Logic - is defined as the use of valid reasoning, it studies the ways in which human beings reason through argument. Reason - is the capacity of consciously making sense of things coming from one idea and spilling over to a related idea. It is the ability to self-consciously change beliefs, attitudes, traditions and institutions. Logical Reasoning - can be described using examples in 3 parts:
Deductive: When it rains, the grass outside gets wet.
2. Inductive: When it rains, the grass gets wet a numerous times over and stays wet.
3. Abductive: When it rains, the grass gets wet. So if the grass is wet, then it must have rained. Many a time we tend to get rid of a problem without critically looking back to where this problem might have generated from and where it might lead to. Consequently we dig ourselves into a ditch we might fail to climb out of with serious repercussions. This is because we let impulse or emotions come into play, but to critically analyze a situation requires a patient mind, slow to anger but quick to action because time is of the essence in any given situation. My Thought Process aims to evoke the logical person in you, it challenges you to step out of your comfort zone and diligently analyze the best course of action that benefits society as a whole so as to once and for all set course for sail a ship in good tidings. To be able to achieve that means you have to be a little more open minded, a visionary, confident and a good listener.