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Study Shelf Videos Featuring local, regional & national teaching on neglected Scripture themes from: Clyde Pilkington,

“God Is Love, But …” There is no “but” associated with the God’s love. His love is unconditional, unchanging, unconstrai...

“God Is Love, But …”

There is no “but” associated with the God’s love. His love is unconditional, unchanging, unconstrained, unfailing, unending.

Why? Because above all “God is Love” (I John 4:8,16). Thus, we interpret everything, including our understanding of Scriptures, in this light. If something appears to contradict the love of God, we have misunderstood the passage.

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

This Life Is Preparatory Christ’s spirituality was not that He was remote from what was practical in everyday life. It w...

This Life Is Preparatory

Christ’s spirituality was not that He was remote from what was practical in everyday life. It was that He was bringing heavenly resources to bear upon the practical matters of everyday life. You can wash doors, or clothes, or floors – or do any of these ordinary domestic things – in spirituality. People seem to think that spiritual work and ordinary work – household work, for example – are two different things. They talk about spiritual work and the other work.

For a believer to get through an ordinary day’s work requires something more than ordinary human resources. Spirituality consists in our doing everything as out from heaven. Let us be careful how we draw a line, lest we make a distinction between the spiritual and “the rest.”

There is a great deal of strength to be drawn from the realization that things are not incidental, not general, but specific with regard to our being here on this Earth – that we are "called according to His purpose."

A great many of the Lord’s people are standing about waiting – marking time. They think that they are in a kind of hiatus – in some place where the real thing has no bearing upon their lives. It may be true that we have not yet come into our ultimate calling, but we are in it relatively now, and this life is preparatory.

T. Austin-Sparks (1888-1971)
A Witness and a Testimony
July 1937

Foreign Elements We are exhorted to walk worthy of the calling wherewith we have been called (Ephesians 4:1). This impli...

Foreign Elements

We are exhorted to walk worthy of the calling wherewith we have been called (Ephesians 4:1). This implies the knowledge of our “calling.” It is a “high calling.” The word rendered “high” is the same as that rendered “above” in Colossians 3:2,

“Set your affection on things above, not on things on the Earth.”

We are called of God from beneath to above, from Earth to Heaven. We are not as those that dwell on the Earth. Moralists, philanthropists and politicians all recognize something valuable in Christianity, and use it as helpful to their own ends; and thus has Christianity been dragged down from its lofty eminence, until almost all that is distinctive is lost amidst as many elements which are foreign.

William Kelly (1820-1906)
The Sin of Sectarianism

The Secret Administration of Grace When Paul wrote Ephesians, after the heralding of the Kingdom as recorded in the book...

The Secret Administration of Grace

When Paul wrote Ephesians, after the heralding of the Kingdom as recorded in the book of Acts had closed, God once more changed His way of dealing, continuing the trend in the era of Readjustment. Then the nations were blessed through Israel, in their defection. Now the character and place of blessing is changed from physical and earthly to spiritual and celestial, hence it cannot come through that nation, but is independent of them. From being guests at Israel’s board the nations become fellow members of God’s family. From being aliens in God’s Kingdom they become fellow citizens. From being split into two bodies by fleshly rites, they become joint members of One Body.

A.E. Knoch (1874-1965)
The Problem of Evil

Churchiness There are doubtless many reasons for the degeneration of Christianity into “churchiness,” and the narrowing ...


There are doubtless many reasons for the degeneration of Christianity into “churchiness,” and the narrowing of the Gospel for all mankind into a set of approved beliefs. But the chief cause must be the worship of an inadequate god, a cramped and regulated god who is “a good churchman,” according to the formulas of the worshipper.

J. B. Phillips (1906-1982)
For This Day (1975)
Page 201

Where Do You Stand? “Where do you stand?” is a question I often receive related to various scriptural and social subject...

Where Do You Stand?

“Where do you stand?” is a question I often receive related to various scriptural and social subjects. I know that in part it is asked in a quest for understanding on the part of many inquirers.

If asked such a question on any subject at some point in my distant religious past, I would have either offered an answer or at least felt obligated to provide one. This is because I was raised “with all the answers”: the brand of Christendom in which I was brought up assumed to have everything all figured out.

