Being emotionally matured and prepared is a school every lady both single and married should attend.
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The woman is meant to submit.
This is a hard saying, but it's true.
#relationshipandfamilyfixit #marriage #marriagegoals #marriedcouple #relationshipgoals #relationshipadvice
The concept of submission is one that must be looked into by both men and women.
Follow for more relationship tips
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Companionship is an overlooked secret in marriage.
Check the comment section to get the link for the full video
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Men are God's given gift to protect his family, let's cherish them.
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Marriage and money work hand-in-hand, but you will need to develop yourself for the status you are aiming for.
Try not to misunderatand🤤
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What do you think, is a woman created to be his helpmate or Equal?
Watch the full video for better insight
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My bestie this, my bestie that.
Should a married man or woman have a different gender bestie?
#relationshipandfamilyfixit #relationshipadvice #relationshipgoals
Read the caption again😊
Meanwhile, this thing no funny oo
#relationshipandfamilyfixit #towhatextentsholdaomansubmit #women #relationshipadvice #relationshipgoals #singlewomen
#singleandreadypart1 #relationshipandfamilyfixit #relationshipgoals #relationshipadvice #singlewomen #single #singlemen #datingadvice
Does a woman really need to prepare for marriage like men? #relationshipandfamilyfixit #relationshipadvice #relationshipgoals #single #singlewomen #women #singlegirls
Does emotions really make a woman loose her marriage or relationships?
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