The Boys' Brigade Gazette.

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The Boys' Brigade Gazette. The Boys' Brigade is the foremost Christian youth organization in the world, established in 1883. Our aim is BRINGING GOODNEWS TO YOUNG PEOPLE.



The Gospel Gazette commensurates with Bayelsa State Council and the entire Boys of the Boys' Brigade Nigeria over the de...

The Gospel Gazette commensurates with Bayelsa State Council and the entire Boys of the Boys' Brigade Nigeria over the death of our brother.
We humbly request that BB FLAGS be half masked for the sake of our gallant fallen HERO, SSG Felix Okolo who died in active service in a boat mishap two days ago and body found this morning.
He was the Chief Staff Sergeant of Bayelsa State Council and gave his best for the Boys' Brigade Nigeria.

Bayelsa State Council MOURNS

*RIP Staff Sergeant Felix Okolo.*

THE CALL AND OFFICE OF AN OFFICER IN THE BOYS’ BRIGADEINTRODUCTION The officer is a leader in the B.B, who is appointed ...


The officer is a leader in the B.B, who is appointed to lead the Boys in the company. The Boys in the B.B look up to the officer as a leader, a discipler, coach, teacher and a man of prayer. These should be the great qualities of an officer.

All officers in the B.B must be Christ like and be a member of a church or other Christian organization and be able to promote the object of the Boys’ Brigade. They should set a high example to the member of the company and keep the Christian aim of the movement continually in mind. The officer is being appointed by the church to which a company is attached. The chaplain must be consulted before any potential officer is approached for selection. Officers receive their appointment cards on the day of enrolment service. The Battalion Council is responsible for issuing the appointment cards to the officers.


The B.B. officer must be a professing and practical Christian. Someone who has confessed Christ to be his or her personal Lord and Saviour, and who has totally yielded to the life and teaching of Christ.
The officers should appreciate the call of moulding young Boys to live like Jesus. The officer must understand the nature and effect of sin in the life of a Christian. The officer should develop a good prayer life: Praying for himself, the Boys and the Ministry. The officers should learn to spell the “Boy” with capital letter “B”


As expressed above, the appointment of a member into Office as Officer, is a responsibility that must be taken seriously. The decision to be appointed into Office as an Officer should not be desired but considered with deep reverence because anyone appointed into Office as an Officer, has signed up for Kingdom assignment as a minister.
The Officer in other to function effectively must exercise these three Offices and have three unique attributes.

The four ministries of an Officer:
1. The Priesthood Office: 1 Peter 2:9; says “We are a Chosen people, a Royal priesthood …..called out of darkness into his marvelous Light”. As a Priest, we are called to preach, teach, expound and exhort others through the Word of God. This was clearly stated in the Object of Boys’ Brigade. This call into Priesthood is for all Officers and is not the sole responsibility of the Chaplain. This call does not include baptizing and other sacramental roles of an ordained priest per denomination.

2. The Office of an Intercessor: We have been called to bear each other’s burden (Gal. 6:2), and the call of every officer should come with the burden to pray/intercede for your Boys, your fellow Officers, Your Company, Your Church, Your Community and Your Council. An intercessor is one who fights (or pleads) for Justice, to prevail on behalf of another (Isaiah 59:15-16). The Company/Council looses touch of purpose when Officers do not bear the burden of intercession. A lot will go wrong and negative things will happen arise us till Officers who understand their purpose rise towards the responsibility of intercession (Ezekiel 22:30). God is desperate and intentional with His desire to see Officers who desire to see Christ Kingdom advanced through intercession. Read Isaiah 62:6-7, what do you make out of this scripture?

3. The Kingship Office: In Revelation 5:10 it was recorded that “We have been made Kings and Priests to our God, and we shall reign on earth”. God’s original intention is to see you take charge over all the creation (i.e. physical/visible things and spiritual/supernatural/unseen forces or powers that control the earth). This was established in the dominion mandate (Gen. 1:27-28) and though Adam failed, Jesus death on the cross has become our Redemption; so that through the Power of Jesus we can recover all we lost and have victory over the forces of this age. God wants you to speak forth life over the destiny of the Boy and exercise dominion over forces of darkness rising against the Boy / Church. Ecclesiastes 8:4 says “Where the word of a King is, there is Power”. Jesus Christ, his apostles, the old testament prophets and even believers express God’s dominion over natural forces and negative situations; and God wants you to do same as an Officer.

