Groove Plant Hawaii Recording Studio

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Groove Plant Hawaii Recording Studio Fully Functioning Pro Music-Audio Recording Studio/Facility in Waikoloa Village! (Albums, Demos, Singles, EPs Etc)

Checkout these sick   by Guyker.Looks perfectly placed and matches on this cool PRS Guitars SE   Visit an...

Checkout these sick by Guyker.
Looks perfectly placed and matches on this cool PRS Guitars SE
Visit and get 20% of your order by entering my code “RJ”.. From locking tuner, k***s to pickups and wiring you can find it at Guyker! Yessah..


Anyone know a good music attorney in state? (Hawaii)


Anybody I know that’s in Kona right now they can pick something up for me from the luau grounds at the Royal kona resort and bring it back to WAIKOLOA Village? Lmk please mahalo


Anybody I know that’s in Kona right now they can pick something up for me from the Lau grounds at the Royal kona resort? Lmk please mahalo

Lord knows I’ve complained about usps system in the village tons of times and it’s been a stretch since I last did but i...

Lord knows I’ve complained about usps system in the village tons of times and it’s been a stretch since I last did but it’s never unwarranted. We still get other ppl’s mail on a weekly occurrence (at least once a week) & then there’s the mail truck speeding through my neighborhood (francolin pl) like a bat outta hell or like they gotta hurry up cause they gotta use bathroom 👀 .. But this happened last week and I forgot to share it then. So, I’m in my house and hear this large thud that was loud enough that my dog runs to window and starts peering out while barking anxiously. I stand up quickly to go look and I see the mail truck taking off away from my house like he was in a race.. 🤷🏾‍♂️ I go outside to look for the source of the loud noise and find that he literally dropped my delivery package/box in my driveway and dugout as fast as he could! Usually they’ll place bigger deliveries like this up near my yard’s gate or by my driveway door but he just decided to drop it about 5ft (5’) up my driveway.. It was about 35-40lbs. at the most I picked it up easily and brought it up the driveway as it was just a smaller foldable tent. The package was ripped to shreds on the ends but I understand that this could’ve happen through shipping. I did find small party that fell out of the box a bit and must’ve fell out or rolled down the driveway. But to just drop it there and dig out quickly like it was a hit and run accident is pretty suspicious.. I just wanted to share cause it was alarming enough that I had to take notice of it..


In 2001 I released my first album.. My son’s mom was pregnant with my son and our lives was changing quickly. I had two dreams coming true at once.. I was becoming a father to a beautiful baby boy and was releasing my 1st own “real album” of all original music produced by Charles Michael Brotman at his studio Lava Tracks Recording.. All I used to hear before from all the musicians around was about this new studio this guy had so with courage of a lion I called him up and he invited me over. I sat in his studio and they Charles and Karl Kasberg listened to some awful demos I had done. I didn’t have legit recording gear yet and digital standalone workstations was really a new thing. FFWD I think a month or a couple weeks maybe and Charles calls me with a record deal with out of San Diego and owned by the late amazing and wonderful Dean Whitney and his wife Judy Whitney. I’m forever grateful to these four ppl. Charles, Dean, Judy and Karl.. So I spent the late summer/fall into winter recording my first album “Flipside” that features some amazing musicians like drummer Garin Poliahu keyboardist Bailey Matsuda bassist all are some the best to come out of the state. I was truly blessed but so green! I just wanna say mahalo to everyone involved and also to charles’s Ohana for kinda taking me in during that time.. Even eating dinner there a few times when we recorded from morning to night.. Thank you all so much for helping me out..


I need time to gather my thoughts and myself..
Love You Aunty 💔

I just did 7 days straight of shows/gigs.. I don’t wanna see another stage or even an airport for at least 24 hours! I’m...

I just did 7 days straight of shows/gigs.. I don’t wanna see another stage or even an airport for at least 24 hours! I’m taking a day off from live gigs tomorrow to do some very needed catching up in the recording studio.. had a really fun brunch gig at the Mauna Lani with Cj K**a today.. From the first song it was like we’ve been doing this duo thing for years but it was the first time literally.. Catch CJ with me again on the 21st at the Mauna Lani Auberge brunch 11:30-2pm.. Mahalo 🤙🏽 Next week I’ll be with Preston Lee same time, same place and same bat channel!

