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Awareness Times Newspaper The latest news from Sierra Leone

Awareness Times Newspaper management has made a humble donation of NLE500 towards the funeral arrangements of the late B...

Awareness Times Newspaper management has made a humble donation of NLE500 towards the funeral arrangements of the late Bishop Emeritus Georgio Biguzzi (in photo with school kids during his service to Sierra Leone).

Our sources say that any person who may wish to play a part in giving a befitting funeral to the late Bishop Biguzzi may contact Makeni Vicar General & Moderator, the Very Rev. Fr Dominic A. Johnson on +232-76-696982 or contact Rev Father Benjamin Sesay on +232-76-430868.

Awareness Times Newspaper has confirmed also from the Organizing Committee that cash donations can be made through OrangeMoney to the following phone number: 072-120704.

The eminent late Bishop, who died on July 1st 2024 in Italy's Parma city, had requested that when he passes to Eternity, his co**se should be airlifted to Sierra Leone where he'd spent many productive years of his life in service. He specifically asked for his remains to be laid to rest in the city of Makeni, Northern Province.

Bishop Emeritus Biguzzi served our country as a foreign Italian missionary from the Catholic Church. He rose to extraordinary prominence during the terrible Sierra Leone civil strife years when his Christian leadership is credited with helping to broker peace and end the war.

Not only his personal interventions as a peace mediator between the rebels and the Central Government but also his eminent presence within the Inter Religious Council, played no small measure in seeing Peace return to Sierra Leone. At one point, he was abducted and held hostage by the rebels but that never swayed his unmetered service Sierra Leone.

It is the Catholic Diocese of Makeni that is making arrangements for the co**se to be conveyed to Makeni, Sierra Leone from Italy.

Considering the exigency of time, sources say that speedy support, will be welcomed from well meaning persons desirous to see Bishop Biguzzi receive his befitting last respects.

The Awareness Times Newspaper's Chief Executive Officer & Editor, Dr. Sylvia Olayinka Blyden OOR has also given an unpublicized sum as her personal donation to the Makeni Diocese towards the funeral arrangements.

You can join Dr. Blyden to do the same as your way of saying THANK YOU to the Italian who served our country so well that he asked to be brought back for his internment into the earth.

𝗔𝗣𝗖 π—₯π—˜π—”π—–π—§π—¦ 𝗧𝗒 𝗣π—₯π—˜π—¦π—œπ——π—˜π—‘π—§ 𝗠𝗔𝗔𝗗𝗔 π—•π—œπ—’'𝗦 π—ͺ𝗒π—₯𝗗𝗦 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗧 π——π—œπ—— 𝗑𝗒𝗧 π— π—˜π—‘π—§π—œπ—’π—‘ 𝗔𝗣𝗖By Awareness Times Newspaper In a bizarre development ...

𝗔𝗣𝗖 π—₯π—˜π—”π—–π—§π—¦ 𝗧𝗒 𝗣π—₯π—˜π—¦π—œπ——π—˜π—‘π—§ 𝗠𝗔𝗔𝗗𝗔 π—•π—œπ—’'𝗦 π—ͺ𝗒π—₯𝗗𝗦 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗧 π——π—œπ—— 𝗑𝗒𝗧 π— π—˜π—‘π—§π—œπ—’π—‘ 𝗔𝗣𝗖

By Awareness Times Newspaper

In a bizarre development that has left citizens perplexed, the main opposition All People's Congress (APC) has reacted with bitterness to a statement by the duly re-elected President of Sierra Leone but which statement itself never mentioned or cited the APC.

In a release dated Friday 24th May 2024, the APC said that it is "deeply concerned and therefore expresses profound disappointment in the recent speech delivered by President Julius Maada Bio" which source of disappointment the APC identified to be as follows:- "In his address, the President threatened citizens that, if they come with a bullet, they would be met with a bullet".

It can be recalled that in that week, the President had used the chance of his address to Paramount Chiefs across Sierra Leone to react to growing threats on social media from a few known opposition APC activists that they will stage an uprising and overthrow of his Government in next month of June 2024.

However, the President had carefully refrained from any direct mention of the APC.