4. The Office of a Prophet: Amos 3:7 says “God does nothing without FIRST revealing it to His prophets”. The call to be an officer also means that the Officer needs to shape his relationship with God, so that he can discern the mind of God at all times and know the counsel, will, purpose and displeasure of God over his people (Boy, other Officers, the company, the church and the community). Most commonly the Officer is called into the Prophetic Office so he can give divine direction of God’s purpose for the Boy to the Boy. It will help the Boy discover whom he is in Christ and know how best to channel his energies/skills/talents/gifts for the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom. Boys’ Brigade remains the best platform to train a child and this is best actualized when the counsel of God is made know to His people through the words of His prophet.

Each officer in the Boys’ Brigade should be able to flow three out of the four streams above, and this can only happen when the Officer has wholly given his life to Christ.

The four unique attributes of an Officer:

1. An Officer must be faithful to God and His Church. (1 Cor 4:2, Col 1:7 and Mathew 25:21)

2. An Officer must be sacrificial: An Officer must be willing to sacrifice his best to support the vision of the founder (to render selfless service). In 1 Peter 2:5; our call into Priesthood is exemplified by our responsibility to offer spiritual sacrifices to God and to achieve this our lives must be offered to God FIRST as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1).

3. An Officer must be loveable: As leaders we ought to love others with all our hearts and create room in our heart to receive the love of others without any selfish interest. (Gal. 5:13, Eph. 4:32 and Phil2:3).

4. An Officer must be humble: As leaders, we must be humble and not prideful. God lifts the humble and opposes the proud. (Prov. 11:2, 13:10, 16:18, 29:23). A humble Officer will remain teachable, loyal and not arrogant.

Each Company shall be made up of several OICs each taking care of a separate unit like squads, bible study, games, drill, evangelism, drama/visitation, sections like the Company section and Senior section; whilst the Lady officer is the OIC for the Anchor/Junior Boys section etc. They OIC shall be appointed by the members of the Company Staff.

This is the governing body which directs the activities of the Company. It is comprised of:
The Chaplain
The Captain
The Patrons
The Lieutenants and Warrants.
The Company staff shall meet periodically (mostly quarterly) to discuss issues limiting the growth of the Company and way forward. The Captain and Company executives MUST present a well detailed report of events and financial status of the staff at each convened meeting.


This group can be classified into Honorary and Field Officers.

1. Honorary officers: These are esteemed and devoted Men and Women elected or appointed to give influential support and encouragement to the organization. They are Officers who are commissioned because of the administrative, managerial or financial support they render to the organization. For example: The Warrants and Patrons.

2. Field officers: These are Commissioned officers and devoted Christians who have undergone the necessary trainings and acquired skills for the interest of the Boy and the Boys’ Brigade Objective.
They are appointed by the Church and are trained to have direct relationship with the Boys in other to achieve the Boys’ Brigade Objective. Such persons should be Mentors and Role models to the Boys, a servant leader and not a boss. For example the Captain, Chaplain and Lieutenant Officers, of which any of them can be a Lady Officer.
The warrant officer is an Officer in Training while the Lieutenant is an Officer that have advanced in his Battalion Council Basic (Minimum of Basic three).

LADY OFFICERS are female officers above the ages of 25 years who have the desire to serve in the Boys’ Brigade ministry. They can be Lieutenants, Captains, Warrants as the case may be but can’t stand out as NCOs because their BB age exceeds the NCOs age limit. They were integrated into the BB in 1966 to help in training the ANCHOR Boys whom needs motherly care and support. Thus at that age (25) a lady is expected to have developed a good sense of belonging and been able to develop self control over temptations from male officers.

