Am I the A-hole for breaking up with my boyfriend and kicking him out because he wanted to let my younger brother go into the foster system? 😞
#redditposts #redditreadings #aita #amitheasshole #storytime #askreddit #story #redditstorytime
Am I the a-hole for going no contact with my mom after she had sex with my boyfriend? 😔
#redditposts #story #amitheasshole #redditstorytime #aita #askreddit #redditreadings #storytime
Would I Be The Asshole if I break up with my girlfriend when her dad died because of me? 😅
#storytime #redditposts #story #redditstorytime #redditreadings #askreddit #amitheasshole #aita
The smallest gesture can change someone's life 😇
#redditstorytime #confessions #askreddit #redditreadings #redditposts #story #storytime
I quietly pointed out a coworker’s (assumed) period stain and didn’t think of it as a big deal. 😊
#redditposts #confessions #askreddit #redditstorytime #storytime #redditreadings #story
Would I Be The A-hole Here if I told my husband why I don’t initiate sex? 😅
#storytime #redditreadings #story #aita #redditposts #redditstorytime #amitheasshole #confessions #askreddit
I don’t think I’ve lived willingly for the past 5 years. I’m only trying because my parents have given too much for me to waste it 😔
#redditstorytime #story #redditposts #aita #redditreadings #storytime #confessions #askreddit
I re-tag and return items to my local charity shop. 😔
#redditstorytime #aita #amitheasshole #redditreadings #confessions #redditposts #storytime #story
I was a security guard and lived in one of the office rent-free. 😃
#redditstorytime #aita #amitheasshole #redditreadings #confessions #redditposts #storytime #story
I was living in NYC and faked having cancer so I could move back home. 🥲
#redditreadings #redditposts #confessions #aita #story #storytime #amitheasshole #redditstorytime
In 2008, I named my teacher “Luigi”, and to this day, everyone calls him that. 😂
#confessions #amitheasshole #redditposts #story #redditstorytime #aita #redditreadings #storytime
I was a terrible friend as a kid and never realised until now. 😔
#amitheasshole #storytime #story #confessions #redditstorytime #aita #redditreadings #redditposts
I drugged my parents when I was 15 to sneak out of the house. 😔
#redditposts #story #redditstorytime #aita #amitheasshole #storytime #confessions #redditreadings
I can’t stop texting her, and it’s driving me absolutely crazy! 🤪
#askreddit #redditposts #storytime #aita #story #amitheasshole #redditstorytime
Would I be the a-hole for leaving the relationship without “fighting for it” after my GF suggested an open relationship? 😅
#storytime #story #askreddit #amitheasshole #redditposts #redditstorytime #redditreadings #aita
Am I the a-hole for leaving a date early because she didn’t tell me she was pregnant? 😅
#aita #storytime #amitheasshole #askreddit #redditposts #redditreadings #story #redditstorytime
Am I the a-hole for breaking up with my girlfriend because she passionately kissed another girl at a birthday party? 😘
#askreddit #redditreadings #aita #amitheasshole #story #redditposts #redditstorytime #storytime
Am I the a-hole because I don't want to go to marriage counseling now that my husband wants another kid? 🤨
#askreddit #redditposts #storytime #redditstorytime #redditreadings #story #aita #amitheasshole
Am I the a-hole for "parentifying my daughter"? 😔
#redditreadings #storytime #story #redditposts #askreddit #amitheasshole #redditstorytime #aita
A member of my congregation was arrested; they did the crime, but they do not believe it is a crime. 😅
#story #redditposts #redditreadings #redditstorytime #storytime #confessions #askreddit