Whilst addressing the gathering in Bo City, the President recalled the last failed Coup where armed men had broken into several barracks and taken control of the city center in an attempt to overthrow the Bio Government.
President Bio warned that anyone who tried to change his government using bullets instead of the ballot boxes, should expect to be faced with bullets when they arrive.

H.E. Bio said Sierra Leone belongs to all citizens and so no one grouping should persist in making the lives of others to become miserable through violence and confusion.

He recalled the past when military coups happened but said now in the country, power was through the ballot and not the bullet.

β€œWe came through ballots this time so anyone who comes with a bullet against us should know that you will be met with a bullet,” he warned adding that some will not live to tell the story if they attempted to use bullets against the State.

However the President made absolutely no mention of the APC party in his warnings issued.

The decision of the APC to react to the statement which never mentioned the APC, has left many people pondering.

For the APC, they say the warning of bullets against bullet should not have been made "amid the ongoing hunger, starvation, and economic devastation facing our nation".

APC laments that "Instead of fostering unity and offering words of encouragement to his people, President Bio has chosen to use incendiary and threatening language. Such rhetoric further divides our nation, which is highly detrimental to the social fabric of Sierra Leone".

The APC however did not explain why it is troubling for a Head of State to warn that any armed attempt to overthrow will be resisted with arms.

The APC however goes further to say that it "wishes to remind the public of the Agreement for National Unity, which contains a mutual condemnation of hate speech and violence".

It can be recalled that in the said agreement which was signed by both the SLPP led Government and the APC, they both "strictly condemn all citizens at home and abroad who incite violence, spread hate speech and disrupt national cohesion (online and offline)".

The Agreement also called on the Government to "continue all efforts to bring those involved to justice."

However, without explaining why the APC takes such a stance, the party is condemning the President for warning those who may be planning to use bullets against the State.

"The acts and words of President Bio are ill-advised and unfortunate," says the APC in their release but without explaining how that is so.

The APC however agrees in their release that "the leaders of both the APC and the SLPP Government should be diligently working to bring together the nation and foster peace".

The release which was signed by APC Secretary General Lansana Dumbuya Esq. ends as follows:
During these difficult circumstances, it is crucial that we give utmost importance to the unity and coherence of our nation. The APC reaffirms its unwavering dedication to the fundamental tenets of democracy, freedom, and the rule of law. We oppose the utilization of governmental authority to coerce, persecute, or unlawfully confine individuals on the grounds of their political convictions or associations. The government should halt these unjustified steps and focus on fostering authentic dialogue and reconciliation, in accordance with the Bintumani Agreement, to guarantee the political stability and peace of Sierra Leone. We implore all citizens of Sierra Leone to maintain composure and concentration, and to allow the tripartite committee to proceed with its crucial tasks, while patiently awaiting its ultimate findings. The APC maintains optimism that President Bio would collaborate with the APC in the endeavor to unify our citizens and guide the nation towards a tranquil and prosperous future.

Inadequacies in Protection of Children under Sierra Leone Laws during International Child AdoptionsSpeech to the Freetow...

Inadequacies in Protection of Children under Sierra Leone Laws during International Child Adoptions

Speech to the Freetown Dinner Club on 13th April 2024 by the Honourable Ms. Justice Fatmatta Bintu Alhadi JA, FPMA

1. Mr. Chairman, Gentlemen of the Freetown Dinner Club, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. Let me start by congratulating the Freetown Dinner Club on its 80th year of existence, being the oldest Dinner Club in the West African Sub-Region. Wishing you many more glorious years into the future as you continue to inter alia, exchange ideas leading to personal and professional growth.

2. Thank you for inviting me to speak to this auspicious and venerable gathering and thank you to the delightful Speaker, Mr. Ibrahim Cole for introducing me.

3. On your invitation in December of 2015, I spoke on public health and sanitation since the Ebola epidemic had just ended.

4. This time, I wish to speak about the law on adoption of children in Sierra Leone, its inadequacies in the protection of children in respect of international adoption.

5. Given the attention of the national emergency on illegal drugs and substance abuse, more specifically β€œKush”, it is important that one should take this opportunity to raise an awareness about the growth of international adoption of Sierra Leone’s young and healthy children who are mainly under 5 years old.