1. Must be loyal to God, the Brigade and the Church.
2. Must avoid or abstain from anything that would stain the name and image of the Boys’ Brigade.
3. Must be a financial member of the church which he belongs to.
Should have the zeal to work without seeking rewards i.e. should render selfless services at all times.
4. Must be proud of the BB uniform by wearing it to all BB activities and honour it by not defying it with alcoholic drinks, smoking, hard drugs etc.
5. Must give prompt obedience to his superior officers.
6. Must not be a member of any secret society or be engaged in any activity of darkness.

THE ART OF CYBERCRIME (YAHOO MONEY)PREAMBLE:Many Brigade Companies around us have crumbled today because some of our Boy...



Many Brigade Companies around us have crumbled today because some of our Boys became part of this cancer (Cybercrime). Someone of them have become arrogant and disrespectful because of the clique they keep. Cybercrime has the biggest negative influence among young people in our generation.
Every generation tends to encounter an avalanche of legions from hell, a band of demonic arsenals targeted towards hindering the purpose of God for that generation. Many young people have fallen apart and become trapped in the snares set by these legions.
From po*******hy to cultism, from abortion to hooliganism, each generation has been faced with such armies of darkness built with paws to kill, steal and to destroy destinies. And now our generation has been faced with the rise of Neo-Paganism, amoral exposures in the social media and a rise in Cybercrime (Yahoo-Money).
Our mission is curbing all fronts used by these legions to short-term our young people especially on the area of Yahoo-Money which is trending in our schools, churches and streets.
The call is open to all and the time is now.

Cybercrime (Yahoo-Money) is the use of the internet and its resources to defraud or take the possessions of an unwilling and unsuspecting victim. It is an organized crime that involves a clique of different fraudsters and syndicates which often employs the services of a talisman (native doctor and false prophets) who concoct charms and cast spells on the victims in other to compel them to release their possessions (properties) against their own will.

All fronts of cybercrime operations (whether as yahoo or yahoo plus) violates the principles of God’s word. The actors COVET, LIAR, DECIEVE AND KILL in other to defraud their victim. They often make sacrifices to spirits using systems like Oke-ite, Sleeping at Grave yards, using magic soaps/creams and other forms of occultism. This also violates the first and second commandments of God. This art (Cybercrime) is a SIN against God, and cannot flow through the tributaries of the Grace of God.

Alas, the Grace of God does not endorse Cybercrime; neither does it cover for any form of lascivious living.
However the 1999 Constitution (Federal Republic of Nigeria) as amended, section 149 states that “Any person who by false pretence obtains property or money from another person commits an offense and its punishable by the law”.

Also the Nigerian Criminal Code Section 149 is inter-alias with the afore-mentioned section on issues relative to Cybercrime.
Also section 11 of the Cybercrime Act 2015, states that “Any person who misdirects electronic messages with either the intention to fraudulently obtain financial gain as a result of such act or with the intention of obstructing the process in other to cause delay or speeding the messages with a view to cause an omission or commission that may defeat the essence of such messages is guilty of an offense and is liable to imprisonment”.
Now therefore, it is a criminal offense as established by the Nigerian Criminal Code, the Nigerian Constitution and the Cybercrime Act. The actors are liable to imprisonment and bigger penalties as the case maybe.

The first challenge is the collapse on our socialization structure. The parents had failed in their responsibility over their children, Schools have become jittery in the fight against immorality and indiscipline; our Ministers have been overcome by events and activities; while our youths are left out to be spoon fed by the minions of social media and peer groups. Many parents have endorsed this art of cybercrime and some (false) ministers now preach the doctrine of Balaam on our pulpits, empowering mammon over our children.

Yahoo operates on three main fronts:
-Spiritism or Occultism.

As an organized crime, Yahoo involves the network of syndicates who cooperate at different levels to deceive the client. They often settle at one spot called a "HK" (A house). This set-up gives them the room to con any man that falls into their web. They also hire the services of a middle man called an Aza-man who runs the trade between the client and the victim (abroad) and takes a good percentage of the deal when it materializes.

Yahoo operates on principles that are contrary to the principles of God's Word; so anyone engaging in Cybercrime directly violates God's commandments.

