As salaam alaikum wa Rahman tullahi wa barakatuh
1. Do not put your spouse in a difficut situations like this: perhaps there are easier route than this.
2. Help your woman stay fit for days like this.
3. Be ever patience with her regardless and always offrs help when necessary
4. Never be shy of the people around to offer your spouse help and never get tired of TRYING to help them
5. Remember they are humans never get tired of their humanly traits when they frustrates your patience. Perseverance.
6. Women should learn to be obedience to their husbands
7. Men should know their wives mumu button, that when you say it boom she complies
8. Understanding women and enjoying being with them that way
9 Never lets third party or kntruder or public deter you or make you ashamwd of being at her aid
10. Ofcourse show her love and mercy at alltimes and regardless of her feedback etc.