6. This presentation is based on Sierra Leone and the global context underpinned by evidence.

7. One may wonder why this is happening. Many reasons could be proffered for Sierra Leone in particular, and other developing countries around the world as well.

8. In Sierra Leone, the law that governs the adoption of children is the Adoption Act No. 9 of 1989. It is outdated and is being abused for this reason and needs to be reformed. The spirit of the Act was for the adoption of children aged under 17 years old, by their relatives related by full blood or half blood, or adoption by affinity.

9. Affinity relates to a natural liking for and understanding of the child and would mainly be applicable to foreigners who would have worked and resided in Sierra Leone for at least 6 consecutive months and would have bonded with children under 17 by caring and having them live with them continuously.

10. Then there would come a time when the foreign couple will have to move from Sierra Leone permanently. Since Section 2 (2) of the said Adoption Act provides that it would have to be a husband and wife, the couple would be eligible to apply to the court for an adoption order.

11. There would certainly have been an established relationship in Sierra Leone and under these circumstances, the court will no doubt consider each application on its merit.
12. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the child signed in 1989 states that every child has the right to grow up in a family environment, to know and be cared for by her or his own family, whenever possible. Sierra Leone signed and ratified this Convention in 1991.

13. The growing trend now is that young birth parents (ages 19 to 20’s) give up their young healthy babies between 6 months old and 3 years old, for adoption to total strangers, foreigners.

14. They are being coached on how to take their children to orphanages who would match their children with prospective adoptive parents. Some say β€œare dae gee me pikin to wate man. Den go men we pikin dem for we.” Many of the applicants are mainly from South America, The Mediterranean and Eastern Europe.

15. There is no doubt that one of the reasons for this attraction to Sierra Leone is because Sierra Leone is not a signatory to the 1993 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption. As of March 2019, the Convention has been ratified by 99 countries.

16. The Convention is an important development for children, birth families and prospective foreign adopters. It sets out obligations for the authorities of countries from which children leave for adoption, and those that are receiving these children.

17. It is designed to ensure ethical and transparent processes. It is an international legislation that considers the best interests of the child and provides the framework for the practical application of the principles regarding intercountry adoption contained in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It ensures that inter-country adoptions do not result in improper financial gain for those involved in it.

18. The Hague Convention on Adoption of Children of 1993 has β€œcaused a real shake-up” because a lot of social agencies in developing countries simply can’t comply.

19. In some cases, adoptions have not been carried out in ways that served the best interest of the children, where the requirements and procedures in place were insufficient, to prevent unethical practices such as, the sale and abduction of children, coercion or manipulation of birth parents and falsification of documents.

20. There are multitude of problems that many developing countries face and that drive the supply of young children: extreme poverty among families, weak social welfare systems to find alternative family arrangements closer to home and legal systems that operate on personal deals rather than legal principles.

21. Many of these foreign adopters are from countries which are signatories to the Hague Convention, and they go through their home authorities. The issue tends to be with the private adoption agencies which charge fees for their services in connecting prospective adopters with the orphanages and lawyers in the countries of the children.

22. As a result of these challenges, a huge industry of adoption agencies, orphanages, and adoption law specialists, who command large fees – often between US$20,000 to US$40,000 per child has developed.

23. And while some adoption agencies do their work legitimately, the lure of such large fees has created powerful incentives for less legitimate agencies to procure children.

24. Other reasons for the increase in international adoption include:

25. Higher rates of infertility in couples who have delayed parenthood, increased number of children who are relinquished, abandoned, or orphaned around the world; the influence of 3rd party agencies, who strongly influence and facilitate the child migration process.

26. In some countries, such as Guatemala, Marilys Barrientos de Estrada, a director of the governmental agency created to oversee the new adoption process, reported that β€œthe government had lost control of the system; it was purely in the hands of the lawyers and agencies, and it wasn’t about the children, it was about the money.”

27. The risks and vulnerabilities that Internationally adopted children face is numerous. They include loss of their family, country, language, and culture.

28. Critics argue that international adoption helps a relatively small no of children who find adoptive parents but may impede countries from developing social programmes that would benefit many children who are suffering, due to poverty or social and political problems.