Years ago I set out on a course that would allow my “positions” to fall by the way, with a heart to know what the Scriptures actually taught. Since then, I have been quite satisfied not even to have a “position” on any certain subject until my own studies of Scriptures convinced me of one. I no longer have shame or guilt in not taking a “stand” or having an opinion on every issue that arises. I feel no pressure to pick a “side,” unless I am “fully assured” in my own mind (Romans 14:5). In the meanwhile I continue to plug away at my investigation of the Scriptures.

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

The Curse of Present-Day Israel The Jews want to be a nation at a time when God does not want them to be one. … A great ...

The Curse of Present-Day Israel

The Jews want to be a nation at a time when God does not want them to be one. … A great deal of the trouble of today is due to the fact that this nation which God does not want to have power, is trying to get it. … It is not in accordance with the mind of God. God’s time is future, but they have underground methods. I do not blame them in a way. If we had the background that they have, of being the nation that God has chosen, we would probably do likewise. … When any body of people tries to do something contrary to God’s plans, instead of being a blessing they will be a curse.

A.E. Knoch (1874-1965)
Unsearchable Riches
Volume 36, 1945

The Freedom to Excuse Ourselves “From a party-man, after a first and second admonition, excuse thyself” (Titus 3:10, REB...

The Freedom to Excuse Ourselves

“From a party-man, after a first and second admonition, excuse thyself” (Titus 3:10, REB).

A “Party-man” is defined by Noah Webster as “a factious man,” faction being defined as “tumult, discord, dissension.”

It certainly doesn’t take long to realize that religion, Christianity included, is filled with endless contentions. It’s bad enough that this world is so full of strife; but how sad it is when such is exercised in the name of God, and pawned off as spirituality.

The Scriptures give us the freedom to excuse ourselves from wrangling. It really was quite a simple thing: it takes at least two to argue and fight. No one can effectively war all by themselves; so, as a decisive act of faith, we can respectfully refuse to be one of the two. We can meekly and graciously excuse ourselves from that which is a grief to Father’s Spirit (Ephesians 4:30-32).

We can fellowship with anyone, but once divisiveness and contention arise, we are free simply just to excuse ourselves from the disruptive discord and thereby remain loyal to our high-calling.

We are under no obligation to respond to divisiveness or enter into debate. Since it’s hard for those with factious spirits to argue all by themselves, we can bring it to a close – at least as far as it relates to our part. We don’t need to be party to the carnality of “party-men.” We needn’t be drawn into the likeness of their “folly” (Proverbs 26:4).

For the greater sake of “endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3), we “excuse ourselves” (Titus 3:10, REB) from that which is a dishonor to God and our calling of peace (I Corinthians 7:15).

“Let the peace of Christ be arbitrating in your hearts, for which you were called also in one body” (Colossians 3:15, CV).

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil Why did not God plant two trees, one for the knowledge of good, and the other...

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

Why did not God plant two trees, one for the knowledge of good, and the other for the knowledge of evil? Was it not because the two are inseparable? Can good be known apart from evil, or evil apart from good? Are they not like light and darkness, which we know only by contrast? Never let us doubt God’s wisdom in planting one tree for the knowledge of both good and evil. Rather let us rejoice that the knowledge of evil will always constitute the prime ingredient in our appreciation of good when evil itself is no more.

A.E. Knoch
Unveiling of Jesus Christ, p. 167

Don’t Let Others Live Your Life! Many allow others to live their lives for them. They are dominated by what others think...

Don’t Let Others Live Your Life!

Many allow others to live their lives for them. They are dominated by what others think and say.

We only live twice: one temporary life now, and one immortal life in the resurrection. This truth makes all of life valuable; especially this first one – since it is a quickly vanishing vapor-life (James 4:14). Everyone gets one of these temporal lives. No one has the right to live your life for you, thus having more than one life for themselves.

Refuse to allow anyone to live your life for you; to pressure, to domineer, to bully, to lord over you. Father has given you the gift of His life in you. Value it, honor it, and redeem it from the hands of those who would embezzle it from you. Not even Paul the Apostle would assume such a place over the lives of believers (II Corinthians 1:24); nor would Paul allow anyone to have such ascendancy in his own life (I Corinthians 4:3). This is why his great appeals are for us to be free from such power and control (Colossians 2:20-22).

Others may choose to judge us. However sincere their actions may be, or appear to be, we are not to be affected by this. When we, like Paul, walk before the Lord, their verdicts are to be a “very small thing” in our sight. In fact, if we are concerned about their opinions, it will have a hindering and hampering effect.

