10 Famous Clock Towers In The World || Clock Buildings
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will tell you about 10 famous clock towers in the world.Clock towers used to be the best way to find out. In the past, people used tall, pointed statues and instruments that used the sun to track time. Clock towers are special buildings that are famous all over the world and make cities look beautiful. Sometimes, they have animated figures or play music to tell people what time it is. There are many amazing clock towers around the world.So,watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #clocktowers #clockbuildings
Do You Know Who Has The Fastest Speed?
7 Most Expensive Vegetables In The World || Expensive Vegetables
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will tell you about 7 most expensive vegetables in the world.We use vegetables in our daily meals but have you seen a vegetables that costs millions of rupees.The reason they are so expensive is because they are grown and harvested in a special way.So,watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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Did You Know Birth Baby Teeth
10 Color Changing Animals In The World
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will tell you about how animals change their colors?So,watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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Do You Know Where The Head Of A Starfish Is?
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will share some facts starfish,banana hammer,hours in a day & car window.So,watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #starfish #carwindow #bananahammer #hours
How Many Bee Stings Does It Take To Kill A Human?
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will tell you about how many bee stings does it take to kill a human?So,watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #beestings #die
10 Unusual Swimming Pools In The World || Weird Pools
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will tell you about 10 unusual swimming pools in the world. Going to the pool on vacation is very common, but instead of going to the usual pool, why not try something unique? From a pool of red water to a pool full of beer. So,watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #swimmingpools #weirdswimmingpools
The Only 40-Fruits Tree In The World || 40 Fruits In One Tree
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will tell you about the only 40-fruits tree in the world.So,watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #40fruits #onetree
Did you know that some people drive left side while most people drive on the right of the road?
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will tell you about why some people in the world drive on the left side of the road while most people drive on the right?So,watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #left #right #drive
Did you know that the inside called the yolk can also be different colors?
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will tell you about the unusual things that happen in the world. So,watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #unusualthings #wonderfulinformation
6 Places Where Sun Never Sets || Midnight Sun
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will share 6 places where sun never sets. During the day, the sun shines on different parts of the earth because the earth is round and revolves around the sun. This makes it seem like the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening, giving us 12 hours of daylight. But there are certain places where the sun never sets! These places have different names such as the land of the midnight sun or the land where the sun never sets. So,watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #sunsets #midnightsun #places
10 Terrified Holes On Earth || Strangest Holes
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will share 10 terrified holes on earth. There are many strange holes on earth that baffle scientists and common people alike. Some are huge holes in the ocean, while others are places where gas has been burning for a long time. These holes have really made people all over the world curious and interested.So,watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #holes #terrifiedholes #strangestholes #earth
Did You Know Most Viewed Image In The World
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will share some unusual facts of daily life things like;airplane hook,refrigerator code on google image,airplane window and most viewed image. So,watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #airplane #window #hook #image
Did You Know Plants Eat Meat?
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will share plants eat meat not only humans and animals.Until today, people believed that only humans and animals eat meat on this planet. But now we know that there are actually many plants and trees that eat meat too! These special plants have smart leaves that act like traps, catching insects and other small creatures that come near them.So,watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #plants #meat
7 Unusual Punishment In The World || Weird Judicial Punishment
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will share 7 unusual punishment in the world. Each country has its own laws about what happens to those who break the law. Sometimes, the punishments given to criminals are really surprising and make people laugh. Even today, when people talk about these punishments, they are shocked.So,watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #unusualpunishment #judicialpunishment
10 Unusual Restaurants In The World || Weird Restaurants
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will share 10 unusual restaurants in the world.There are many unusual restaurants around the world that offer unique dining experiences.So, watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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10 Scariest Glass Bridges In The World
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will share 10 scariest glass bridges in the world.A glass bridge is a type of bridge that has a glass floor or glass walls, allowing visitors to see through the bridge and enjoy the view below.Glass bridge are becoming increasingly popular around the world.There are many highest and longest glass bridges are located. So, watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #scariestbridges #dangerousbridges
10 Smallest Things In The World || Tiny Things
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will share some smallest things in the world.Tiny things are small objects or concepts that are often associated with cuteness,delicacy and intricacy.Some people find tiny things to be aesthetically pleasing and collect them as a hobby. So, watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #smallestthings #tinythings
Did You Know Facts Of Daily Life Things
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will share some facts of daily life things like;
Do you know the reason for having a "three-legged table" sitting between each pizza?
