Ship Shape News is a division of Avimar, which was formed by Stuart Robertson, in 1985 to produce financial reference books and publications specifically aimed at providing executives with a quick and cost effective source of commercial data as an input into their decision making process. The first publication concentrated on the airline industry, with the long running ‘Top World Airlines—A Comp
ny Guide’. But other Publications concentrated on the World Oil and Gas Industry, Inclusive Tour Industry and the UK Coaching Market. Due to the fast evolving nature of the aviation industry and to satisfy demand Avimar introduced its credit reports were introduced specifically to help credit controllers, managers and analysts to aid them in deciding whether to extend a company credit and, if so, what terms. Due to the increasingly volatile market conditions and changing global economy, as well as trends in communications, it was decided to launch, to provide, in the first instance, a source of financial data and news on leading international shipowners, for decision makers in the marine market, and secondly to provide a forum for those active and interested in shipping to pass information, comments and knowledge within their peer group. It has been commented, we have left the era of mass communications to that of mass communicators.