Six (6) out of the ten commandments of God are violated by an individual anytime we engage in Cybercrime.
-Thou shall not lie (Lev. 19:11,13)
-Thou shall not steal
-Thou shall not kill (Ex 20:13)
-Thou shall covet another man's property (Ex. 20:17).
-Thou shall not have another God except me (Ex. 20:3-4)
-Thou shall not bow to any down to any other God except me.

The last two violations come into play because Yahoo involves the use of charms, spells, magic and enchantments to empower spirits that compel the client to comply with their demands. For this spirits to go for such errands, the Boys engage in frenzy rituals and sacrifices.

Anyone who violates God's judgement has placed himself under God's judgement (Gal. 6:7).


1. Obtaining money through Yahoo is Grace. This is a misconception among many young people, that the money obtained through such means is an art of Grace. Gods Grace empowers you to live above sin not to live in sin. The grace of God is not a license for sinful living (Rom. 6:1). God's Grace doesn't not empower us to break God's moral laws in other to get rich.
2. Yahoo wealth is a way God empowers us to prosper. First, it's God's desire that we prosper but in his ways and according to his Will not in our own ways. Making wealth by breaking God's law and disobeying God's Word is not from the Lord and the Holy Spirit will not abide in the bosom of a man who enriches himself through such means.
3. Job 12:16 says "The deceiver and the deceived all come from the Lord". Many false teachers have used this scripture to charge their clients into believing that God approves the life of deception. The scriptures records that all powers and knowledge come from the Lord. Such acts of deception is not supported by the wisdom of God.
4. Another wrong concept is the deception that Yahoo is a means of recovering the monies the white men stole from our Fathers. Well that's a fat lie because "Thief na thief"; secondly the transactions our father's had with the white man does not on any ground justify the art of Cybercrime.

Yahoo is a sin and is not approved by God, no matter how much false minister tries to baptize it. The devil is the father of lies and the master of deception. He is willing to give you anything you ask of as long as you loose your fellowship with God.

The devil is never satisfied, he might allow you to start small with little sacrifices and rituals; but soon he will make you give in more than you can afford. He will demand for your best, I mean your best in every section of life. The moment you fall into that deception, you will remain trapped in his maze and will need the Mercies of God to rescue you.

Jer 17:11, Prov 10:2, Prov. 13:11, Pro 20:17
Prov 13:7.

1. You loose your soul (Mk 8:36-37)
2. You live in fear and anxiety for their is no peace for the wicked (Ish. 48:22)
3. You can die untimely (Jer 17:11)
4. You can end up in jail or prison for breaking the Nigeria penal or criminal laws.
5. You loose you mind, and can become mentally unstable or mad due to expose to drugs and demonization.
6. It leads many into immoral lifestyles.
7. Many end up as school dropout's and become vision less.
8. The Boy often becomes rude towards his seniors, disrespectful and loses the virtues defined in the Boys' Brigade objective.

Most people that engage in Cybercrime use the poor financial State of the Nation and family to give excuses on why they became YAHOO syndicates.

Matt 6:24, 25 and 34 makes us to understand that God knows all your needs (cars, food, water, clothing, drinks, house etc) . God knows you by name, He understands your needs and has promised to satisfy all your needs according to His riches in glory (Ps 34:10, Phil 4:19, 2 Cor 9:8, 1 Peter 5:6-7 and Jer 29:11).

1. Be contented with what you have (1Tim 6:6-10)
2. Be diligent in your labour, for God rewards our labour handsomely (Prov 22:29, 13:11b).
3. Commit your ways to the Lord and commit your life to God. (Ps 37:5, Prov 16:3).
4. Avoid the wrong company, for bad company corrupts good morals (1 Cor 15:33).
5. Build up yourself through the Word of God. (Ps. 119: 9,11).
6. Submit yourself to a good counsellor or mentor who can help you overcome when the pressure is high on you.
7. Fear God and Keep your commandments (Ecc 12:13).