Stop worrying about others’ opinions and go on living the precious life that God has given to you. Don’t worry about the expectations of others. God’s calling in your life is to be His unique prototype, not a stereotype; you are to be His original, not a forged copy. Abandon mere mortal expectations, real or imagined.

Clyde L.Pilkington, Jr.

A Perfect Body for the Christ [In the taking of Eve from Adam and rejoining her as one with him] we have the divine illu...

A Perfect Body for the Christ

[In the taking of Eve from Adam and rejoining her as one with him] we have the divine illustration of our union with Christ. Though it seems beyond belief, He is incomplete without us. We were chosen in Him before the disruption and now we become one with Him in redemption. The ecclesia is His complement or fullness. It takes both to make a perfect Body for the Christ. The transcendent nature of this grace can only be absorbed by mature meditation. May we have grace to enjoy it fully!

A.E. Knoch (1874-1965)
"The Building of Woman"
Unsearchable Riches
Volume 11 (1920)

Meek and Uncontentious "If any man thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know; but if any m...

Meek and Uncontentious

"If any man thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know; but if any man loves God, the same is known of him" (I Corinthians 8:2-3).

When we’re young and immature we imagine that we know everything. As we gain a measure of spiritual maturity it begins to dawn on us that we know nothing as we “ought to know.”

Unlike the divinely inspired authors of Scriptures, we students of it, at best, merely offer the results and opinions from our studies. We’re researchers of the treasure house found in God’s Word.

Perhaps, on occasion, we envision that we fully understand some small facet of God’s truth, demanding that others agree with our assessments; but we can’t truly be sure that the next enlightenment granted to us by God will not throw an entirely greater understanding on all that we thought we knew. While we all have our own different perspectives and insights, let’s never be deceived into imagining that we’ve finally arrived at some mystical summit where we are somehow the source of all truth. Honest seekers of God’s truth continually refine and change their understanding over the course of their lives. They submit themselves to the superiority of God’s Word.

Sadly, many attach themselves to teachers and organizations which have their understandings chiseled in stone. These understandings often develop into traditions which are seldom questioned or explained – they “just are.”

The establishment will always resist the “spirit of truth.” The truth of Scripture has been veiled; it requires a divine quickening of the mind to be freed from reading into Scripture our own particular creeds, dogmas and traditions.

We all possess a flawed understanding of Scripture. Grasping truth is a gradually unfolding, lifelong process. As fellow-travelers on this spiritual journey, may we ever seek to help each other through a meek and uncontentious attitude.

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

Aliens The saints of God [today] are aliens here on Earth. Let that sink in. No believer, as such, can be a Republican, ...


The saints of God [today] are aliens here on Earth. Let that sink in. No believer, as such, can be a Republican, for in his heart he believes in and is related to [another] kingdom. Republicanism is merely political Arminianism. It believes in human ability in some form. How can a rejected king became a member of a rebellious republic? And if Christ be the King, forget not that we are His Body. Individually we may be ambassadors entreating the world to be conciliated to God, but does England’s ambassador to the United States vote? Can any ambassador legislate in the country to which he is sent? Of course not.

Alan Burns (1884-1929)
Politician? or Paulician?

The Nature of Religious Cliques and Our Attitude Towards Them "There are contentions among you. … you are yet carnal: fo...

The Nature of Religious Cliques and Our Attitude Towards Them

"There are contentions among you. … you are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are you not carnal, and walk as men?" (I Corinthians 1:11-13).

Religious cliques are built around an attitude of heart that says, “We’ve arrived, we know all the truth, we alone are God’s people, and we alone carry on His work.”

However, God is far bigger than our prideful, narrow creeds and our meager, limited labors. It’s a cult-like teaching that fancies that only those in “our group” who “believe just like we do” are used by God and saved for the ages. It is an extremely ignorant and grievously arrogant position.

We need not play any role in such party-spirits that endlessly foster division and strife. Like Paul, we can take the high ground and humbly say from the heart that while,

"Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: the one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely … but the other of love … Regardless, in every way, whether in pretense, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice" (Philippians 1:15-18).

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

The Resurrection of All “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive” (I Corinthians 15:22).Jesus’...

The Resurrection of All

“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive” (I Corinthians 15:22).

