the gospel you think need this and watch out as we continue to highlight one by one the important steps you can take to metamorphose your church or ministry into a truly global one.

Jerry Dan Goldman, a Digital Marketing expert, CEO, Alive Destiny Media (ADM) and Chief Consultant, Church on the Web, an initiative geared towards equipping Churches and ministries to take advantage of and maximise the digital media evolution currently sweeping the world.

You can reach us on
Email: [email protected]
You can also visit to learn more

"If you still think you are primarily sent to the poor and that any rich that walks into your Church is just an addition...

"If you still think you are primarily sent to the poor and that any rich that walks into your Church is just an addition you will unconsciously continue to showcase what the poor will be comfortable with and never consider upgrading to what all and sundry will be proud of." - Jerry Dan Goldman



In this series of learning about what it takes to build a true global ministry we have just conversed about an explosive topic, ‘PROFILING YOUR MINISTRY’S TARGET AUDIENCE’ explaining how missing this important point will make your ministry get bugged with unnecessary financial burden because your ministry is only attracting those in the lower wrung of the ladder. If you missed these earlier discourses in this series ask the person that forwarded this to you to forward the previous discourses or their links to you so you can catch up with the big picture.

If you are going to make those who are in the lower wrung of the ladder in the social strata get attracted to and be comfortable identifying with your ministry you need to give attention to the ambience of your physical office and meeting place. A perfect understanding of the last topic will easily make you realign your mind-set about how attractive your physical meeting place ought to be. If you still think you are primarily sent to the poor and that any rich that walks into your Church is just an addition you will unconsciously continue to showcase what the poor will be comfortable with and never consider upgrading to what all and sundry will be proud of.

Upgrading your physical office and meeting place does not necessarily mean heavy investment in terms of the quality of the materials and equipment used. It might just simply mean making the most of the available funds and resources to project a professional outlook and this can only be achieved by interior and exterior décor experts. The problem with the ambience of the office and physical meeting place of most ministries is not because of lack of enough funds or resources but not making the most of what is available. So instead of trying to cut cost by turning yourself into an interior decor person overnight or pulling together a group of clueless volunteers to handle the ambience of your office and meeting place I will advise you bring in some professionals and tell them you want to achieve a global outlook but with minimal budget. Interior décor experts worth their onions will come out with something outstanding for you with your minimal budget. Because of time and space let us stop here for now.

Next we will continue the discussion on this very important topic and we have labelled it, ‘CREATE AN AMBIENCE OF EXCELLENCE II, and don’t miss this.

Kindly tag (or forward) this to a Pastor or minister of the gospel you think need this and watch out as we continue to highlight one by one the important steps you can take to metamorphose your church or ministry into a truly global one.

Jerry Dan Goldman, a Digital Marketing expert, CEO, Alive Destiny Media (ADM) and Chief Consultant, Church on the Web, an initiative geared towards equipping Churches and ministries to take advantage of and maximise the digital media evolution currently sweeping the world.

You can reach us on
Email: [email protected]
You can also visit to learn more

Every Pastors and ministry leaders needs this please...

Every Pastors and ministry leaders needs this please...



In this series of learning about what it takes to build a true global ministry we have discussed a vital point, ‘Working on Your Brand’ and the topic today is a continuation of this discourse. If you missed these earlier discourses in this series ask the person that forwarded this to you to forward the previous discourses or their links to you so you can catch up with the big picture.

What people think when they come in contact with your brand of ministry matters a lot. A poorly packaged brand can send the wrong signal to those who hitherto might have been your disciple if you got the branding and packaging of your ministry right. Going down to a roadside graphic designer to evolve your ministry logo and other design materials might have saved you some money now but this mistake might cost your ministry much more in the long run.

By choosing to project a poorly packaged image of your ministry you have unconsciously chosen your target audience from the lower rung of the ladder alone. If you also want quality people to also be part of your ministry then you must project excellence in your ministry communications. The logo, flyers, banners etc that represents your Organisation must be top notch. These are often the first contact with your target audience. When these exude excellence they will attract the quality people your ministry needs to advance to the next level. So henceforth quit trying to cut cost with the creation and distribution of the communication materials that represent your ministry. Always seek to evolve what will be acceptable globally. This is one of the secrets of those exceptional ministries we see around today.

