Set in Long Beach, California, "Shadows of The City" follows the journey of 22 yr old Robyn Summers, an orphan from New Orleans. One-day, Robyn is called from her Cajun roots to be Governess of a 9 year-old boy name Christian, the youngest member of the wealthiest family in Long Beach, the Dubois'. Long Beach sits at the Southern tip of Port Angeles in Southern California. The Dubois Family has ow
ned Port Angeles’ shipping and freighting companies for nearly five generations. From its small fishing and shipping roots, a city by the sea has sprung up around the family, and the few members that are left have retreated to their hilltop home, Longhill, a French Gothic Estate. The family’s Matriarch Renee’ Dubois has rarely left the Estate since her beautiful daughter Ghislaine was born…that was 20 years ago and now Ghislaine is a student at the Local City College. When Renee’s Aristocrat brother Sean, and his troubled son Christian return to Longhill, family secrets are confronted and stretch far beyond mere mortal comprehension. "Shadows of The City" stars students from LBCC, CSULB and the LBUSD both infront of the microphone and behind. Created, Produced & Directed by Rene' Lee
Written Rene' Lee & Robin Montague
Post Production & Engineering by Eugenio Ruiz
Original Music by Eugenio Ruiz aka Babine Badabing. Cast In Order of Appearance (Pilot):
Desiree Grigoleit as Robyn Summers
Paul Anthony Reilly as Sean Dubois
Florence St. Peter as Renee' Dubois
Vincent Swayne as The Train Conductor & John
Pat "Cookie" Cooksie as Old Lady Passenger
Wendie Rubalcava as Sister A'Du
Keith Chacon as Mark Jasper
Scott Maddox as The Innkeeper
Mike Davies as Inspector Dunn
Donesther Dane as The Bartender
Robin Montague as The News Person
Jasmin Purifoy as Deja
Eugenio Ruiz as The Running Man
Additional Cast:
Tracy Winfrey as Ghislaine Dubois
Christian St. Peter as Christian Dubois
Rene' Lee as Alberta
Nelson Vincent - Jacques
Dustin Velasques - McCoy
Luciano Heredia as Male #2
Cyrus Farmer as Vincent Dubois
This is a Different Faces Entertainment Project