Always around the world

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Always around the world Hi there my name is Kelly! Always Around The World is the Adventure Travel Blog specialised in out


Kelly is a native Dutch outdoor adventure ju**ie. Since May 2017 she has been traveling around the world full-time. Living in a campervan in Australia, cycling 3.000 km in Iceland, 6 months in temperatures of minus 35 degrees Celsius, a month cycling around Ireland, hiking 500+ km all across the Canary Islands and so much more. She likes to challenge herself with o

utdoor activities and that’s why her list is getting bigger and bigger. My goal for Always Around The World is to focus more on injury prevention, training, nutrition, long distance hikes and much much more. For this reason I finished some studies and started working together with nutritionists, personal trainers and mindset coaches. So the content will be more going in depth to make sure you got the most out of your adventures.

Week update - Dalarna, SwedenDear friends, What a week, last week was INCREDIBLE!! I left the West Coast and really took...

Week update - Dalarna, Sweden

Dear friends,

What a week, last week was INCREDIBLE!! I left the West Coast and really took the time to discovered Vanërn, Värmland and right now I'm in Dalarna.

Last weekend we celebrated MidSommar and wow it was really special to be close with local people during days like that. It celebrates the longest day of the year, the summer solstice, which takes place in June. In Sweden, it is one of the most celebrated holidays of the year.

I just want to share a funny fact about the weather over here 😜 The last week we had sort of a heat wave over here with temperatures over 30 degrees celsius and during the night it was still 27 degrees. But I won't complain everything is better than rain 😃

But as the days are so long I decided to cycle during the night so now and then. So lovely people who told me that they preferred warm weather, Sweden has it all 😁 The best part about Sweden and the lakes, I did a dive every couple of hours to refresh while cycling in the heat.

This week I made more time to go for a swim, relax on the beaches and do some work on the most beautiful places.
Wildlife here in Sweden is amazing, as I had a moose crossing the road, some deer checking out my tent, snakes on the road, squirrels, a lot of fished in the lakes and I really love it. One of the animals I don't like that much are the mosquitos and other biting flies. Grr....

As I already discovered earlier countries like this is absolutely what drives me! I'm so grateful that my body is doing so well and I'm able to take the time to be here as long as I want.

Next week I will be on the East Coast where I want to do some nice hikes on the High Coast of Sweden and from there on follow the coast up North.

For those who are curious about this area, check out the last episode of "Floortje naar het einde van de wereld" as this was all filmed in this area. 🥰🥰

Week update - Grebbestad, Sweden** Stepping out of my comfort zone **Last week was in one word: INCREDIBLE!!!! I already...

Week update - Grebbestad, Sweden

** Stepping out of my comfort zone **

Last week was in one word: INCREDIBLE!!!! I already miss sitting in the kayak and catching the waves. It was the first time I did a self guided sea kayaking tour and it was all really well organized.

We got a briefing about navigating on the water, and during the instructions the owner of the company really mentioned the other 3 guys to stay stuck together while crossing from one to another island.

And that I really needed to think smart and be aware of the power of the waves, while getting all these signs I was thinking hmmmm was it a good idea to go on a multiple day trip just by myself without any experience.

So I asked the guy if it happens a lot that people fall out of the kayak or worse… If you are navigating well you will be inside of the archipelago so no worries you are strong and used to challenges so you can do this!

After the briefing it was time to pack the kayak and I have to say I was surprised about the 130 liters of storage. As I’m used to packing lightweight and just the essential gear I was ready packing in over 10 minutes and just filled half of the storage!

Ready to explore the Bohuslän coast and its islands. It is one of the top 10 last great wilderness areas in the world, according to CNN and I totally understand why.

I had a map in front of me and the weather was perfect, the wind was still strong but it was manageable so all was fine.

Really after traveling full time for already 5.5 years I know what freedom is, but after this trip freedom got another dimension. No watch, no music in my ears, just me and the waves.

No fixed plan, no strict areas where you can camp, as I was allowed to pick one of the thousands islands to sleep on.

I was really surprised about the white beaches, clear waters and really sometimes it felt like I was kayaking somewhere in the Seychelles or a Caribbean coastline.

