with you...
I have found that sometimes,
that takes getting away
from it all to contemplate, relax, and
renew your mind, body, and soul.
Stillwater is about
being open
so you can solve life's problems
in sacred space.
It's about connecting with nature in
a special, even divine way.
It's about kayaking on still water
under a full moon.
It's about sitting on a deck at night
with your favorite companion(s)
next to a lake or the ocean and watching
the sun go down and the stars
appear after playing in the sun
and on the water all day.
It's about being on a hike,
or snowshoeing and looking up
into the mountains and getting
a sense of everything being
connected and divine.
It's about simplicity, hospitality,
friendship and family.
Stillwater is about campfires, food, and
conversations with friends.
And finally, it's about the
occasional adventure, relaxing vacation,
and capturing all of the above on video,
pictures, poetry, and writing.
~ Rod ~