Jesus’ resurrection was the first resurrection. Sometime in the future the resurrection of ALL will occur. Then – as we all remember back on this world and this life, with all of its problems – we will praise God for our new bodies and the new perfect world with a full awareness of His love and His mercy. The CONTRAST will provide us with a backdrop and understanding that will allow us to easily give Him praise forever!

Mike Owens
Author of The Fallacy of Post Mortem Punishment in Light of a Successful Savior

Take What You Can Use I have been on the steady pursuit of Scripture truth for over 45 years now. I started this journey...

Take What You Can Use

I have been on the steady pursuit of Scripture truth for over 45 years now. I started this journey deeply indoctrinated by a narrow strain of Fundamentalist Christianity. So, admittedly, my course began greatly skewed and confined.

As a result, much of my path has been about discarding inaccuracy, and undoubtedly I have accumulated additional error along the way. I am sure that a similar story can be said for many, if not most of our listeners. Nonetheless, I am content that our way has been decreed by God.

My writings are a record of my own personal voyage of faith, as well as that of a handful of adventurers who have been in and out of my life along the way. Why do I make mention of this? To stress to you, as I have repeatedly over the years, that my writings have never been intended to be a creed for anyone. I have absolutely no corner on the truth whatsoever. Of course, neither does anyone else, regardless of how confidently and forcefully they may present their findings.

It is my simple desire that my material be merely a source of assistance to you in your own personal studies – nothing more, or nothing less. So, take what you can use; and use what you take profitably in your own journey.

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

The Guise of Sinful Humanity We have been allowed to appear in the guise of sinful humanity in order that God may be abl...

The Guise of Sinful Humanity

We have been allowed to appear in the guise of sinful humanity in order that God may be able to use us to display His grace to others (Ephesians 2:7). As He has shown kindness to us, so He will show it to them. For grace is the basis of ultimate salvation (as was pre-determined, even before creation was brought forth); therefore, works have no place in this, and the way is opened for all to become God’s achievement, even as are the saints today (Ephesians 2:10).

John H. Essex (1907-1991)
“The Completing of the All In All”
The Pleroma: Paul’s “Lost” Teaching
Bible Student’s Press (2021)
Chapter 16, page 85

Naïve Concerning Evil In the early part of my life I was an “activist,” and the causes that beckoned for my attention we...

Naïve Concerning Evil

In the early part of my life I was an “activist,” and the causes that beckoned for my attention were endless. I was consumed with the world’s evil, error and conspiracy, and, of course, with my duty to expose it.

What I would eventually learn is that there is no end to the evil to be uncovered and exposed, and that the small portion of evil that we can perceive – with all of our earnest efforts of investigation – is merely the tip of the iceberg. In every area of human endeavor things are far worse than any of us can possibly even imagine. The road down which I was headed was one of great spiritual distraction, and were it not for the arresting grace of God that saved me from such diversion, only He knows where I would be today.

A passage that God used to begin to correct my course and focus is Romans 16:19,

"I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil"(KJV).

In this passage Paul makes two sets of contrasts: good and evil; wise and simple. Paul’s desire was that we be “experts in goodness, but simpletons in evil” (NEB).

The Greek word σοφός (sophos) translated “wise” (KJV) is also translated as “well versed” (TCNT) and “experts” (Moffatt). Thus, our area of expertise – in which we are well-versed – is that which is good. That’s where our proficiency is to be.

Standing in stark contrast with “wise” is the word “simple” (KJV). The Greek word ἀκέραιος (akeraios) here is also translated as “simple-minded” (Weymouth, Goodspeed) and “ignorant” (Fenton). Thus, in the area of evil we are to be “simpletons” (NEB).

The CV renders the phrase as “artless for evil.” “Artless” is that which lacks knowledge, “naïve” being one of its synonyms. While we are to be “experts” concerning good, we are to be “naïve” concerning evil, or, as the Bible in Basic English translates it, “without knowledge.” Thus, the New English Bible has it,

"I should wish you to be experts in goodness, but simpletons in evil."

Paul plainly tells us that we live in “the present evil age” (Galatians 1:4, YLT). Got it! Now, we move on from the vain bankruptcy of this age to “the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God” (Romans 11:33), to “the exceeding riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7), to the “unsearchable riches of Christ” (Ephesians 3:8), to “the riches of His glory” (Ephesians 3:16), to the “the riches of the glory of this mystery” (Colossians 1:27), “and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; in Whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:2-3).

After all,

"Where sin abounded, grace did super-abound" (Romans 5:20).