Like we all know the canoe trips in the lakes of Sweden, but this was for me personally more unknown so that’s why I decided to cycle further along the west coast to reach Grebbestad and really it was incredible.

I slept in a nature reserve full of birds and next to the village Fjallbacka, so amazing all the colorful houses and boat houses along the coast. But most of the time I slept on bounty islands as you will see in the pictures.

I can’t describe the feeling of freedom and happiness when I was doing this. Every evening I had to send the Kayak Center a message with my location and they sent me the weather for the next day so I knew what to expect.

After years of watching Scandinavian series and movies it felt like I was in the middle of a film set, so unreal sometimes. I decided to bring the drone with me even though the wind was still pretty strong, I had enough space in the boat and WOW i’m happy I just did it.

The last couple of years I was scared sometimes to fly with the drone because of the wind but now I’m traveling alone. It can be really useful for selfies. What do you think is it a good idea?
It was amazing to use other muscle groups while doing the kayak tour, so my right leg had a little rest after the uphill days from last week. For now I have 2 days of work and from Monday I will start cycling again.

I changed the route to Sundsvall a little bit to have less mountains to stay friends with my right knee. I have so many other plans for the upcoming summer so I can’t afford an injury like my last bike trip in Ireland.

SO SO SO grateful for the new experience with the sea kayak and the feeling of upper freedom! Proud of myself that I stepped out of my comfort zone. Sometimes there was nobody around me for hours and it was just me and the waves. I did it!

Really my friends Sweden has so much more to offer and I would love to keep sharing this with you!

Enjoy your weekend


Week update - Grebbestad, SwedenLast week I cycled the west coast of Sweden and it was incredible! Even so nice that I t...

Week update - Grebbestad, Sweden

Last week I cycled the west coast of Sweden and it was incredible! Even so nice that I totally forgot to take a rest day and so I arrived in Grebbestad 2 days ago. The challenges going uphill are getting more serious, but it’s all a kind of training for the mountains I will reach getting more up north.

And as I always tell myself without challenges there is no growth. And really after the big climb getting up I’m so freaking proud when I go downhill with such a nice speed. That feeling is like you are flying like a bird, it feels so good and in seconds you will forget the hard work you had climbing uphill.

On the west coast of Sweden you won’t find that many shelters but, I decided to look for some of them which were just a little extra kilometres from the route.

So I slept in a wooden house in the middle of the forest, and I thought it was so great to sleep inside because of the rain, but holy moly the roof was leaking a lot. So I made a sort of shelter inside the wooden house. And waking up and being just by myself in the forest was a great experience.

I also slept next to incredible lakes where I was able to have a nice refreshing swim, and again no people around me. I even heard a moose during the night while I was camping next to the lake.

I really take the time to enjoy all the nice sceneries and I’m so grateful for being part of it. The conditions on one of the lakes were so good that I just played a bit with the drone and really I love the shots.

So now and then I meet people while camping next to the lakes and it’s so nice to feel welcome while wild camping. Here in Scandinavia you have the Right of Public Access ('Allemansrätten'), or Outdoor Access Rights gives you the right to roam the countryside in Sweden in perfect peace and quiet.

This week the weather was also like a rollercoaster. I had really warm days, and had quite some rain, so sometimes I stop on the side of the road for a break while the rain is really heavy. Luckily there are a lot of trees or bus stops to find a shelter.

As some of you already noticed this week my plan was to follow the coast up to Fjallbacka and from there I would go inland….BUT right now I’m in Grebbestad just under the border of Norway and this place is well known for the sea kayak experiences crossing the islands in the archipel. That is exactly the reason why I’m here.

Upcoming week I will do a self guided sea kayak trip. Just outside Grebbestad lies an archipelago of several hundred mostly uninhabited islands. At the moment I’m packing and preparing food as I will camp on the islands, and I can pick every island I want to sleep on.

So I will bring my tent, cooking gear, fishing tools and of course my swimming gear and yes the water is cold, but so nice after a day of exercises.

It’s good to give my legs some rest and let my arms work while fighting against the waves. I’m so excited for this trip, especially because there is now guide. I'm just by myself, the kayak, the scenery and a map. On the end of the trip the company I booked the self guided tour will pick me up to bring me back to Grebbestad.

