Working under its parent company Chrono, Cinema Revolt Pictures aim to revolutionize the Pakistan film industry. Headed by a visionary, Cinema Revolt Pictures plans to help the aspiring filmmakers financially and to produce feature films in the future and it also plans to hold the Islamabad Film Festival (IFF) in the near future. This will be unique and one of its kind film festival which will hel
p promote local filmmakers and will give them a platform to prove themselves. Our long term goals include:
•We ought to promote aspiring, emerging and established filmmakers of Pakistan.
• CRP also gives filmmaking workshops on topics such as Film Direction, Scriptwriting, Cinematography, Sound Design, etc.
• In Pakistan filmmaking is taken for granted. People do not realize the potential and power of this medium of communication and art. People are making films, which is the ultimate goal but are not doing anything to create a base or a platform for films to be made. This is why CRP was created.
• The Director of CRP is already writing a book on the film industry of
Pakistan and is working on a film society to aid the art and craft of filmmaking in Pakistan from grassroots level.
• CRP is also working on a Directory of Pakistani Filmmakers and Film Professionals.