This page has been started by, and is administered by a group of persons interested in World events, politics and current affairs. Its purpose is the open intelligent and rational debate and discussion of ideas concerning modern cultural and political trends. Articles will be presented in a [mostly] lighthearted fashion with the emphasis on raising awareness of the ever-increasing nonsense of toda
ys politically correct world. It is anticipated that “parody” will feature promintly on these pages, due to it’s effectiveness in highlighting the utter stupidity of some of our “modern ideals.” It is about providing a viewpoint, a voice, that is at odds with the standard swill produced constantly by the largely “progressive” mainstream media, and it will highlight what seems to be attempts by that same media [specifically public funded broadcasters] to “construct” a “moral” and “correct” society in line with their “ideal. This site is about promoting the culture and politics the “progressive elite” seek to stifle and sneer at. Regarding comments - Discussion is not hate speech. Hate speech is hate speech and it will not be tolerated on this page. As we believe strongly in freedom of expression and speech all comments are welcomed, but we will be monitoring conversations and may take action as we deem appropriate to highlight what may be considered “hate speech”
PLEASE NOTE - Administrators of this page are not affiliated in any way with any political party or organization, and have historically supported both conservative and progressive causes and parties; when their policies are fair, reasonable and sensible"
Nonsense and political bullying [or bullying of any kind] is what raises our ire!