Whether the art of Cybercrime involved is Yahoo or Yahoo plus, we can sincerely say "SIN is SIN"; And we are going to give account of our actions and choices.
The first Yahoo man was Jacob as recorded in Genesis 27:18-24, 27-29 deceived his father (blind Isaac) and dashed away with his elder brothers blessing. His syndicate was his mother (Rebecca) same way many mother's have been the backbone behind their children's decision to become Yahoo Boys'. After 21years of labour and pain, Jacob realized that such wealth profits nothing, received the harvest of his actions in the hands of his master and in-law (Laban; Gen 29: 25-27; 31:6-7, 41-42); And soon he regretted his actions, for tired of being a deceiver and repented (turned away from His sin and submitted to the Lord, Gen 32:9-12).

He asked God to Bless him; because it's only the blessing of the Lord that makes rich and adds no sorrows.
Yahoo money profits nothing (Prov 10:2).
Such lifestyle will cut you off from the glorious riches in Christ Jesus. God is a God of prosperity and has plans to prosper you, submit to Jesus today and he will lift you up in due season.

The Church was not designed to be a platform for solutions and quick answers. Most Solution centers and prophetic assemb...

The Church was not designed to be a platform for solutions and quick answers. Most Solution centers and prophetic assemblies are the brain behind the chaff we have today Christians.
They offered only Temporal solutions to people's problem without showing them the way to Christ, the way to the Cross and the need for discipleship.

So we ended up having half baked Christians who only come to Jesus when they have problems or need a temporary fix. Most of such people do not care about the government of Christ neither do they keep His principles.

The Church is supposed to operate as a military Cantonment where you will be regimented by strict biblical principles and exposed to the process of discipleship which is able to transform you from being a babe to being a matured Christian.

We have babes as pastors and preachers jumping around as entertainers and show biz men. They are the ones flooding our generation with sweet coated lies in the name of gospel message.

Your relationship with Christ should not be HIT and RUN. Make out time to know him.
Make out time to seek His ways through teachers of the gospel whose words spurn you into repentance and submission.

God loves you, and no matter what you have done or what your life has become, He is able to make a master piece out of your life.

Stop running around like a headless chicken looking for solutions from one church to another, become the solution for others and for our community at large.

God Bless you.

Pst Chimazu JUDE' UWAKWE.

PRAY FOR YOUR PASTORPastors are under attack today in every denomination & in every country. They are attacked from WITH...

Pastors are under attack today in every denomination & in every country. They are attacked from WITHIN their own churches by disgruntled members, WITHIN their own spirits by the devil & from WITHOUT by those who don't even attend or aren't members of the church that they have the privilege & responsibility to lead.
It's no wonder so many pastors are often discouraged, exhausted, frustrated & in their minds (if not in actuality) have tendered their resignations. Statistics say that pastors move from church to church or from church to another line of work at an alarming rate.

- 97% of pastors have been betrayed, falsely accused or hurt by their trusted friends, members and people they extended hands of fellowship to.

- 70% of pastors battle depression.

- Upto 7,000 churches are closed each year.

- 10% will retire a pastor.

- 80% of pastors feel discouraged.

- 94% of pastors families feel the pressure of ministry.

- 90% of pastors report working 55-75 hours per week.

Before you judge your pastor, imagine you are the pastor and you have to deal with a church full of people like you every day.

However, pastoring a church requires EVERYTHING we have...physically, emotionally & spiritually. We completely rely on The Lord for wisdom, grace & strength. We always covet prayer.

Pastoring a church is not easy. (If you do it right, it's not easy.) If you are in it for the position, it might be easy. But when you do it for the glory of God, you sometimes have to do the hard things.

Counselling can be exhausting alongside follow-up on person's with weird cases. Sometimes we give life to others while in pains, tears and wounds in our own heart. We heal others and return home looking unto the Lord for HELP.

Spiritual leadership is MORE than just preaching the Bible. It involves leading God's people in the way the Lord would have them to go. It involves making decisions that are not always popular with everyone, but they must be done.

It involves guarding the wayward and lost into the narrow path and sometimes this involves lots of slander, mockery, rejection and more from the ones you are labouring to assist.

The pastor is the one who is going to give an account for the church.

Hebrews 13:17 makes that pretty clear. "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you."

So since the pastor is going to give account for the church he pastors, he has to lead as the Lord leads him.

To God be the glory!
If you have a pastor that you're thankful for & love...

PRAY for them this LENTEN SEASON.