Why do birds like to sit on wires?
Why veins look green when blood is red?
Why does cutting an onion make us cry?
So, watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #facts #dailylifethings
Marks Found On Fruits || پھلوں پر پاۓ جانے والے نشانات
Assalam-o-Alaikum!Have you looked carefully at fruits?Every fruit is different from fruits.Some are big and some are small.Each fruit has its own taste.Have you thought about the marks found on fruits?If not, then in this video i will tell you about the marks found on fruits. So watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #marks #marksonfruits
8 Largest Eggs In The World || Biggest Egg
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will tell you about 8 largest Eggs in the world.Eggs are a common food item that are rich in protein & vitamins.The size & color of eggs can vary depending on the species of bird that laid them. So watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #eggs #largesteggs
Daily Life Things You Shouldn’t Know || Daily Life Things
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will tell you about daily life things you shouldn’t know.The sun rises & sun sets every day, but each time it’s a different experience.Like alarm clock that wakes you up at a specific time in the morning.Some of these daily life facts I will tell you in this video. So watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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10 Unusual Currencies In The World || Weird Currencies
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will tell you about 10 unusual currencies in the world.Currency is a medium of exchange for goods & services.It is a tangible form of money, usually issued by government & generally accepted at it’s face value as a method of payment.Currency is the primary medium of exchange in the modrem world, having long ago replaced bartering as a mean of trading goods & services.So watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #unusualcurrencies #weirdcurrencies
Why is 10:10 The Default Setting for Clocks & Watches || Clocks & Watches Set Time 10:10
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will tell you about the default setting for clocks & watches.Why clock & watches set their time 10:10.Is there is a specific reason behind it or it is only controversy.I will tell you about real story about why clock default time set 10:10.
So watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #watches #clock #default
Assalam-o-Alaikum! In this video i will tell you about 9 biggest fruits in the world.But firstly we know how to fruits grow.Fruits grow in three stages pollination,fertilization & ripening.The first step is pollination which occur when bees,bats,birds or wind spread pollen from one flower to another.The second step is fertilization which result in a fertilized seed in the fruits.the third step is the ripening process where the fruits ripen into sweets,juicy fruits that is ready to be eaten.sometimes these fruits are so big which we can’t imagine. So watch till end & don't forget to subscribe my channel.
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9 Biggest Fruits In The World || Largest Fruits
Assalam-o-Alaikum! In this video i will tell you about 9 biggest fruits in the world.But firstly we know how to fruits grow.Fruits grow in three stages pollination,fertilization & ripening.The first step is pollination which occur when bees,bats,birds or wind spread pollen from one flower to another.The second step is fertilization which result in a fertilized seed in the fruits.the third step is the ripening process where the fruits ripen into sweets,juicy fruits that is ready to be eaten.sometimes these fruits are so big which we can’t imagine. So watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #biggestfruits #largestfruits
7 Color Changing Lakes In The World || Beautiful Lakes || Lakes
Assalam-o-Alaikum!In this video I will tell you 7 color changing lakes in the world.Lakes are nature’s mirror reflect the beauty of the world around them.The stillness of a lakes can be calming & peaceful, a perfect escape from the hustle & bustle of everyday life.Lakes are a source of life, providing water for plants,animals & humans alikes.But color changing lakes reflect the beauty of nature.So watch till end & don't forget to follow my page.
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#factopacto #lakes #7colorchanginglakes