SUPER GOOD garage sale this Wednesday, 26 JUNE, from 1pm to 3 pm
As many of you know, I had to pay many thousands of dollars for care and surgery for an arm broken in front of Powells City of Books, in Portland, Oregon. Last week, I said I would have to move out of San Miguel so I could return to the States to get Medicare.
Since then, people mentioned there might be other ways that I would not have to move. My bank is sending me a cashier´s check, but it many not arrive until the end of this coming week. Once it is here, I am ok.
I do not want to leave San Miguel de Allende if there is any way not to.
So please consider coming to my garage sale on Wednesday 26 june, from one to three only. I am offering a few treasures.
22 Pila Seca, San Miguel, off of Zacateros in San Miguel.
I won´t admit early comers, but the doors will open right at one.
RAIN OR SHINE as it will take place in a covered area.
Here is some of it:
3 very large hard side suitcases that are air travel size. Used only once from Greece to Mexico.
artesenaea, some pieces one of a kind.
many bottles of lotion and creams, most from Greece, great smelling unopened. travel size
delicious smelling hand made soaps
trunk, beautifully painted with Mexican designs
man´s designer trench and rain coat, new
woman´s trench and rain coat, new from greece
some nice women´s sweators, wool mostly
cotton and linen women´s clothing from europe--new
man´s new jean jacket and a couple of other clothing items
mexican made candlesticks with candles-- one abot 18 inches and one three prong about three feet
large oval ornate mirror--wall size, oval
colored throw pillows
artesanasia (did I spell that wrong) hiupiles, Mexico
other sundry items
some art supplies
two hats--one black and one straw color
a complete and cute tea set from greece
a small sewing machine, not used and in perfect shape
floor fans, table fans, floor electric heaters
gray cotton yarn from GREECE many skeins