These are great strings. Using these flatwounds on all my hollow and semihollow guitars. Mahalo Ernie Ball for sending m...

These are great strings. Using these flatwounds on all my hollow and semihollow guitars. Mahalo Ernie Ball for sending me more..

New locking tuners by Guyker prs style with locking screw ontop and knew   k***s on this brand new PRS Guitars

New locking tuners by Guyker prs style with locking screw ontop and knew k***s on this brand new PRS Guitars


How you gonna expect someone to change their ways when they can't even change their underwear?! Facts...

Looks like the years, tears & heartbreaks are starting show..

Looks like the years, tears & heartbreaks are starting show..

One of my favorite English-Contemporary Hawaiian Songs since I was a little kid.. Now that I’m older the lyrics mean muc...

One of my favorite English-Contemporary Hawaiian Songs since I was a little kid.. Now that I’m older the lyrics mean much more.. Such a deep meaning.. And although the song talks about a place on Oahu the lyric portrays life on very island and how we were brought up in the islands..
“Ku’u Home O Kahalu’u” translates to “My home of Kahalu’u.” Kahalu’u is a place on the windward side of the island Oahu.. The song is about change and acceptance, and fond memories of “small kid time”. It became a favorite song in Hawaii in the 1970s.. Written by Legendary Hawaiian musician Jerry Santos of Hawaiian Musical Group .

I remember days when we were younger
We used to catch ‘o’opu (fresh water goby fish) in the mountain stream
‘Round the Ko’olau hills (Oahu famous mountain range) we’d ride on horseback
So long ago it seems it was a dream
Last night I dreamt I was returning
and my heart called out to you
But I fear you won’t be like I left you
Me kealoha ku’u home o Kahalu’u

I remember days when we were wiser
When our world was small enough for dreams
And you have lingered there my sister
And I no longer can it seems
Last night I dreamt I was returning
and my heart called out to you
But I fear you won’t be like I left you
Me kealoha ku’u home o Kahalu’u

Change is a strange thing
it cannot be denied
It can help you find yourself
or make you lose your pride
Move with it slowly
as on the road we go
Please do not hold on to me
we all must go alone

I remember days when we were smiling
When we laughed and sang the whole night long
And I will greet you as I find you
With the sharing of a brand new song
Last night I dreamt I was returning
and my heart called out to you
To please accept me as you’ll find me
Me kealoha ku’u home o Kahalu’u

Ku’u Home O Kahalu’u (RJ Kaneao Rendition)

One of my favorite English-Contemporary Hawaiian Songs since I was a little kid.. Now that I’m older the lyrics mean much more.. Such a deep meaning.. And al...


Can’t use the stem separation on the new logic 11 unless you have apple Mac with silicon..

So my post sharing my quad cortex was taken down by Facebook cause it infringe on something.. idk what it could be? Some...

So my post sharing my quad cortex was taken down by Facebook cause it infringe on something.. idk what it could be? Someone is trying to report random stuff, Maybe some 🫏 🍑


Nothing like opening a message request from a person who wants to talk 💩 to me about how irrelevant I am and how I guess ppl “from the islands” (Hawaii) aren’t smart or relevant neither.. Sad that hate and jealousy skews ppl’s minds or they really believe they’re superior to myself and the place that I’m from.. So crazy! Oh well.. That’s the way the cookie crumbles folks.. We’ve been living in a country where HATRED and RACISM can openly be expressed with no repercussions.. It sucks to have to have my grandson have to grow up in a country where ppl judge you before knowing you and/or hate you just because they can! Merika! Smh

What a jerk! This guy tried this s**t with me too! Said I was only relevant in Hawaii and that he was on 5 Grammy winnin...