29. Commercially driven agencies are frequently involved in facilitating adoption placements from overseas countries.

30. In the international adoption arena, wealth or buying power is often able to facilitate adoption placements. Adoptive parents may have greater choice in the age and background of the child and a shorter waiting period if they are willing to spend significantly more money than they would for a national adoption.

31. Along with the increasing demand for and rapid growth in international adoption, growing concerns have been raised by or on behalf of sending countries. They have mainly centred on:
(a) an increase in the demand for younger, healthy infants. This may lead to the removal of the most adoptable children from their own countries and the children who are left behind are statistically, less likely to be adopted.

(b) The removal of children from their birth culture and kin. This is because international adoption often results in a permanent removal of a child by the financial and geographical barriers to continued contact with birth culture and kin. This may have implications for the future development and identity rights of the internationally adopted child.

(c) Circumstances of poverty often create greater vulnerability. The unremitting poverty and hardship experienced in poorer sending countries often make birth parents more vulnerable to pressure to relinquish a child for financial gain. A lack of support services and poverty, increase the likelihood of abandonment of children if birth parents feel they are giving the child a chance at better care. Postadoption opportunities for contact are limited, either by the nature of the adoption, or by the inability to practice openness because of the distance and financial resources required.

(d) Market-Driven Economies Introduce New Risks for Children. The current rapid growth in the movement of children across borders and the increased demand and supply of children has resulted in market-related conditions developing for the legitimate trade of children. Under these conditions, it becomes difficult to protect the rights of children and the β€œbest interest of the child” are less and less likely to be taken into consideration. Market related conditions for adoptions raise concerns that the legality of an adoption process may be compromised on account of the wealth or financial status of the adopter or of their representing agency.

The question that therefore arises is: What can be done?

32. In many countries, international adoption is not the first solution. The child needs to be re-established on the ground before you look for external solutions.

33. With stricter adoption policies in place, children can be more likely to be matched with a family in their own country than with one overseas.

34. A new system that follows the Hague Convention on intercountry adoption which is an international standard should be put in place.

35. There ought to be a robust registration of births, and registration of adoption with all the details of birth parents and so on.

36. A UNICEF inspired policy could be implemented where systems to facilitate local adoptions, where a family within the country, preferably a relative, should be sought before international families.

37. Parliament and the Ministry of Social Welfare can put a cap on international adoptions not more than a certain % of adoptions in a year. This will require keeping accurate statistics on adoption both local and international and reporting to the public on the data.

38. The Hague Adoption Convention of 1993 makes adoption a transparent, predictable, and legitimate process.

39. Legislators can make a concerted effort to put domestic adoptions first.

40. In some countries, government pays families a bonus of up to $1,000 for taking a foster child with generous monthly payments for upkeep.

41. Support is needed to strengthen child protection systems.

42. Our development partners and civil society need to work with our social welfare authority to protect vulnerable families to ensure that robust legal and policy frameworks are in place and to build capacity of the social welfare, justice, and law enforcement sectors.

43. Although in no way invalidating the rights of individual children to a better and more stable family life, we must acknowledge our responsibility to strive for the same conditions and opportunities for all children regardless of the country of their birth.

44. And on that note ladies and gentlemen,

I thank you for your attention.



A reputable wholly owned Sierra Leonean business is seeking suitable qualified applicants for positions of:


Please see the five Adverts down below πŸ‘‡πŸ»

*Job Title: Marketer*
Reports to: Operations Manager
Job Title: Marketing OFFICER (FULL TIME)
Reports to: Operations Manager
β€’ Developing a marketing team to enhance the marketing activities of the country.
β€’ Working with other members of a sales and marketing teams to plan, execute and monitor a successful marketing campaign.
β€’ Collaborating with sales, marketing, advertising, product design and product development team members to planning promotional marketing campaigns.
β€’ Creating editorial and content creation calendars for various media platforms and outlets.
β€’ Assisting with the design, negotiation and placement of billboards, traditional media ads on TV and radio, social media ads and email blasts
β€’ Producing a brand style guide that best captures the company or client’s voice and mission.
β€’ Meeting with clients to discuss brand guidelines, goals, budget and timelines.
β€’ Conducting market research to determine a target audience’s needs, wants, habits, interests and other relevant factors used in creating targeted marketing campaigns.
β€’ Researching previous successful campaigns to understand what worked, what didn’t and what can be improved.
β€’ Reviewing the progress and success of a campaign, making adjustments or pitching ideas for new campaigns as necessary
β€’ Set specific marketing goals.
β€’ Design and implement marketing strategies aligned with business targets.
β€’ Develop digital campaigns to increase web traffic.
β€’ Analyse sales and marketing metrics.
β€’ Forecast market trends.
β€’ Research market to identify new opportunities.
β€’ Generate innovative ideas to promote our brand and our products.
β€’ Address advertising needs.
β€’ Ensure brand consistency through all marketing channels.
β€’ Use customer feedback to ensure client satisfaction.
β€’ Liaise with internal teams and ensure brand consistency.
β€’ Marketing company products to customers using company brochures and other advertising materials.
β€’ Establish a strong, long-term web presence.
β€’ Bring in new business to the company by achieving a monthly target.

