PROMED TV is a unique TV Channel on Nile Sat( freq 10921 V ) has been accredited by Saudi Commission for Health Specialties and Health Authority- Abu Dhabi to broadcast accredited continuing medical education (CME) lectures and provide healthcare professionals accredited CME certificates. The mission of PROMED TV is to improve the health of the community by setting the standard of excellence in co
ntinuing medical education (CME) to provide the most up-to-date medical information to the healthcare professionals using educationally broadcasting principles and formats
Continuing medical education aims to improve the medical information that reflects the quality of service. It also aims to provide physicians and other health care providers with excellent current knowledge and skills by improving the quality of healthcare delivery. The project provides materials that are tailored to complement the needs of healthcare professionals providing the first specialized satellite channel in the world, the professional medical TV. This removes medical education from local to a global forum, thus, providing a scientific environment with the use of a state-of-the-art mode of visual communication to reach all people in the Middle East and North Africa. The project is intended to enhance the professional development of clinicians and other healthcare workers and improve patient care outcomes.