What a jerk! This guy tried this s**t with me too! Said I was only relevant in Hawaii and that he was on 5 Grammy winning albums playing guitar and that he used to be part of artists development for Teddy Riley.. K&S Music Paxinos still let this guy go on social media to belittle ppl who obviously knows what they talk about.. wtf?

My nephew is in the 7th grade and playing LaCrosse with the big kids (high schoolers)! I’m so proud of him.  he’s trying...

My nephew is in the 7th grade and playing LaCrosse with the big kids (high schoolers)! I’m so proud of him. he’s trying to raise some money to support his new LaCrosse journey.. If you have extra time and money please kokua (help).. If can please share this link also.. Aloha and Mahalo

Ofa Lahi Atu Nephew Kaenan

Click here to buy ultra-premium popcorn and 50% of your purchase benefits this fundraiser.


Here we are…

Catch me at the Warm Audio booth next week at the NAMM Show in Anaheim

Catch me at the Warm Audio booth next week at the NAMM Show in Anaheim


It’s awesome to be listening to all this new music in preparation for the voting season of the Grammy awards once again this year. If you have anything & you haven’t hit me up yet please send your FYC messages & links to [email protected]


My family taught me that part of being pono and ha’aha’a is to never celebrate or wallow in someone else’s failure, pain or sorrow.. What a big Kuleana it is to just live in this belief and always show aloha even when others aren’t being so kinds mutually.. Onipa’a

Happy Heavenly Birthday Daddy.. I’ll see in my dreams again tonight hopefully.. Even from heaven you’ve been leading me ...

Happy Heavenly Birthday Daddy.. I’ll see in my dreams again tonight hopefully.. Even from heaven you’ve been leading me and picking me up when I fall.. I Love You and Miss You..
❤️ Your Favorite UFA Kefe lol Your Son! I’m proud to be your boy..


lol.. I had to share this situation.. So I posted on my IG story that the new album is still coming soon and it’s an entire album, it’s self-produced with all original songs.. An hour later fellow Hawaii musician dm’s/comments on the post and says “self-produced cause you can’t get into a real studio w/real producers and engineers?” Wow tell me how you really feel, I’m floored! Brah, the 🏀 🏈 on some of these young musicians are ridiculous.. At least he was nice enough to write to me.. I feel loved.. lol 😂

So I have a few messages on FB and DMs on IG asking me what’s my contribution to the Lahaina/Maui Relief efforts cause t...

So I have a few messages on FB and DMs on IG asking me what’s my contribution to the Lahaina/Maui Relief efforts cause they’re notice I’ve posted about the incident but I haven’t said if I’ve helped which I thought I had stated and that they noticed I haven’t performed on anything on the big island benefiting the relie effort.. So I’ll say it here so I don’t get anymore messages.. I’ve donated to a few different fundraisers but mainly I’ve donated to the “Maui Fires Fundraiser” which I really didn’t wanna share cause it’s not a popularity contest. I also currently have a link on my Instagram page for the same fundraise link.. This is the one started by Ilima.. Actually, We should all Mahalo/Thank her for her efforts folks.. She actually took the initiative to start the fundraiser and see it through and despite having to train for an upcoming title fight she also spearheaded the collections of goods/donations also in Southern California.. All the way to the point of loading up the freighters and seeing them off the docks in LA.. As a Hawaiian leader and someone ppl really do look up to in the community she’s set a good example of what to do as a leader and to me is a true “influencer” cause she influences but also inspires.. She’s engaged to my former bass player and someone who will always be like my brother Jason Tupuola-Aiono, he’s family to me and I support them 100%.. Mahalo Ilima..
As far as performances on the big island at a benefit and I’m assuming that ppl were taking about the one that happened today in Waimea.. The truth is I wasn’t asked at all and I didn’t even know about it until a couple days prior to the event.. And that is fine cause I am contributing in other ways to help our ppl of Maui.. But I just wanted to share this fact cause it seemed like ppl were upset that I didn’t perform for the cause.. link to fundraiser below. Aloha

Maui Fires Fundraiser:

The Nā Wahine Toa Foundation focuses on teaching self-defense, self-love, self-preservation and the protection of sacred sites including our bodies, our divine feminine entities and our ʻāina (land).


