We are Billy and Becca, We have been sales professionals for over 2 decades. We are the parents of 2 great kids. Unfortunately they were not getting their share of our time. Our jobs can be very rewarding 💵, but demanding of our time. Finding the right balance was very hard. 🤔
We knew that family should be our first priority and we felt guilty that our family did not get all of our energy and attention. Due to our financial situation, mortgage, credit card debt, rising food and insurance costs, we both had to work overtime just to make ends meet. 😞
We felt overwhelmed with all the financial stress and feared we would never get out of that hole. The stress also took a toll on our marriage, health and our kids. At the end of the day, all we want is a nice quiet house, a little time for ourselves and a happy and healthy family. ❤️ The trying times also showed us the importance of our family, our faith, and much needed rest. (And a chance to breathe)
After much prayer and soul searching we decided to join a Health and Wellness MLM company. We were very inspired by the possibilities that the business model offered. We jumped all in and got great results, both physically and financially. 😊 Now we both enjoy a less stressful life and the residual paycheck helps us pay bills, take vacations and enjoy life’s little moments.( Especially with our granddaughter ❤️)
🤩If you are interested in learning more about what is working for us, we would love to hear from you. Wishing you all of life’s blessings!
Billy N Becca ❤️🙏🏻