Testing to see if white wine can get red wine stains out of clothes😂 #redwinestain #whitewine #redwine #bartender
The fact that y’all know why this video is 1 second longer than 1 minute now 😂 I used the time to make and edit this TikTok
The watermelon looked great y’all! How do you pick out a watermelon? I’m sure there is more than one way! #comeshopwithme #watermelon #groceryshopping
These guys from last night were 3 of the biggest Dbags I’ve served in a long time🙄 more skits from them to come 😂 #bartenderstories #dbag #influencer
Things I wish I would have known before traveling to Hawaii for the first time #firsthawaiitrip #snorkeling #whalewatching #hilo #kona #bigisland #doyourresearch
Replying to @Opaleah when people tell me to take a break I want to tell them to take a break from something that they LOVE to do🥰 #takeabreak #idonttakebreaks #postingdaily
Replying to @Paul Del Rosso go bartend a couple shifts and then come back #bartender #regulars #cutoff #overserving #drunkpeople
Replying to @Samantha Rimbey I liked my comeback a lot, but y’all always come back with the best ones 😂 I wish I could have said this to see what he said 😂🤣 #comebacks
Replying to @shapesandcolors11 michellebellexo controversy Michellebellexo husband #fthehaters #hatersgonnahate
Replying to @nic0000 dive bar bartender tries to answer the question of what is a dive bar? #bartender #divebar #regulars #barregulars
Replying to @Nick much love Nick🫶 how much does a bartender make in one hour? #bartender #tips #tippingculture #serviceindustry
Replying to @Nikki Mccue 🫶🫶🫶
Replying to @Marie but most of y’all really do love the drama though😂 #bartender #barthings #serviceindustry #drama #greenscreen
Replying to @Marie but most of y’all really do love the drama though😂 #bartender #barthings #serviceindustry #drama #greenscreen
Replying to @Marie but most of y’all really do love the drama though😂 #bartender #barthings #serviceindustry #drama #greenscreen
Replying to @Marie but most of y’all really do love the drama though😂 #bartender #barthings #serviceindustry #drama #greenscreen
Replying to @Mshirghio the things package theives have stolen from me so far #porchpirates #packagetheif #catchingatheif
Replying to @Kieran s porch pirate revenge update #part2 #stolenpackages #porchpirates #packagetheif
Replying to @laurajenkins1119