ELDEN RING Dragin Agheel
probably the best boss ive faced in this game so far! #EldenRing #eldenringfromsoftware #darksouls #bossfight
Vanguard farm! 126 kills 2x Ball Turret
easy game, easy farm, back on youtube next week! #Vanguard #Owning #bf5 #CallofDutyVanguard #killstreak #warzone #CallofDutyModernWarfare #codvanguard
almost done with these videos for the month then were back on youtube!
#codvanguard #bf5 #CallofDutyModernWarfare #CallofDutyVanguard #killstreak #Vanguard #Owning #warzone
107 kills! hard carrying pub lobbies on vanguard
vanguard carry, ready for a new cod now. I need a team to play ranked with. #CallofDutyModernWarfare #killstreak #Vanguard #CallofDutyVanguard #warzone #bf5 #codvanguard #Owning
Most BROKEN gun in vanguard
barely tried, just messed around with one of the blokes in a round on daus house and we both ended up farming LOL #killstreak #CallofDutyVanguard #Owning #CallofDutyModernWarfare #codvanguard #bf5 #Vanguard #warzone
They thought I was cheating!
salty coms, calling me a cheater. farmed some blokes.
We only won because of my KILLSTREAK | Vanguard
typical round, team mates that are clueless. #Owning #warzone #killstreak #Vanguard #CallofDutyVanguard #CallofDutyModernWarfare #callofdutywarzone #codvanguard #CallofDuty #bf5
When the game decides thats enough farming for the day
good game. thanks cod. ruined streak. 45-0 #Owning #Vanguard #warzone #codvanguard #killstreak #CallofDuty #callofdutywarzone #CallofDutyVanguard #CallofDutyModernWarfare
143 KILLS! Vanguard domination
143 kills in one round of vanguard! i used the new ball turret and farmed! #codvanguard #Owning #CallofDuty #warzone #killstreak #Vanguard #CallofDutyModernWarfare #CallofDutyVanguard #callofdutywarzone
The most OVERPOWERED killstreak on VANGUARD
Season 2 for vanguard and theyve introduce basically a WW2 AC130! #Vanguard #codvanguard #CallofDuty #Owning #killstreak #warzone
Vanguards new Killstreak is WILD
#CallofDutyVanguard #vanguardworld #callofdutywarzone #CallofDutyModernWarfare #vanguardia #bf5 #vanguardias #CallofDuty #vanguard #vanguardclips #Owning #codvanguard
Daus house farm! 111 kills, absolute farm, V2 rocket, lots of kill streaks. #fbexclusive #vanguardia #callofdutymobile #callofdutymodernwarfare #callofdutyblackops4 #callofduty #callofdutywarzone #vanguardclips #CallofDutyMobileMalaysia #vanguardproperties #CallofDutyVanguard #bf5 #CallofDuty #battlefieldofthemind #CallofDutyModernWarfare #vanguard #vanguardworld #vanguardnews #vanguardias #callofdutymobilegameplay #vanguarda #Battlefield #Owning #fps #COD #codvanguard #Nuke
Call of Duty Clips that'll make you rethink how good you are!
