New releases and some more news.
♪ Noise a Noise 24.2: Resistance 2 includes a collaboration between Sarmen Almond and I amongst many other artists such as Leonie Roessler, 2/5bz, tarxun, Alireza Amirhajebi, Amirali Karimi Sahari, d4mnj4r, and many more.
I will play with Sarmen in Mexico City on 30 January, more info about this soon.
♪ M.A.D. V includes one of my solo tracks, it's also a massive noise, post-industrial, dark ambient, drone compilation that includes musicians from Malta, Costa Rica, Iraq, Mexico, Italy, Iran, the UK, Belgium, Tunisia, Lithuania and more such as Omar Fadel Hadi, Devil's Breath, Tleilaxu Device, Konfiguracion Dadaista Della Viveza, WILT, Satori, Abu Ama, RDKPL, VIRUS2020, Small Life Form, etc. More than 100 artists.
♪ Alarmen and Spherical Disrupted just release an album that includes a remix by Docteur Moreau (Axiome) as well as some more by the_empath, Darkrad, Autoclav1.1, Mortaja, etc.
♪ I have a few albums under preparation, one is at the pressing plant and will be out in a dozen of days, the others will be out later next year.
♪ I'll play in Berlin on 27, 30 December and12 January, Barcelona on 23 January and will then tour Mexico, Colombia and Ecuador until early April.
19 track album