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

The Placer of All The Placer of all, the Creator of all, the Operator of all, the Fulfiller of all, is using all to fulf...

The Placer of All

The Placer of all, the Creator of all, the Operator of all, the Fulfiller of all, is using all to fulfill His plan to be “All in all.” No one is frustrating Him. All is and are serving Him and His plan. Evil is here to serve the good. Justice will be administered. All will learn. All will grow up to be model citizens of a new and permanent creation. No one is getting away with anything. No one will be left out. Death is sleep. Everyone will wake up and be brought to maturity. Daddy has a big stick. He also has a kind heart. Anyone trying to help Him will discover that He doesn’t need any help. He doesn’t need anything. He is the supply of everything. All is going as planned, right on schedule. It always has and always will. What can we do, then? Exactly what He has us doing, nothing more, nothing less. If you’re really looking for something to do, here’s something you might try. Always thank God for everything. After you have failed enough, He will become the thanks and everything else you need, springing from within you, pouring into you from above, making you very content, happy, pleased with all He does. And then it may be time for another storm to solidify that constitution. Eventually the heat, pressure and wisdom will make you into a bright transparent crystalline expression and enjoyer of your Source, Means, and infinite Destiny.

— Jeff Bohlender

Walking in the Light We Have "Your Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path … The entrance of Your Words gi...

Walking in the Light We Have

"Your Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path … The entrance of Your Words gives light; it gives understanding unto the simple" (Psalm 119:105, 130).

We must each walk in the understanding that we have. Anything less would be disingenuous. We must be true to the current place of enlightenment which Father has granted to us. We must also graciously allow others this same freedom and liberty before God that we reserve and embrace for ourselves.

All the while we can richly enjoy Christ together, accepting each other as Christ has accepted us, just where we are. We do not have to agree on anything to benefit from the life of God that is mutually resident in us.

"Wherefore receive each other, as Christ also received us to the glory of God" (Romans 15:7).

Of course, this does not at all mean that, all the while, as divine situations would grant, we can’t seek to share humbly with others the light that we have received – and conversely be open to receive the same possible light from another.

Such was the spirit of Priscilla and Aquila, as recorded in Acts 18. They met Apollos, and though he was "a scholarly man" (CV) and "mighty in the Scriptures" (:24), yet he was “versed only in the baptism of John.” So, they took him “to themselves and expounded the way of God to him more accurately” (:26, CV).

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

The Monstrous View of Substitution By a sort of legal fiction, Jesus was treated as what he was not [i.e., a sinner], in...

The Monstrous View of Substitution

By a sort of legal fiction, Jesus was treated as what he was not [i.e., a sinner], in order that we might be treated as what we are not [i.e., righteous]. This is the best device, according to the prevailing theology, that the God of truth, the God of mercy – whose glory is that He is just to men by forgiving their sins – could fall upon for saving His creatures! … They say first, God must punish the sinner, for justice requires it; then they say He does not punish the sinner, but punishes a perfectly righteous Man instead, attributes His righteousness to the sinner, and so continues just. Was there ever such a confusion, such an inversion of right and wrong! Justice could not treat a righteous man as an unrighteous; neither, if justice required the punishment of sin, could justice let the sinner go unpunished.

To lay the pain upon the righteous in the name of justice is simply monstrous. No wonder unbelief is rampant. Believe in Moloch if you will, but call him Moloch, not Justice.

George MacDonald (1824–1905)
Unspoken Sermons
(Originally published in three series in 1867, 1885, and 1889 in London by Longmans, Green & Co.)

To the Jew First One of the most important principles of “correctly partitioning the Word of Truth” (II Timothy 2:15) is...

To the Jew First

One of the most important principles of “correctly partitioning the Word of Truth” (II Timothy 2:15) is the recognition of the removal of the Barrier Wall mentioned in Ephesians 2:14, and asking ourselves as we read any passage of Scripture, “Is this wall of distinction between Jew and Gentile up, or down?” This distinction is completely removed during the Secret Administration.

For example, “to the Jew first” in Romans 1:16; 2:9-10 makes a clear distinction between Jew and Gentile for it even to be possible that the Jews are “first.” This dispensational distinction and administrative advantage have been completely removed today by the revelation found in Ephesians.

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

The Honor of Scripture Research I suppose that all who do biblical research wish at times that they could set forth frag...

