After serving their country during two of the longest wars in our history, our veterans are returning home with vital stories to tell. Many have creative skills beneficial to America's film and television industry, yet face an uphill battle getting hired. Meanwhile, many productions are created every year without their input - some even about military life and the very conflicts these men and wome
n experienced firsthand. Help us to make progress in creating a mechanism through which the talents of these exceptional people can be recognized by opening career opportunities for veterans in our industry. You can do your part by supporting our working group today! VIEWg has identified 4 initiatives that could yield hundreds – if not thousands – of veteran jobs within the creative and production sector of the entertainment industry. As evidenced by the membership roster of Veterans in Film and Television (VFT), there is an abundance of talented, hardworking and willing veterans to step into these jobs. State Tax Credits. VIEWg seeks inclusion of several veteran hiring incentives in the implementation of the existing California law and for veteran hiring considerations to become a fundamental element in all publicly financed production incentives in future years. DoD Cooperation Contracts. VIEWg seeks mandatory veteran hiring benchmarks for productions and parent companies that receive DoD cooperation. Veteran Status as Diversity Qualifier. VIEWg advocates inclusion of veteran status as a qualifier for diversity hiring programs on writing staffs, production crews and corporate positions. End to Tax-Payer-Funded Technical Experts. VIEWg advocates for the Department of Defense and Congress to clarify and broaden existing law so that active duty military or DoD employees may not be employed in any way that displaces civilian entertainment professionals, including writers, producers, directors, actors and other production and post-production workers.