Did this woman really s.tab.bed herself and made up this story to get her husband's attention?
Did this woman really s.tab.bed herself and made up this story to get her husband's attention?
This man became a m.u.rd.er suspect for no reason, is someone setting him up?
This man became a m.u.rd.er suspect for no reason, is someone setting him up?
An 18 years old boy was brutally mu.rde.red at a bus stop and detectives discovered his former teacher was involved in this case
An 18 years old boy was brutally mu.rde.red at a bus stop and detectives discovered his former teacher was involved in this case
What if the judge gets a.n.gry?
What if the judge gets a.n.gry?
The k.i.l.l.er deceives the detectives by making himself the only witness of the case, will the detectives realize it in time?
The k.i.l.l.er deceives the detectives by making himself the only witness of the case, will the detectives realize it in time?
Detectives suspected this was a gang w.a.r that k.i.l.l.e.d 4 innocent people, but the truth behind surprised them
Detectives suspected this was a gang w.a.r that k.i.l.l.e.d 4 innocent people, but the truth behind surprised them
Detectives suspect Santa has accomplices in this r.o.b.b.e.r.y, so who are the rest of the members?
Detectives suspect Santa has accomplices in this r.o.b.b.e.r.y, so who are the rest of the members?
The man does this to prove his innocence in this mu.r.d.er case but no one believes him, will he finally find justice for himself?
The man does this to prove his innocence in this mu.r.d.er case but no one believes him, will he finally find justice for himself?
The woman is posing as a teacher to k.i.dn.ap this girl but not for ransom, what is the real purpose of k.i.dn.ap.per?
The woman is posing as a teacher to k.i.dn.ap this girl but not for ransom, what is the real purpose of k.i.dn.ap.per?
The man with the b.lo.od.y clothes running away from the police, did he just k.i.l.l someone or did something happen to him?
The man with the b.lo.od.y clothes running away from the police, did he just k.i.l.l someone or did something happen to him?
After 9 years this boy discovers he has been k.id.na.pp.ed by his current father and many s.h.oc.king truths behind are revealed
After 9 years this boy discovers he has been k.id.na.pp.ed by his current father and many s.h.oc.king truths behind are revealed
This man was just trying to enrich his family but in the end his de.at.h was caused by his own family member
This man was just trying to enrich his family but in the end his de.at.h was caused by his own family member
Searching a serial r.a.pi.st on parole ran away from his residence but in the end the detectives found out a tr.ag.ic ending they didn't expect
Searching a serial r.a.pi.st on parole ran away from his residence but in the end the detectives found out a tr.ag.ic ending they didn't expect
The d.an.ge.rs of blind love
The d.an.ge.rs of blind love
The m.ur.der leads the detectives to the k.idn.ap.ping of two children, can they rescue the children in time and find the truth behind?
The m.ur.der leads the detectives to the k.idn.ap.ping of two children, can they rescue the children in time and find the truth behind?
17 years ago he confessed to k.i.lli.ng the person he loved, but after serving his sentence he always insists he was not a m.u.rde.rer, so what is the truth in this case?
17 years ago he confessed to k.i.lli.ng the person he loved, but after serving his sentence he always insists he was not a m.u.rde.rer, so what is the truth in this case?
The mysterious disappearance of the whole family except for the wife and the s.h.o.ck.ing truth after many years is revealed
The mysterious disappearance of the whole family except for the wife and the s.h.o.ck.ing truth after many years is revealed
A psy.c.hop.ath is k.i.ll.ing people, can the detectives stop him before there are more victims?
A psy.c.hop.ath is k.i.ll.ing people, can the detectives stop him before there are more victims?
The heartbreaking story behind the disappearance of a 13 years old transgender child is related to her/his own family
The heartbreaking story behind the disappearance of a 13 years old transgender child is related to her/his own family
Detectives discovered that the person who k.i.dn.ap.pe.d this 9 years old boy was his relative for a stupid reason
Detectives discovered that the person who k.i.dn.ap.pe.d this 9 years old boy was his relative for a stupid reason
This woman caused a car c.r.a.s.h that k.i.l.l 4 people but she completely lost her memory about it, what really happened to her?
This woman caused a car c.r.a.s.h that k.i.l.l 4 people but she completely lost her memory about it, what really happened to her?
What information did the CIA agent hold that led him to be k.i.l.l.e.d like that?
What information did the CIA agent hold that led him to be k.i.l.l.e.d like that?
FBI uncovers the sh.o.cki.ng truth about the cyprus adoption agency that took away her child and other mothers
FBI uncovers the sh.o.cki.ng truth about the cyprus adoption agency that took away her child and other mothers
He caused a t.r.age.dy by thinking that bio-attacking everyone on this train could save his son
He caused a t.r.age.dy by thinking that bio-attacking everyone on this train could save his son