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Social Media Headquarters® (HQ) is your place to find updates about breaking news, current trends, interesting developments, and brewing controversies related to social media.

By now, most of us have grown accustomed to the daily inroads on our privacy by the big social media platforms. We simpl...

By now, most of us have grown accustomed to the daily inroads on our privacy by the big social media platforms. We simply assume that the social media bots are always watching us. After all, that is the implicit deal we’ve reached with social media companies: we allow them to track our behavior, and in return, they let us use their platforms for free....

Can the government really change your behavior by altering what you see on social media?

For nearly two decades, the most popular social media platforms have been free to use. In exchange, though, users agreed...

For nearly two decades, the most popular social media platforms have been free to use. In exchange, though, users agreed to give up their privacy so that ads could be shown to them and so that their data could be monetized. That worked at first, but not any more. The traditional business model of social media is now broken. And so we are tasked with coming up with an entirely new business model for social media....

The good news is that, the more you dig into data, the more you realize that a new social media business model might just be possible.

In order to hold the big social media giants of Silicon Valley responsible for their actions, one increasingly popular a...

In order to hold the big social media giants of Silicon Valley responsible for their actions, one increasingly popular approach is to find ways to take them to court. In theory, this should work. If these companies won’t change their practices and behaviors on their own, then a multi-million-dollar lawsuit should do the trick, right? Wrong!! We’ve seen this story time and time again over the years....

We’ve passed the point where we could count on fines, penalties, and other damages to make social media companies change the way they do business.

I’m not joking when I say this: one of the great pleasures of social media is the ability to lurk anonymously, consuming...

I’m not joking when I say this: one of the great pleasures of social media is the ability to lurk anonymously, consuming as much content as you want, without anyone actually knowing what content you’ve consumed. By remaining anonymous, you don’t have to worry about giving out a like, or leaving a comment, or pretending to be interested in someone when you’re really not....

If you’re actively looking for a new job, and everyone in your circle of friends knows that, you might not want to remain in anonymous mode.

The deep fakes created by AI keep getting better and better. The first generation of deep fakes were easy to spot, and d...

The deep fakes created by AI keep getting better and better. The first generation of deep fakes were easy to spot, and did not represent a real risk to the democratic election process. But the current generation of deep fakes, powered by generative artificial intelligence (AI), are eerily real. If you’re not paying attention, and just scrolling through endless posts on social media, it’s not out of the question that you might fall for one of these....

If you’re scrolling through endless posts on social media, it’s not out of the question that you might fall for deep fakes.

Social media has a misinformation problem. Some of this misinformation is malicious in nature, created by all sorts of s...

Social media has a misinformation problem. Some of this misinformation is malicious in nature, created by all sorts of shady characters trying to sell products, boost political candidates, or simply get more clicks. But, unfortunately, most of the misinformation out there is actually shared by people like you and me. Yes, that’s right. If you’re like most people, you probably don’t spend a lot of time analyzing the factual content of any story....

Social media has a misinformation problem. Some of this misinformation is malicious in nature, created by all sorts of shady characters trying to sell products, boost political candidates, or simply get more clicks. But, unfortunately, most of the misinformation out there is actually shared by peopl...

Most people over the age of 30 grew up using Google as their core resource for finding just about anything on the intern...

Most people over the age of 30 grew up using Google as their core resource for finding just about anything on the internet. This approach is so commonplace and so popular that many people simply say, “Just Google it,” whenever they want to find something. But there’s growing evidence that young people search for content on the web differently than older, long-time social media users....

There’s growing evidence that young people search for content on the web differently than older, long-time social media users.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the world of dating. We already live in an era of AI-pow...

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the world of dating. We already live in an era of AI-powered algorithms promising to find better matches for us. Some people are already using ChatGPT to help them create better dating profiles. And they are turning to AI chatbots for relationship advice, or for ideas on where to go for the next date....

People are already using ChatGPT to help them create better dating profiles. And they are turning to AI chatbots for relationship advice.

For years, memes have been a fixture across social media platforms. They have become a funny, light-hearted, and trendy ...

For years, memes have been a fixture across social media platforms. They have become a funny, light-hearted, and trendy way to express complex thoughts. Some of them are so well-known that they are repeated over and over again. They are simply updated for whatever’s trending in the news cycle. But until now, they have never been used to win a major…...

The unstated goal, of course, is to help Biden go viral on social media, and to win the youth vote in 2024.

The social media influencer game is out of control these days. It’s getting to the point where some of these people are ...

The social media influencer game is out of control these days. It’s getting to the point where some of these people are just plain unwatchable and unfollowable. To use a term often used by Holden Caulfield in J.D. Salinger’s literary classic “Catcher in the Rye,” they’re phony. In an effort to monetize their social media presence, many social media influencers will seemingly say anything, do anything, or pitch any product, if it can get them clicks, views, and engagement....

Easy way to avoid being a phony on social media is simply telling people what your values are.

If you’re like most people, you probably carry your phone with you wherever you go. At any time of the day or night, you...