After I will grab my bike and continue cycling, I already made the next route for the upcoming 1000 km. I will cross some incredible points of interest during this part and again I’m so grateful for this. I tried to make the best route for my right knee and adjust some things on my bike and hopefully it will work out well.

From Grebbeland I will set directions to Karlstad crossing lake “Vanern” the biggest lake of Sweden and the European Union. I will cycle through the well known parts of Sweden Varmland and Dalarna, I’m so excited to discover those parts of the country. The landscapes will be different from the coast side, so ready for it!

Have a great new week and a big thanks for all the messages and support I get from people all around the world!

Week update - Tylösand, SwedenDear friends, It happened again.. I was stuck in the area of Copenhagen on the coast side ...

Week update - Tylösand, Sweden

Dear friends,

It happened again.. I was stuck in the area of Copenhagen on the coast side of Niva in a small red cabin. 4 years ago I went to the same area and instead of 3 days I stayed 3 weeks… I did some incredible hikes in the areas around Hillerød, Birkerød and on the coast. Spent a some time in Copenhagen and last Friday I was ready to go!

After a great time in Niva I met so many special people during BBQ nights, brunches and a Danish Say Goodbye breakfast. I found rest in my head and body and made my way to Sweden. From there I cycled to Helsingør and from there I catched the ferry to Helsingborg, Sweden. After just a 20 minutes cross I arrived in Helsingborg and realized this was the country where most part of my adventure will happen.

Friday: After arriving in Helsingborg I set direction to the first shelter “Lägerplats Gryteskär” next to the coast just 5 minutes outside of Haragården. It was great after arriving at the place I was right into my element. Living outdoors is the best. I collected some wood, bark and dry (sea)grass to make a fire with just a firestick, so no lighter anymore. And I have to say it worked out well, I was a little proud.

After waking up early in the shelter I had breakfast on the beach and started cycling, but already after 900 meters I mentioned that one of the frames on the front of my bike was missing a screw. So I made a temporary fix with a tywrap and went over to the bike shop. I asked him to check one other thing on my bike and long story short, the screw was just a sign.. My whole crankset was loose and the guy told me that I had to be grateful that I mentioned the screw because in the next 1000 km the crankset was able to get loose and worse things were supposed to happen. But luckily we were on time and really you are my hero, thanks Johannes from Radness Cykelservice for the great service and support for my trip. Hero 😇

Yesterday I cycled a part of the Kattegattleden cycling route, this route is a popular cycling path from Helsingborg up to Gothenburg. The navigation is really good and easy to follow, which is great! I cycled across the beaches, in the forest and most of all in a lot of silent places, I freaking loved it.

As I promised myself to stop every 3rd or 4th day to do some work and have some rest to explore the beach, I booked a camping for 2 nights. Funny sidestory…. A camping full of families enjoying a vacation on the beach. It was kind of a shock after sleeping in the forest but all fine. After a nice walk on the beach and warm shower I dressed myself in my warm evening clothes and really they smell like campfire. I love that smell but it was a big contrast with all the well dressed people here on the campground.

Tomorrow I set directions more North, as you already know I’m not a strict planner, so I will see where I will end up. Allright Allright to give you some kind of an indication my guess is that it will be close to Varberg. As there are not that many shelters on the coast side, I think I will set up my tent somewhere along the coast. Upcoming week I will cycle up to Fjällbacka and from there I will set directions to the mainland. So rivers and shelters here I come!

So for the ones interested in the map I’m now at point F: Tylösand and will get to G: Fjällbacka and H: Karlstad. But you will never know what will change ;-)

Have a lovely new week and I hope you will enjoy the pictures!

It's time for a new adventure! 🥰Last year when I was cycling around Ireland I had a crazy idea that popped into my head....

It's time for a new adventure! 🥰

Last year when I was cycling around Ireland I had a crazy idea that popped into my head. “Cycling all the way to the North Cape”... I knew it was crazy by that time because of my leg injury, but I was convinced and trained hard and here I am ready to cycle 3000 km all the way up North crossing Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway!

Right now Flixbus is getting me to Copenhagen where my journey will start. I will meet up with friends I met at the beginning of my world trip back in 2017. Thank you Flixbus for taking care of my bike and giving me all the comfort.

