***** "Like the synth stabs and the key changes in Can't Fight the Moonlight, Whale and Hill make a wild and unpredictable duo. A dynamic late night experience" - Rainbow Chan / Chunyin
***** "The pinnacle of professionalism and hospitality in community radio! Solutions-minded in the face of every glitch! ;)" - Doctor Abernathy
**** "The least disappointing late night talk show in Sydney, I give
it four half-asian co-hosts out of five" - Nick Watts (Editor, Future Perfect)
***** "Self Indulgent Bliss' - Amelia Jenner (Body Promise)
***** "There was snacking, chatting and a very warm feeling in the Sleepless studio last night - as a bonus, I received 5 star therapy for my Drake addiction and ventured into the night liberated xoxo" - Justin Wolfers
***** "Very permissive music policy, cosy atmosphere and emotive themes - a bit like a music therapy session if you're supposed to feel worse afterwards" - Moon Holiday
***** "Stimulating, topical, and controversial" - Thomas William Smith
***** "Really revealing" - V Kim
***** "A great chat with two of Sydney's most emotional boys" - Lavurn Lee (Cassius Select / BV / Fake)
Whether you're restless between the sheets or down with the mid-week blues, tune into Sleepless in Sydney for a two-hour celebration of raw feelings and emotional outpouring in pop, r 'n' b, and the online underground. Guided by the witching hours of 11-1, join us to explore the deepest tones and lyrical confessions each week, as well as our special Midnight Snacks: keeping the artists you love up late to tell us the songs that keep 'em warm at night. Musical submissions & email outpours: [email protected]