Requirements and Skills

Applicants must possess a diploma in marketing or business, from a recognised University or institution of Higher Learning.

β€’ Proven working experience in marketing.
β€’ Proven experience in achieving targets,
β€’ Basic understanding of sales and marketing principles and customer service practices.
β€’ Proficiency in communication.
β€’ Computer literate.
β€’ Track record of over-achieving marketing quota.
β€’ Solid communication and interpersonal skills.
β€’ Friendly, helpful, confident and engaging personality.
β€’ Basic administration skills.
β€’ Work experience in marketing.
β€’ Customer satisfaction-oriented

Official Hours of work are between 8.30am and 6pm Mondays to Fridays and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays and other hours subject to management instructions.

Interested applicants should email their cv to [email protected] or call 088218998.
The closing date for applications is TUESDAY THE 30 APRIL 2024.
Only shortlisted candidates would be contacted.
Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Attractive benefits await successful candidates.
The Management.

*CLEANER/OFFICE ASSISTANT FULL TIME.* We are looking for a Cleaner to take care of our facilities and carry out cleaning and maintenance duties. Duties involve the following:
Job description
β€’ Ensuring Clean, stock and supply designated facility areas (dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc)
β€’ Perform and document routine inspection and maintenance activities
β€’ Carry out cleansing tasks and special projects
β€’ Notify management of occurring deficiencies or needs for repairs
β€’ Make adjustments and minor repairs
β€’ Stock and maintain supply rooms
β€’ Loading and unloading of vehicles
β€’ Cooperate with the rest of the staff
β€’ Follow all health and safety regulations
β€’ Follow all company policies and procedures.
β€’ Various shifts are available seven days a week from 8.30am to 4am.

Requirements and Skills

Applicants must possess.

β€’ Proven working experience as a Cleaner
β€’ Ability to handle heavy equipment and machinery
β€’ Hard working
β€’ Honest and reliable

All applicants would be required to provide references and guarantors who would be required to sign a guarantor’s form. A criminal records check would be carried out on all applicants.

Interested applicants should call 088218998 or email their cv to [email protected]

The closing date for applications is TUESDAY 30TH APRIL 2023.
Only shortlisted candidates would be contacted.
Attractive benefits await successful candidates.
The Management.

*Retail Assistants FULL TIME* are required to sell at the Companies Bars and at events. Duties involve the following:
Job description
β€’ Ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction through excellent sales service at the company stores and bars.
β€’ Working as part of a team.
β€’ Preparation of daily and weekly sales activity reports.
β€’ Stock taking and preparation of stock reports.
β€’ Cash handling.
β€’ Follow all companies policies and procedures.
β€’ Various shifts are available seven days a week from 8.30am to 4am ours of work are between 08.30 to 6pm Mondays to Fridays and 9am to 4pm on Saturdays.

Requirements and Skills

Applicants must possess.

β€’ Proven working experience in retail and wholsesale sales.
β€’ Basic understanding of sales principles and customer service practices.
β€’ Proficiency in communication.
β€’ Good timekeeper
β€’ Track record of over-achieving sales quota.
β€’ Solid communication and interpersonal skills.
β€’ Customer service focus.
β€’ Friendly, helpful, confident and engaging personality.
β€’ Basic administration skills.

All applicants would be required to provide references and guarantors who would be required to sign a guarantor’s form. A criminal records check would be carried out on all applicants.