Funny Fact: in 2017 I planned to stay 3 days in Copenhagen and in the end I stayed up to 3 weeks at my amazing Couchsurfing host. Grateful for those memories.

For me it’s not about the final destination but really about the journey, so I have some kind of route but to be honest this changed already 2 times last week after getting advice from Swedish people I spoke to. The best advice I can give people is to ask the locals as they really know the best spots.

I don’t have any idea how long this trip will be.. Maybe I will stay there 😉

I’m really looking forward to the wild camping adventures, swimming in the (cold) lakes, meeting up with other bikers, the rough nature, catching some fish, doing some long distance hikes, canoe trips, being out of reach for a long period of time and last but not least pushing myself to climb mountains with my fully packed bike. Yes, as a Dutch girl, I’m still not used to mountains with the bike, even not after all the trips I made in the last years.

For the first couple of days I booked a really cute cabin to calm down a bit after weeks of hard work and after I will start my journey. Yeah work in progress normally I would start right away, but I don’t want injuries and when my head is ready then my body will follow.

I will keep you all updated about my journey!

Have a lovely weekend my friends

vi ses snart

Being outdoors is the best therapy for your body and mindset. It feels like every doubt and pain is floating away. Do yo...

Being outdoors is the best therapy for your body and mindset. It feels like every doubt and pain is floating away. Do you understand this feeling?

Planning a hiking trip and not sure about what to pack, how to train, or what to eat? Send me a message and I'm happy to help you!

Almost there, on Fuerteventura, I did 2 stages in one day and I really liked the challenge! I was so happy that my body ...

Almost there, on Fuerteventura, I did 2 stages in one day and I really liked the challenge! I was so happy that my body was doing so well. After my last bike touring trip I trained every day for my knee injury to make sure I will be prepared for a new trip!

I'm grateful that the studies about the body and working together with professionals changed my body and mindset! 🥰

The Faroe Islands will surprise you in every aspect! The Faroe Islands are a small archipelago of 18 rugged and rocky is...

The Faroe Islands will surprise you in every aspect! The Faroe Islands are a small archipelago of 18 rugged and rocky islands north of the United Kingdom and southwest of Iceland.

Let me inspire you with a guide full of Breathtaking Sights You Can't Miss While Visiting the Faroe Islands. Check the guide here 👇🏼

If you have any questions about the Faroe Islands feel free to send me a message.

"Camping: The art of getting closer to nature while getting farther away from the nearest cold beverage, hot shower, and...

"Camping: The art of getting closer to nature while getting farther away from the nearest cold beverage, hot shower, and flush toilet."


If you ask me there is no bad time to visit the Netherlands. But let me explain you the best time to visit the Netherlands by month including the weather charts, holidays and events.


Let's get some inspiration by watching this video and after you can read the Ultimate Best Time To Visit The Netherlands Guide 2022.

Did you know that merino wool is a must-have during your upcoming summer trips? I hear you... wool in summer you are cra...

Did you know that merino wool is a must-have during your upcoming summer trips? I hear you... wool in summer you are crazy? No, let me tell me more...⁠

After all those years I have all my clothes of merino wool during my summer trips and winter trips. Wool during summertime?

Check out why merino wool is an absolute must-have! 👇🏼👇🏼

Isla Lobos an incredible Island between Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. Let this Island surprise you with the blue waters, ...

Isla Lobos an incredible Island between Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. Let this Island surprise you with the blue waters, white beaches, the volcano landscapes, and views from Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. ⁠

Did you ever go to this Island?⁠

Section 12 GR 131 FuerteventuraThe 16 km between Barranco de Pecenesal and La Pared is a track through the Sandy Desert....

Section 12 GR 131 Fuerteventura

The 16 km between Barranco de Pecenesal and La Pared is a track through the Sandy Desert. I really liked this part as the views were incredible and I was surprised by the goats between the dunes.

If you're planning to go hike this part, be prepared for sand storms which is a really nice scrub for your face and hand 😜

Believe me, I had a lot of bad weather during my hiking and biking trips in the last couple of years! I know some people...

Believe me, I had a lot of bad weather during my hiking and biking trips in the last couple of years! I know some people told me WHY?? But I really like to be outdoors even when it's raining!

