Inspired by the ancient Olmec civilization’s roots culture art and lifestyle - the mission - is to bring the coolest hip from the underground world of fashion art and expression. Their existence culture lifestyle and artistic expression have inspired artist, designers, writers, philosophers, scientist and theorist all over the world. Please feel free to share any knowledge or thoughts you may have
on The Olmec civilization or on the coolest happenings in underground fashion art expression in your hip part of the world. The Olmec civilization existed from 2500 BCE to about 400 BCE establishing many of the foundations for the civilizations that followed. Toltec, Mayan, and Aztec to name a few. The most familiar aspect of the Olmec is their artwork, particularly the aptly named Colossal Heads. In fact, the Olmec civilization was first defined through artifacts purchased on the pre-Columbian art market in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Olmec artworks are considered among ancient America's most striking. The wide diffusion of Olmec artifacts and "Olmecoid" iconography throughout much of Mesoamerica indicates the existence of extensive long-distance trade networks. Exotic, prestigious and high-value materials such as jade, greenstone and marine shell were moved in significant quantities across large distances. The name "Olmec" means "rubber people" in Nahuatl, the language of the Aztec. The term "rubber people" refers to the practice, spanning from ancient Olmecs to Aztecs, of extracting latex from the olicuáhuitl, a rubber tree native to the tropical areas of Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. The juice of a vine, Ipomoea alba, was then mixed with this latex to create rubber as early as 1600 BCE. Early modern explorers and archaeologists, however, mistakenly applied the name "Olmec" to the rediscovered ruins and artifacts in the heartland decades before it was understood that these were not created by people the Aztecs knew as the "Olmec", but rather a culture that was 2000 years older. Despite the mistaken identity, the name has stuck. It is not known what name the ancient Olmec used for themselves; some later Mesoamerican accounts seem to refer to the ancient Olmec as "Tamoanchan". A contemporary term sometimes used to describe the Olmec culture is Tenocelome, meaning "Mouth of the Jaguar". The Olmec - the "Mother Culture" of America