They are often dealing with complex issues, regarding families & faith for those they lead, that require a great amount of wisdom.


Am glad for my Call,
Am glad am a Pastor,
Am glad I bear the MARKS of Christ.

God will us THROUGH.


Pst Chimazu Jude' Uwakwe.

ANY SYSTEM,ANY MARRIAGE,ANY BUSINESS, orANY INSTITUTION built on manipulation will not stand the test of time. Manipulat...

ANY INSTITUTION built on manipulation will not stand the test of time. Manipulation is the seed of witchcraft and believers must build through Righteousness.

"Do not take advantage of each other, but fear your God. I am the LORD your God.......and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister. The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins, as we told you and warned you before"
(Levi. 25:17 and 1Thess. 4:6).

Do not pull down others in order to rise,
Do not bribe or take bribes to to secure positions,
Do not cheat, decieve others, betray friends, lie or even slander to secure top positions. If you build through any of these systems, the laws of nature will surely catch up with you someday.

We are the Salt of this world, let our true Christian virtues and values be our foundation.
Wealth without true values, virtues or morality will only bring you decay and it's vanity.

Pst Chimazu Jude' Uwakwe.

We are in a generation of make it fast hustlers and anything to get audience or cash out it cool for many. Morality is l...

We are in a generation of make it fast hustlers and anything to get audience or cash out it cool for many. Morality is lacking in our works and in the midst of our deliveries we do not reverence God.
Many content creators today make videos and create stories without a good sense of morality and reverence to God.

They create all sorts of content using Bible characters to crack jokes and mocking God's name to draw audience. Some go far as insulting pastors, burning Bibles and granting fake Interviews to drag the gospel to the mud.

God's commandments says in
Exodus 20:7
"You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name".

If you say it doesn't matter, why not you use the name of Allah or Buddha to make jokes and share it to the social space or Muslims or Buddhist. If it doesn't matter why are we not seeing other religions making a joke out of their God?
It's always Christians fighting Christians.


Do not forget, that the Lord is

Repent today and Turn from your ways.
Do not partake in the sin of such creators,
Do not share their videos.

May the Lord guide your PATHS.

Pst. Chimazu Jude' Uwakwe.

NEW YEAR TESTIMONY.Yesterday morning being the New Year celebration, I came to Church early for Service and was getting ...

Yesterday morning being the New Year celebration, I came to Church early for Service and was getting my vestments ready around the Chancel, suddenly someone called my name from afar with a lowered voice, I came out and saw one of the village guys who once stood against the planting and establishment of our Church years ago. Infact he was so vicious that he attacked us with a matchet years ago and insisted that no Church will be planted in his community. (Till date we remain the only surviving Church in that village).

He was a known ATR priest with 3 shrines in his name in his small house. He always bragged about his diabolical powers and prowess and has remained unmarried.
He asked to see my privately and with cheerful look told me he has a testimony to share.

He said last night (Crossover night service) was his best moment since his birth as he never believed he would see the end of 2023.
According to him, that night was his being in a church service for decades. He has issues with two different men and they vowed that he wouldn't cross 2023. They killed his close friend (Oje-na-mmiri) who was buried in July last year and was ruthlessly after his life.
According to him his 3dieties couldn't protect him so one night he came to our church hall (being an open place) to pray and ask God to keep him. That if God is real that he wants God to keep him alive so he wouldn't end up like his friend.
He made those prayers a routine and saw the deliverance of God whenever those forces came to cut him down.

He confessed that last year he discovered that indeed their is a real God that Christians worship and he is superior to any diety they can lay hold on.

He said he will follow Jesus Christ this year and will turn away from his devotion to worthless idols. I also tasked him to make turn aside with haste and never looked back. I prayed for him earnestly and he promised to become a part of what Jesus is doing in their community.


Experience God for yourself,
Don't go around places looking for proves where their is none, TURN TO JESUS TODAY AND YE SHALL LIVE.

Pst Chimazu Jude' Uwakwe



This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.
The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.
Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become "fools" so that you may become wise.
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: "He catches the wise in their craftiness" and again, "The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile."

1Cor 2:12-14; 3:19-21.




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