If you’re like most people, you probably carry your phone with you wherever you go. At any time of the day or night, your phone is within easy reach. But, as you might have guessed, that’s just not healthy and it’s certainly not good for your daily productivity. So, with that in mind, here are 5 tips for taking a break from your phone....

By following these five tips, you’ll be a lot closer to developing a healthy relationship with your phone.

It’s hard to pinpoint a specific date in the past decade, but at some point, social media “platforms” forever morphed in...

It’s hard to pinpoint a specific date in the past decade, but at some point, social media “platforms” forever morphed into social media “businesses.” Suddenly, it was no longer about meeting new people, exchanging new ideas, and maintaining old relationships. All of a sudden, it was about building an audience, monetizing content, and gaming the algorithm. And that’s why I think the traditional social media business model is now dead....

Consumers are finally waking up to the idea that, if the product is free, then they most be the product.

Given that they grew up with social media, it seems almost inconceivable that many young people today can not differenti...

Given that they grew up with social media, it seems almost inconceivable that many young people today can not differentiate between “real news” and “fake news” on social media platforms. There’s clearly too much misinformation and disinformation going viral these days, because young teens are not even able to spot the most obvious examples. The problem of media illiteracy…...

It seems almost inconceivable that many young people today can not differentiate between “real news” and “fake news” on social media platforms.

The pope has finally spoken out on the potential perils of social media. In an hour-long interview for CBS News and “60 ...

The pope has finally spoken out on the potential perils of social media. In an hour-long interview for CBS News and “60 Minutes,” Pope Francis touched on a wide range of subjects, including the impact of social media on the lives of young people globally. And, as you might have guessed, he has serious concerns about the impact that social media usage might be having on the world’s youth....

In an interview for CBS News and “60 Minutes,” Pope Francis touched on the impact of social media on the lives of young people globally.

Just about everyone agrees that there’s something broken with social media these days. And that’s particularly true when...

Just about everyone agrees that there’s something broken with social media these days. And that’s particularly true when it comes to social media and our nation’s youth. Social media has been blamed for everything from cyberbullying to teen depression, and it’s clear that something has to change. Signs of change are everywhere Well, the good news is that we’re finally starting to see evidence of that change....

Social media has been blamed for everything from cyberbullying to teen depression, and it’s clear that something has to change.

If you thought the past two presidential elections have been chaotic, you haven’t seen anything yet. The scope of what w...

If you thought the past two presidential elections have been chaotic, you haven’t seen anything yet. The scope of what was possible in 2016 and 2020 pales in comparison with what’s possible using artificial intelligence (AI). With so many people experimenting with AI chatbots and AI-content generation tools, it’s only a matter of time before political supporters, pollsters, and election campaign managers decide to test the limits of what’s possible with AI....

If you thought the past two presidential elections have been chaotic, you haven’t seen anything yet. The scope of what was possible in 2016 and 2020 pales in comparison with what’s possible using artificial intelligence (AI). With so many people experimenting with AI chatbots and AI-content gene...

These days, everyone seems to want to be an influencer. Gone are the days when people dreamed of becoming doctors or law...

These days, everyone seems to want to be an influencer. Gone are the days when people dreamed of becoming doctors or lawyers. Instead, the #1 career aspiration for many people these days is “social media influencer.” That’s according to a new survey of more than 2,000 adults in the United States by Morning Consult. And, as might be expected, this desire to become an influencer was most pronounced amongst young members of…...

Gone are the days when people dreamed of becoming Doctors. The #1 career aspiration for many people these days is “social media influencer.”

One narrative that has taken hold in the traditional media is that misinformation and disinformation are running rampant...

One narrative that has taken hold in the traditional media is that misinformation and disinformation are running rampant on social media platforms like Facebook, X, Instagram, and TikTok. According to this narrative, the problem is particularly pronounced on the far extremes of the political spectrum (the Far Left and the Far Right) and is at risk of ruining traditional politics....

One narrative that has taken hold in the traditional media is that misinformation and disinformation are running rampant on social media platforms like Facebook, X, Instagram, and TikTok. According to this narrative, the problem is particularly pronounced on the far extremes of the political spectru...

It has become increasingly clear that expecting the Big Tech social media giants to regulate themselves is simply not go...

It has become increasingly clear that expecting the Big Tech social media giants to regulate themselves is simply not going to happen. While companies such as Meta, X (formerly known as Twitter) and TikTok may be willing to make a few cosmetic changes around the edges, they simply are not willing to make the types of radical changes needed to keep everyone safe on social media....

It has become increasingly clear that expecting the Big Tech social media giants to regulate themselves is simply not going to happen.

It’s becoming an increasingly common scam in the social media world: A seemingly trustworthy party appears out of nowher...

It’s becoming an increasingly common scam in the social media world: A seemingly trustworthy party appears out of nowhere, and offers to restore your locked, deleted, or frozen social media account. But what starts out as a free offer soon mounts into something more. Within days, you may be asked for personal information and requested to pay additional fees. Then, as soon as you provide this, the scammer vanishes with both your personal information and your money....