Next we will discuss the topic, ‘Wrong Profiling of Your Ministry’s Target Audience’. We will look into how this singular error is what makes many ministry leaders compromise their ministry communication materials and how getting this right will change the value you place on the image of your ministry as projected by your ministry communication materials.

Kindly tag (or forward) this to a Pastor or minister of the gospel you think need this and watch out as we continue to highlight one by one the important steps you can take to metamorphose your church or ministry into a truly global one. Wishing you and all yours a happy new month, cheers!

Jerry Dan Goldman, a Digital Marketing expert, CEO, Alive Destiny Media (ADM) and Chief Consultant, Church on the Web, an initiative geared towards equipping Churches and ministries to take advantage of and maximise the digital media evolution currently sweeping the world.
You can reach us on
Email: [email protected]
You can also visit to learn more

This is for Pastors and ministry leaders.

This is for Pastors and ministry leaders.



In this series of learning about what it takes to build a true global ministry we have discussed the attributes the ministry leader(s) needs to cultivate. We have explained how these attributes mentioned and the ones we will continue to list is required for your ministry not to receive any backlash from the global movement of some super churches and ministries catching the attention and followership of many local devotees online today. If you missed these earlier discourses in this series ask the person that forwarded this to you to forward the previous discourses or their links to you so you can catch up with the big picture.

Just like in the secular world men of God and ministry leaders especially those who wish to build a global ministry ought to pay attention to the brand they are projecting to the world.
A brand is a name given to a product and/or service such that it takes on an identity by itself. In layman’s term a brand identity is the physical representation or identity of an Organisation, a product or a person. It is what makes people easily identify and differentiate the Organisation, product or person from all others. A combination of the Organisation or product name logo, slogan, colours etc makes up the brand identity and when these assets are done right such that they rightly represent what your Organisation and ministry stands for without compromising global standards you would have scaled the first step in building a global brand.
Next is the building of the ‘Brand Image’. How do you want people to feel when they come in contact with your brand? A summation of this is what is called ‘Brand Image’. What you build into your brand will determine the perception of others towards it. To build a brand that people will respect and value, there must be a deliberate and conscious effort from the promoters of such brand.
There is another thing called brand culture. Your entire staff must be trained and conditioned to project the values of the brand image every time they represent the Organisation. A strong brand culture helps churches and ministries amplify their core message, what the ministry stand for and engender more favourable ministry partnership from members, attract the right work force and forge key alliances in ministry.

For ministry leaders who want to build a global brand with their ministries I will strongly advise they consult a brand or a communication expert who will guide and help midwife this process. Let me wrap this up with this; Robert Carnes of says in his article titled, ‘Why Your Church Needs A Brand’, “If you have to ask whether or not your church has a brand, the answer is probably no. Cultivating a strong brand presence takes time and intentional guidance. It’s not something you back into accidentally. It’s something you need to grow gradually.”
Let me stop here for lack of time and space. Next we will discuss the topic, ‘Image is everything’. We shall learn about how the image we are projecting through our outreach and interaction matters and how it will ultimately affect our success as ministers.
Kindly tag (or forward) this to a Pastor or minister of the gospel you think need this and watch out as we continue to highlight one by one the important steps you can take to metamorphose your church or ministry into a truly global one.

Jerry Dan Goldman, a Digital Marketing expert, CEO, Alive Destiny Media (ADM) and Chief Consultant, Church on the Web, an initiative geared towards equipping Churches and ministries to take advantage of and maximise the digital media evolution currently sweeping the world.

You can reach us on
Email: [email protected]

Great counsel for Pastors!

Great counsel for Pastors!