Bit of a mini montage boys, changed the format to 1080x1920 to see if it helps with mobile users! Like and follow the page for more! #callofduty #vanguardproperties #callofdutyblackops4 #fbexclusive #vanguardia #vanguardworld #callofdutymobile #vanguardnews #callofdutymodernwarfare #CallofDuty #bf5 #vanguardclips #CallofDutyMobileMalaysia #battlefieldofthemind #callofdutywarzone #CallofDutyVanguard #Vanguard #CallofDutyModernWarfare #vanguard #callofdutymobilegameplay #vanguardias #battlefield2042clips #bf2042 #battlefield2042gameplay #battlefieldclips #Battlefield #FBexclusive #vanguarda
100 bomb for the round of the day! Vanguard
First round on the stream and we pull this beauty 100 bomb out of no where. Absolute sh*t talking while doing it, talking about almost nothing lol. Like and Follow the page for more! #callofdutyblackops4 #CallofDutyVanguard #CallofDutyModernWarfare #battlefieldofthemind #CallofDutyMobileMalaysia #vanguardnews #fbexclusive #Vanguard #callofdutywarzone #CallofDuty #vanguardclips #callofdutymodernwarfare #vanguard #callofdutymobilegameplay #callofduty #bf5 #vanguardia #callofdutymobile #vanguardproperties #vanguardworld #vanguardias #bf2042 #battlefield2042clips #battlefield2042gameplay #Battlefield #FBexclusive #vanguarda
WHERE IS MY TEAM! Vanguard Carry
Again, finishing the round on top wondering where the hell my team is! ended up 80+ kills more then double my team mates points, absolute carry. Like and follow the page for more call of duty! #vanguardclips #Vanguard #callofdutyblackops4 #callofduty #callofdutymodernwarfare #callofdutymobilegameplay #CallofDutyVanguard #CallofDuty #bf5 #CallofDutyMobileMalaysia #vanguard #vanguardproperties #vanguardworld #callofdutywarzone #CallofDutyModernWarfare #vanguardnews #callofdutymobile #fbexclusive #vanguardia #battlefieldofthemind #bf2042 #battlefield2042clips #battlefield2042gameplay #battlefieldclips #battlefield1
Call of Duty CLIPTAGE
CLIPTAGE of some of the clips i have laying around, trying out a new editing software so its a learning process! Got any suggestions on how to improve these montages leave a comment below :) LIKE AND FOLLOW FOR MORE Call Of Duty videos
#vanguardia #callofduty #CallofDutyMobileMalaysia #vanguardnews #CallofDutyModernWarfare #fbexclusive #CallofDutyVanguard #callofdutyblackops4 #callofdutymobile #vanguardclips #bf5 #callofdutywarzone #vanguardworld #CallofDuty #vanguard #vanguardproperties #callofdutymodernwarfare #vanguardias #callofdutymobilegameplay #Vanguard #bf2042 #battlefield2042gameplay #battlefield #Battlefield2042 #Battlefield
Call of Duty but I'm a one man army. HUGE CARRY
Absolute huge carry for the boys. This round finished with a 6+kdr would of been better if my own callstreaks didnt kill me LOL. Got a tonne of these rounds to come. Plenty of farming happening! Like and follow the page for more #vanguardworld #vanguardias #Vanguard #callofduty #CallofDutyVanguard #callofdutyblackops4 #bf5 #callofdutymobilegameplay #fbexclusive #vanguard #CallofDuty #vanguardnews #CallofDutyMobileMalaysia #vanguardia #callofdutymodernwarfare #callofdutymobile #vanguardclips #CallofDutyModernWarfare #callofdutywarzone #vanguardproperties #battlefieldofthemind #bf2042
Vanguard clips that'll make you think im cheating!
We're on the vanguard grind now boys, these are older clips when i first started but theyre still decent transfers. Got a bunch more of this on the way so like and follow for more! #fbexclusive #CallofDutyVanguard #callofdutymodernwarfare #callofdutymobile #vanguardproperties #callofdutyblackops4 #CallofDutyModernWarfare #vanguard #vanguardworld #vanguardnews #callofdutymobilegameplay #Vanguard #bf5 #vanguardia #callofduty #vanguardias #CallofDuty #CallofDutyMobileMalaysia #callofdutywarzone #vanguardclips #vanguarda
The END of the Battlefield clips... FOR NOW
Hey guys, these are just clips i had left over from Battlefield 2042. I havent played the game for about 3 weeks now, i dont intend on coming back until season 1 but i will be keeping you updated on the game when updates come out. Like and follow the page for more #battlefieldofthemind #FBexclusive #fbexclusive #battlefield #battlefield4 #battlefield5 #bf2042 #CallofDutyVanguard #battlefield2042 #battlefield1 #battlefield2042clips #battlefield2042gameplay #Battlefield2042 #battlefieldhardline #battlefieldportal #Battlefield #battlefieldclips
80+ kill game to carry for the WIN Call of duty Vanguard
we were losing at the beginning but in true fashion i put my pants on an carried the boys to the win! like and follow the page
#battlefieldofthemind #bf5 #fbexclusive #FBexclusive #CallofDutyModernWarfare #callofdutyblackops4 #CallofDuty #callofdutymodernwarfare #callofdutymobilegameplay #vanguard #CallofDutyMobileMalaysia #Vanguard #vanguardnews #callofduty #vanguardproperties #vanguardias #callofdutymobile #vanguardia #vanguardworld #bf2042gameplay #vanguardclips #vanguarda #battlefieldclips