I know when I have to carry a soaked tent with me for a couple of days and pitch it for the 5th time I start thinking the same, but I never stopped the adventure!

Make sure to wear the right gear to keep your body dry and warm. I made a guide about the Best Breathable And Durable Rain Jackets For Women (see link below)

If you have any questions about the right gear, send me a DM and I will help you out!

Love is that to life what wind is to a windmill!⁠

Love is that to life what wind is to a windmill!⁠

"Every new day is a new opportunity for success. Good Morning!"⁠Make this week amazing my friends!

"Every new day is a new opportunity for success. Good Morning!"⁠

Make this week amazing my friends!

La Gomera - Do I need to say more?⁠

La Gomera - Do I need to say more?⁠

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, and dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise ...

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, and dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.⁠

Enjoy your weekend and explore the outdoors!

Europe has so many incredible hikes to offer. During the last years, I discovered incredible places in Europe and want t...

Europe has so many incredible hikes to offer. During the last years, I discovered incredible places in Europe and want to share with you my favorite hikes in the updated guide full of single and multi-day hikes in Europe you really need to know.

Let me know your favorite hiking trail in Europe?

Today is a special day for me, as I'm a full-time traveler already for 5 years.⁠⁠I started my trip with just a backpack ...

Today is a special day for me, as I'm a full-time traveler already for 5 years.⁠

I started my trip with just a backpack on my back and left 3 carton boxes in the Netherlands with my personal belongings. During the last couple of years, I learned so much and the last year in particular. ⁠

I had ups and downs as anyone else in life and it was challenging sometimes to continue traveling with the covid situation, but I always found the right solution.⁠

Traveling around the world, and challenging myself with some great outdoor activities such as hiking, biking and kayaking are what really drive me the most. ⁠

I can tell you this is just the beginning and I will continue and there is so much more coming! Even it can be hard sometimes never forget to believe in your passion and your power of life. ⁠


Whale watching Iceland is something you really have to experience as whales are such beautiful creatures.

Get inspired by this short video and don't forget to check out the updated guide:

Planning a trip to Iceland? Feel free to ask me any questions you have!

La Gomera really you are incredible. 🥰 Last year I lived for a couple of months in Tenerife and visited the island just ...

La Gomera really you are incredible. 🥰 Last year I lived for a couple of months in Tenerife and visited the island just for one day with a friend and I was in love. ⁠

In just an hour the ferry from Los Christianos will get you to La Gomera. If you are lucky you will see dolphins on your way and don't forget the incredible view of the El Teide from the sea. 😇😇⁠

During my GR131 hike, I crossed the entire Island, and even though the weather was not the best, I loved every single second of my hike. ⁠

Check out the guide with the 13 Best Canary Islands Hiking Trails If You're Up For A Challenge:

As I kid I was already fascinated by Whales and especially killer whales. I'm lucky enough to tell you that I saw them m...

As I kid I was already fascinated by Whales and especially killer whales. I'm lucky enough to tell you that I saw them multiple times during my trips around the world. But Iceland is one of my favorite spots. ⁠

So make sure to check out all the information you need about Whale Watching in Iceland in my updated guide.



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Our Story

Always Around the World started back in 2016 as a personal travel blog, where we shared our personal travel stories with family and friends. But the goals were way bigger than that. We had so much energy and passion fro writing, that we just felt like doing more with it. We had a goal in mind: Sharing all the information we gathered during our travels! We want that Always Around The World is the place to be to find all the information you are looking for about a particular destination. How we do this? By interaction with a lot of other travellers all around the world and creating content to answer all their questions. The combination of the adventures we experience and inspiring people to do the same is what keeps us travelling fulltime ever since 2017. The world has so much to offer and even if you can't travel (full time), we like to inspire you all year round. We share photos, videos and blog posts about all kind of different countries and places around the globe. In this way, we show you all the beautiful places out there, but also places that you might want to evade! So, if you don't know where to start with preparing your next trip, because you have so many questions, let us help you out. Preparing a trip is a time-consuming job which you want to do good, to make sure you can fully enjoy your time off! Our mission is to make this process much easier and quicker, by providing all the information you need on one page! So, sit back, relax, get inspired and start enjoying the preparations for your next trip!