In this series we have discussed CULTIVATING THE SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE and ALWAYS SEEKING TO STAND OUT EXCELLENTLY as two important factors required for your ministry not to receive any backlash from the global movement of some super churches and ministries catching the attention and followership of many local devotees online today. If you missed these earlier discourses in this series ask the person that forwarded this to you to forward the previous discourse or their links to you so you can catch up with the big picture.

Following conventions has been the bane of most people called into the work of the ministry. They do not want to be the odd one out so they are lost in the ocean of other people in ministry. If you do things the way other people are doing it you will NOT stand out but if you break out of conventions you be easily noticed.
This breaking out of the norm is one of the secrets behind most people who stand out in ministry today. If you look around you will easily find this to be true. From the time of the likes of Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa you will discover that they broke out of convention. When the likes of Bishop Oyedepo came to Lagos they just did things more excellently and this brought a mass exodus of Church membership from the conventional Churches to theirs. In fact this was the simple reason for the Church membership explosion of these ministries.

Please note that it was not just the anointing that caused this explosion then but the anointing coupled with the Spirit of excellence that these exceptional ministries work with. In my opinion some who probably more were anointed remained the way they were ministering to only small group of people and called it the will of God for them. May the Lord grant us understanding!
Know that our God is not a God of convention, instead He moves in diverse ways (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). Those who will be used by Him to do great things will move by the leading of the Spirit shunning conventions and traditions. A shining example of this is what the Lord is doing through Pastor Jerry Eze of Streams of Joy International Ministry. He has been led by the Spirit of God to use the digital technology excellently in a way only few have used it and the result have been simply explosive. In fact what is happening with Pastor Jerry Eze makes me remember a prophecy that came to us in a meeting. The Lord says, “I will begin to disgrace men sooner or later through what I will do through chicks”. Chicks in the hand of the Lord are those who do not follow conventions but are ready to move as He moves.

As servants of God the only convention we have been mandated to follow is the foundation of the Apostles with Christ at the centre of it all (Ephesians 2:20), meaning the foundation of the gospel that the first Apostles lay down as recorded in the Scriptures. Asides this biblical foundation God moves in diverse ways to establish His purpose on earth.

We will further this discourse by talking about “Working on Your Brand”, next. Don’t miss this please.
Kindly tag (or forward) this to a Pastor or minister of the gospel you think need this and watch out as we continue to highlight one by one the important steps you can take to metamorphose your church or ministry into a truly global one.

Jerry Dan Goldman, a Digital Marketing expert, CEO, Alive Destiny Media (ADM) and Chief Consultant, Church on the Web, an initiative geared towards equipping Churches and ministries to take advantage of and maximise the digital media evolution currently sweeping the world.
You can reach us on
Email: [email protected]

Let every Pastor and ministry leaders take note of these things please.

Let every Pastor and ministry leaders take note of these things please.



We have been discussing what it takes for your ministry not to receive any backlash from the global movement of some super church and ministries catching the attention and followership of many local devotees online today. If you missed the earlier discourse in this series ask the person that forwarded this to you to forward the previous discourse or their links to you so you can catch up with the big picture.

Everyone who stands out in ministry both in bible days and in modern times deviated from convention. They simply did things more excellently than the way majority did it. They were probably not the most anointed or the most prayerful but they were the most excellent. Let me say it this way, “excellence amplifies the anointing; it enhances the grace of God upon you”.

Excellence is an attitude and you must cultivate it. The best way to explain this is to use examples. Concerning King Solomon it says, “So King Solomon surpassed all the Kings of the earth in riches and wisdom” (2Chron. 9:22). Always strive to surpass others in the way you go about ministry and this effort will soon be rewarded by your ministry being set apart and given more attention by those you are sent to.

Below was the testimony of the queen of Sheba:

“So when the queen of Sheba saw the [depth of] Solomon’s wisdom, and the house which he had built, 4 and the food of his table, the [vast] seating order of his officials, the attendance and service of his ministers and their attire, his cupbearers and their attire, and his [b]stairway by which he went up to the house of the LORD, she was breathless.” (2 Chron. 9:3-4, AMP).

