* ONE win per VENDOR per month
* when a number is picked its "CLOSEST TO", so the number closest to the winning number wins
* draws will be decided in a "juice off" AKA. Thunderdome!
* PIFs (Pay It Forward) are permitted
* more than one person can play the same number
* playing multiple numbers may res
ult in a MUTE/BAN
*Rudeness will result in a MUTE and if continued you will be permanently banned from the channel
* Insulting any host or chatter character will result in a MUTE/BAN... disrespectful speech is NOT tolerated
* SHOULD you not receive a prize won on a show, contacting the sponsor is your responsibility, we just give it we don't track it. But we can assist you in getting the information to contact them. WEDNESDAY - F U I'M VA**NG:
* one win per MONTH
* when a number is picked its "CLOSEST TO", so the number closest to the winning number wins
* draws will be decided in a "juice off" AKA. THURSDAY - CANADIAN CLOUD FORCE:
*One win per show per person
*Can only win once per every 4 weeks from same vendor, preferred if you PIF (pay it forward) if you've already won from said vendor before.
*One number once, per person, per vendor. If there is more than one person with the winning number or closest to the winning number, there will be a juice off.
*Any wins that require you to email Alex for, must be claimed and email sent by Sunday night to Alex.
**Absolutely NO slander or rudeness, as it will result in a purge of message, and if continued, BANNED.