The Honor of Scripture Research

I suppose that all who do biblical research wish at times that they could set forth fragmentary and unfinished ideas in printed form without people thinking that a final and definitive conclusion has now been chiseled into imperishable granite which shall stand forever as the final word on the subject dealt with. Any such conclusion will be far from correct.

It was and is the declaration of Solomon that,

"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter" (Proverbs 25:2).

The knowledge of God’s concealed truths is usually gained by tracing out the intimations to it that are scattered throughout the Bible. These allusions to the truth are regularly ignored by the average Bible reader, but the real lover of God’s truth will carefully note these faint glimmers, meditate upon them, and hide them in his heart, maybe for many years, as he waits for more light on the subject.

— Otis Q. Sellers (1901-1992)
Seed and Bread, #151 (1982)
(adapted & edited)

Our Disposition “For I am saying, through the grace which is given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to be overwe...

Our Disposition

“For I am saying, through the grace which is given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to be overweening, beyond what your disposition must be, but to be of a sane disposition, as God parts to each the measure of faith" (Romans 12:3; Concordant Version)

In English the word "overweening" refers to excessive arrogance. The Greek word used in the ancient manuscripts here, however, refers to any kind of excessive dwelling on the self. Both arrogance and self-abasement can be traits of an overweening disposition. …

But pride and arrogance are perhaps the more common traits of self-centeredness. We could never get rid of them by a law that says "You must not be arrogant or proud," even if it were backed up by severe penalties in case of failure. Such a system only makes us more overweening by forcing us to watch ourselves every moment lest we slip. Legalism does not reap sanity.

Hence we are guided to a sane disposition through the evangel of grace given to Paul. It is the message, not the authority of the messenger, that effects the renewing of our minds.

Dean H. Hough
Unsearchable Riches Magazine
Volume 77 (1986)

Our Response to Blindness The world is filled with blindness. As impairing as physical blindness can be, this is not the...

Our Response to Blindness

The world is filled with blindness. As impairing as physical blindness can be, this is not the one to which I refer. Instead, I speak of one far worse: spiritual blindness.

Most go through life groping in the darkness. Only those granted the spiritual eyes to see have any divine light. It is not hard to see the effects of such a condition all around us. The blinded condition is as divinely ordained as is sight, for,

"Who appointed a mouth for man, or Who appointed him to be dumb, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I Jehovah?" (Exodus 4:11-12).

Here is a description of the true condition of unbelief.

"But though He had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on Him: that the saying of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spoke, 'Lord, who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?' Therefore they could not believe, because that Isaiah said again, 'He has blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; lest they should be seeing with their eyes, and should be understanding with their heart, and be converted.'” (John 12:37-40).

Those who “believed not” simply “could not believe, because” God had “blinded their eyes,” “lest they should be seeing.” Thus, the reason for their blindness is certain; it is divine.

Without the imposition of divine spiritual blindness, all of those of Jesus’ day would have believed. Israel’s Messiah “had done so many miracles before them,” it took an act of God to prevent them from seeing Who He really was.
There’s no need to be frustrated or irritated at the divine work of blindness among our fellow man. Faith will not belittle, make fun of, or mock them. The blind merely play their part in the divine drama.

So, be careful that we do not fall into a carnal mindset: being demeaning, condescending, insulting, disrespectful and sarcastic toward those who are blind. All such reactions are childish and irresponsible.

Our response toward blindness is compassion, kindness, tenderheartedness, empathy and graciousness regarding their handicap. It has been thrust upon them, as equally as has been our sight. After all,

"Who makes you to be different from another? What do you have that you didn’t receive? Now, if you received it, why are you proud, as if you hadn’t received it?" (I Corinthians 4:7).

"By the grace of God I am what I am: and His grace which was bestowed on me was not in vain" (I Corinthians 15:10).

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

I Refuse to Compete Dear Lord, I refuse henceforth to compete with any of Your servants … I will not compare myself with...

I Refuse to Compete

Dear Lord, I refuse henceforth to compete with any of Your servants … I will not compare myself with any, nor try to build up my “self-esteem” by noting where I may excel one or another in Your holy work. I herewith make a blanket disavowal of all intrinsic worth … I pray for others and do rejoice in their prosperity as if it were my own. Indeed it is my own if it is Your own, for what is Yours is mine, and while one plants and another waters it is You alone that gives the increase.

A.W. Tozer (1897-1963)
The Price of Neglect (104-105)



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