Look at that verse again, the queen did not only hear Solomon’s wisdom but she perceived it in the way Solomon carried out his day to day business and ministry. She was able to see the wisdom. This is because true wisdom breeds excellence in life and ministry. This excellence is what commands attention and attracts like minds to rally around you.

Today you cannot afford to be contented with running your ministry as local champion. Strive to make everything you do exude excellence. It should never be about quantity but quality. As you stick your necks out in the digital space make sure that what you are churning out will be presentable on the global level. Excellence is not expensive when you know its worth. There are some standard you cannot afford to compromise for lack of funds. If the fund seems not to be available believe God for it and take action and the Lord which sees your heart will back your action up with result.
In ministry always strive to put your best foot forward. Make sure what you are pushing out there can stand side by side with the best content around. Never give yourself excuses for mediocrity. If you value it enough you will raise the fund for it instead of settling for mediocrity because mediocrity has its price and it is sure expensive on the long run.

We will further this discourse by talking about breaking out of the norm, don’t miss this please.

Kindly tag (or forward) this to a Pastor or minister of the gospel you think need this and watch out as we continue to highlight one by one the important steps you can take to metamorphose your church or ministry into a truly global one.

Jerry Dan Goldman, a Digital Marketing expert, CEO, Alive Destiny Media (ADM) and Chief Consultant, Church on the Web, an initiative geared towards equipping Churches and ministries to take advantage of and maximise the digital media evolution currently sweeping the world.
You can reach us on
Email: [email protected]
Whatsapp: +2348027310965

Every Pastor who truly desires to step into the next step in life and ministry must take note of these things...

Every Pastor who truly desires to step into the next step in life and ministry must take note of these things...


One of the big problems and indeed the foundation of backwardness for many ministries and Churches today is, ‘Not operating in the Spirit of excellence’. When this is cured the rest is easy because what you don’t desire and vigorously pursue will not come to you. In other words what you don’t value cannot be your reality ultimately.

It is important to note that the difference between those who are outstanding in ministry today and those who are not is not just the anointing because there are so many more heavily anointed ministers of the gospel in the past and today that did not impact much because they lack the spirit of excellence.

It is also important to note that the difference between those who are outstanding in ministry and those who are not, is not necessarily access to money or funding but the spirit of excellence. This is because the spirit of excellence naturally attracts partnership and support from men of means just as the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus enjoyed (Luke 8:1-3). This never happen the other way round meaning financial support from men of means does not come first but instead answers to the spirit of excellence.
A shining example of person with the spirit of excellence is King Solomon of ancient Israel. This Spirit or let’s call it the culture of excellence made many high and mighty wanted to do business with him (1King 10:24). This Spirit of excellence also called wisdom reflected not just in his spoken expression of knowledge but in the way he did everything excellently.

Another example of a person with the Spirit of excellence is Solomon’s father, King David. Before David became the King, this was his testimony, “So David went out wherever Saul sent him, and he acted wisely and prospered; and Saul appointed him over the men of war. And it pleased all the people and also Saul’s servants.” (1Sam. 18:5, AMP).

Another shining example of person with the spirit of excellence was Joseph the son of Jacob who eventually became the Prime Minister of Egypt. He so operated in the Spirit of excellence that Potiphar, his master then, noticed him and set him above all he had. This was replicated again in the prison so much so that the prison comptroller made him oversee everything in the prison until he was recommended to Pharaoh who set him over the whole of Egypt to administrate.

I can go on and on but let me stop here for now for time and space. We will go deeper in the next point.

Kindly tag (or forward this to) a Pastor or minister of the gospel you think need this and watch out as we continue to highlight one by one the important steps you can take to metamorphose your church or ministry into a truly global one.

Jerry Dan Goldman, a Digital Marketing expert, CEO, Alive Destiny Media (ADM) and Chief Consultant, Church on the Web, an initiative geared towards equipping Churches and ministries to take advantage of and maximise the digital media evolution currently sweeping the world.

You can reach us on
Email: [email protected]



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