Interested applicants should call 088218998 or email their cv to [email protected].

The closing date for applications is TUESDAY the 30 APRIL 2023.
Only shortlisted candidates would be contacted.
Attractive benefits await successful candidates.
The Management.

Duties involve the following:
Job Title: Cashier
Reports to: Operations Manager
Job description
β€’ Receiving payments and issuing receipts
β€’ keeping track of all cash and credit transactions.
β€’ Ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the provision of data to management.
β€’ Provide reports for management in a timely manner.
β€’ Cash Handling.
β€’ Making payments to third parties.
β€’ Manage point-of-sale processes.
β€’ Follow all company policies and procedures.
β€’ Manage transactions with customers using cash registers.
β€’ Scan goods and ensure pricing is accurate.
β€’ Collect payments whether in cash or via credit machine.
β€’ Issue receipts, refunds, change or tickets.
β€’ Maintain clean and tidy checkout areas.
β€’ Track transactions on balance sheets and report any discrepancies to management.

Requirements and Skills

Applicants must possess a diploma in accounting and finance business, marketing, from a recognised University or institution of Higher Learning.

β€’ Proven working experience in customer service and retail sales.
β€’ Experience in operating cash registers.
β€’ Basic understanding of sales principles and customer service practices.
β€’ Track record of over-achieving sales quota.
β€’ Solid communication and interpersonal skills.
β€’ Customer service focus.
β€’ Friendly, helpful, confident and engaging personality.
β€’ Basic administration skills.
β€’ Should also be available to take evening and weekend shifts occasionally.
β€’ Ensuring all transactions run smoothly and helping to maximize customer satisfaction.
β€’ Work experience as a Retail Cashier or in a similar role in sales for at least two years.
β€’ Basic computer knowledge
β€’ Familiarity with electronic equipment, like cash register and POS.
β€’ Good maths skills.
β€’ Strong communication and time management skills
β€’ Customer satisfaction-oriented

All applicants would be required to provide references and guarantors who would be required to sign a guarantor’s form. A criminal records check would be carried out on all applicants. Hours of work are between 08.30am to 4am Mondays to Sundays on a shift basis.

Interested applicants should email their cv to [email protected] or call 088218998
The closing date for applications is TUESDAY 30TH APRIL 2024
Only shortlisted candidates would be contacted.
Attractive benefits await successful candidates.
The Management.

Reports to: Operations Manager
Job description
β€’ keeping track of all cash and credit transactions.
β€’ Carrying out banking procedures.
β€’ Ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the provision of data to management.
β€’ Provide reports for management in a timely manner of financial transactions.
β€’ Making payments to third parties.
β€’ Follow all company policies and procedures.
β€’ Issue receipts, refunds, change or tickets.
β€’ Reconcile daily sales activities across branches
β€’ Track transactions on balance sheets and report any discrepancies to management.

Requirements and Skills

Applicants must possess a diploma in accounting, business, from a recognised University or institution of Higher Learning.

β€’ Proven working experience in customer service and retail sales.
β€’ Experience in reconciling cash transactions and preparing reports.
β€’ Basic understanding of sales principles and customer service practices.
β€’ Proficiency in English
β€’ Computer literate in spreadsheet and other accounting packages.
β€’ Track record of over-achieving sales quota.
β€’ Solid communication and interpersonal skills.
β€’ Friendly, helpful, confident and engaging personality.
β€’ Basic administration skills.
β€’ Banking experience a distinct advantage.
β€’ Should also be available to take evening and weekend shifts occasionally.
β€’ Ensuring all transactions run smoothly and helping to maximize customer satisfaction.
β€’ Work experience as a Retail Cashier or in a similar role in sales for at least two years.
β€’ Supervisory experience
β€’ Customer satisfaction-oriented

All applicants would be required to provide references and guarantors who would be required to sign a guarantor’s form. A criminal records check would be carried out on all applicants. Hours of work are between 08.30am to 6pm Mondays to Fridays and 9am to 2pm on Saturdays.

Interested applicants should email their cv to [email protected] or call 088218998.
The closing date for applications is TUESDAY 30TH APRIL 2023.
Only shortlisted candidates would be contacted.
Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Attractive benefits await successful candidates.
The Management.




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