You never know how your personal information is going to be used, so never share it with a total stranger.

Increasingly, we live in an era in which people get their news from social media. It’s not just that they are supplement...

Increasingly, we live in an era in which people get their news from social media. It’s not just that they are supplementing their traditional news consumption with social media - it’s that social media has become their sole source of information. And that’s very dangerous, as we’ll see below. The “filter bubble” effect More than a decade ago, Eli Pariser…...

Since social media content is so easy to create and share, it’s perhaps no surprise that so much misinformation is out there.

Net neutrality is officially back. By a vote of 3-2, the FCC voted to restore net neutrality after a nearly six-year hia...

Net neutrality is officially back. By a vote of 3-2, the FCC voted to restore net neutrality after a nearly six-year hiatus. As a result, broadband internet will be reclassified as a “public utility,” and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will be regulated just like companies providing water or electricity. If you’re a company like AT&T, Verizon, or Comcast, it means you’ll be playing by an entirely new set of rules soon....

Net neutrality is officially back. By a vote of 3-2, the FCC voted to restore net neutrality after a nearly six-year hiatus.

The original concept of the social media “filter bubble,” which first debuted circa 2010, is back. A new book from Kyle ...

The original concept of the social media “filter bubble,” which first debuted circa 2010, is back. A new book from Kyle Chayka called “Filterworld” describes how social media is flattening our culture and making all kinds of invisible decisions for us. Humans are no longer in control; instead, it’s the social media algorithms that determine what you see, who you interact with, and how you experience the internet....

Being in a filter bubble doesn’t sound like a fun place to hang out, but it doesn’t look like things are going to change anytime soon.

If you’re like most people, you might have noticed that your attention span is getting shorter. As a result, you might h...

If you’re like most people, you might have noticed that your attention span is getting shorter. As a result, you might have trouble focusing on long-form content the way you once did. Or you might have a desire to multitask anytime you turn on the TV or open your phone. According to experts, there’s a good reason for that. We’re being trained by a constant barrage of updates, alerts and messages from our phones to drop whatever we’re doing and check out what’s happening on…...

If you’ve been having trouble focusing lately, realize what could be at the core of the problem: too much time on social media.

If you’ve written a new book and want to get the word out, look no further than social media. You don’t need to hire a m...

If you’ve written a new book and want to get the word out, look no further than social media. You don’t need to hire a marketing agency or pay the big bucks for an agent to do all the promotion for you. Using the top social media platforms, it’s possible to run a cost-effective marketing campaign that galvanizes your supporters and sells more books....

If you’ve written a new book and want to get the word out, look no further than social media.

By now, most people realize that there are fake signs of influence all over social media. Usually, this comes in the for...

By now, most people realize that there are fake signs of influence all over social media. Usually, this comes in the form of inflated follower counts, fake reviews, and paid-to-hire bots leaving behind likes on social media posts. But just because this still exists on social media doesn’t make it right. The FTC cracks down on fake social media followers…...

If you are even thinking about adding fake followers and fake likes, you could end up in a lot of trouble.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the big social media platforms could be doing a lot more to protect their teenage ...

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the big social media platforms could be doing a lot more to protect their teenage users. For years, they have been dragging their feet, unwilling to take even basic steps to protect their youngest users. Case in point: Instagram is just now deciding to blur out nudity in images sent by young users. Isn’t this something that should have been done years ago?...

Instagram is just now deciding to blur out nudity in images sent by young users. Isn’t this something that should have been done years ago?

In recent years, there has been a tremendous paradigm shift in the media world. Clearly and unambiguously, power has shi...

In recent years, there has been a tremendous paradigm shift in the media world. Clearly and unambiguously, power has shifted from traditional media to social media. People are getting their news from social media, and advertisers are shifting their ad budget dollars to social media. And, quite frankly, almost everyone now trusts social media more than the traditional media....

People are getting their news from social media, and advertisers are shifting their ad budget dollars to social media. So whats next?

It might sound incredible, but it’s possible to create a $500,000 a year digital media business by working less than 10 ...

It might sound incredible, but it’s possible to create a $500,000 a year digital media business by working less than 10 hours a week. Lenny Rachitsky, the creator of a popular business podcast and newsletter, is doing just that. He now has over 600,000 subscribers. This critical mass has enabled him to create a very profitable business model. While some readers and listeners subscribe for free, of course, there are many paying $15 per month or $150 per year for access to the premium content he is creating....

Here’s a closer look at some of the core steps in the master plan for building a successful digital media business.

Over the past few years, it has become increasingly popular for people to make a big display of leaving social media for...

Over the past few years, it has become increasingly popular for people to make a big display of leaving social media forever. Some are tired of the daily anxiety and depression they feel while reading through endless social media feeds. Others might realize that they are addicted to social media, and have been squandering hours every day. And still others might be dealing with a variety of…...

Over the past few years, it has become increasingly popular for people to make a big display of leaving social media forever.



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