It’s getting harder to distinguish between the lies, truth, fake news, real news, deep fake media or content and so on.. I see so many angry locals and residents some on maui and some that aren’t.. I’m preferring to read up or look into any given situation that ppl are uptight about and dive deeper to comprehend more about it and make sure any clips I’ve seen or read aren’t doctored or edited in such a fashion to make ppl upset and angry at a given situation or individuals.. It’s super easy to to lose it (temper) and get upset feeling that so many are suffering but I’m trying to keep a grasp on what I’ve always done before. The truth is this world and even this country that includes this state (Hawaii) even though many of us don’t agree with it’s status as a “state” of the United States of America has been split and no matter what side of the coin you chose to be on or maybe even if stand neutral in the middle there’s been a time or situation in the past I can guarantee that we’ve taken in information from media outlets and felt outraged about it and later found out it was half truth, fake news or something doctored to get that exact reaction out of us.. So i can’t asked anyone else to do this but myself but maybe I can lead by example.. When we see something or hear something we don’t agree with and it makes us upset try to take a step back and question the source or even research the source and try to look at from a calmer space.. Look into it and make sure that what you’re upset about is validated and choose from there what’s your next emotion.. I know the emotions are high right now, especially in this state (Hawaii). But for the ppl of Maui and out of respect and compassion for what they’re going through right now we should have enough patience within ourselves to really process what’s happening and then react accordingly.. I’ve read on social media some death threats on political figures and ppl in charge of the safety in maui county and also some pretty hateful horrendous words describing others when we should all be on the same page working towards helping and healing through this long period that’ll include denial, acceptation, anger, grief and so on that these poor ppl will go probably have cause it’s natural as a human to go through these steps.. But we can make it much better if we refrain from being evil to others we don’t agree with or in many cases don’t even know.. There should be no lines down the middle in segregation in a kakou (everybody)-Family/Ohana situation or anywhere else when we all have one goal in mind and that’s helping and healing our ppl.. I not telling anyone what to do but I am asking humbly to stop the bickering if you’re capable.. And if someone is doing something hewa or pilau (dirty/bad) then call them out on it but always keep it at aloha and make sure before we get fully upset that we know the entire situation cause that stuff will divide us quickly..To me the biggest cause of hatred and anger besides jealousy which shouldn’t apply here is misunderstanding or not understanding.. Form me personally it’s hard to truly hate someone I don’t even know, I could disagree with them but not to the point that I’ll attack them on social media or anywhere just to slander them.. Aloha and Mahalo to those who read through all this.. Such a long road ahead to help hold up our Maui Ohana but that’s what Ohana is for.. I hope it makes sense to you all.. Aloha

  2016 American Standard HSS Stratocaster in ice tea burst.. Guyker locking tuners, Ernie ball strap and strings.. picku...

2016 American Standard HSS Stratocaster in ice tea burst.. Guyker locking tuners, Ernie ball strap and strings.. pickups fat 50s


there’s so many ppl suffering right now in hawaii especially in maui and the grief is felt all over the state! i’ve been reading negative comments about so and so cause so and so supposedly did this or that etc (all unproven conspiracy stuff).. if you’re doing that you’re not helping.. you’re bringing more negativity to a situation where ppl are trying to uplift each other not talk s**t trying to deformate others!
so as a good friend of mines once said
“come with aloha or don’t come at all.”
if you bit trying to help, enlighten and be part of a bigger thing bigger than yourself then you’re just in the way.. put your grievances aside and your ego and work together as one lahui.. you better than that folks! be pono please and truly try to show the ha in aloha.. shoots! 🤙🏽


Nothing could upset me more then to see somebody throw/flick a lit cigarette put the car in front of me in front of the queens market place.. after all that’s heoorbed this week someone goes that! License plate says “future” and car was heading to kona! Older hybrid looking car, looked grey but I could be wrong.. how horrible is that? Smh

Tonight.. Mauna Lani

Tonight.. Mauna Lani



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