A Paranormal Investigator Featured on the Travel Channel Reacts To Londa's Tarot
April 30, 2024 | Excerpt From Joe Cetrone Message To Londa Marks
"I am a drummer, and a Paranormal investigator featured on the Travel Channel. For me, music and the unexplained go hand and hand, especially when it comes to creativity. Over the past few years I have developed a love for Tarot. About a year ago, I was captivated by the Alchemist Tarot.
The images are stunning with an hauntingly beautiful alien vibe. I searched long and hard to find a deck to purchase. I once saw them selling on eBay for $700 & $800. Immediately, I was drawn to the images, the feel of the cards, the colors. I visualized a whole world within a world.
The deck is stunning. It all resonates with me. I am planning to do intuitive readings with them. I’ve shown them to friends, clients, and they were all mesmerized by the illustrations. I have sent many people to your website. I’ve also purchased two other decks you have created. Crow’s Magick is incredible! Londa you are an amazing artist. In many ways, this deck might have saved me. It’s helped me during therapy, as I have meditated with them daily.
Thank you for all your creative work! It has made a difference in my life.
- Joe
Visit Joe at http://www.joecetrone.net/media.html