House Capacity Publishing

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House Capacity Publishing Dedicated to expanding visions and maximizing author possibilities. We take pride in offering the best services and support to both new and established authors.

House Capacity Publishing is a book publishing service that guides authors from the beginning stages of writing a manuscript to the final stages of publishing and marketing their projects. House Capacity is founded on the principle of going beyond limits and expectations; we operate with this mindset each time we collaborate and create with our authors. Our company understands how important it is

for an author to represent his or her work in the best way possible, and we are dedicated to providing authors with the best tangible representation. We are confident that with our assistance, our authors will succeed in their various domains and genres.

Recording writing courses for aspiring authors! 😀🥰 Need help with your writing? Click the link in my bio!               ...

Recording writing courses for aspiring authors! 😀🥰 Need help with your writing? Click the link in my bio!

These two are a hoot! I could write a book just on the things they say! 😂😁

These two are a hoot! I could write a book just on the things they say! 😂😁

Not to be in your business but....

Not to be in your business but....

Congratulations to everyone who signed up for the Crank It Out 30-Day Writing Challenge so far! We begin our journey Mon...

Congratulations to everyone who signed up for the Crank It Out 30-Day Writing Challenge so far! We begin our journey Monday!
For those who still want to join, it's not too late!
You can sign up here:

What would you do if the future of your author career was determined by what you did in 30 days?If at the end of that 30...

What would you do if the future of your author career was determined by what you did in 30 days?

If at the end of that 30 days, you had something complete, something tangible and authentic that you were proud to share with the rest of the world?

What if you could tear through fear, lack of motivation, lack of accountability, writer's block, shame, ignorance, helplessness, or any other obstacle preventing you from producing a soul-shaking culture defying work of literature?

The book that it cost something to write.

The story that you had to press your way to tell.

The story that cost your tears, your time, your money, your sanity, your self-esteem, your pride, your dignity, your peace, your discipline, your perseverance, your commitment.

In 30 days, we're going to help you crank that book out.

The strategy? We are going to break the writing process down to its bare roots: mentor, text brainstorming, organization, theme, literary, voice, chapter structure, target audience, introductions ... conclusions.

Each day, there's going to be a writing technique or skill that we will teach you. And each day there will be a task that you're going to be required to complete.

Each day will build upon the next day until day 30.

That will be the day that your hard work and endurance will pay off and you get to enjoy the fruit of your labor.

Give us 30 days to launch you into your author career, to help you touch lives and challenge readers around the world.

To give birth to something bigger than yourself and to see it take form and take a life of its own.

The only question I have for you is, are you ready? Actually, the question really is do you have what it takes? Are you up for the challenge? If so, sign up. Let's go!

Sign up here >>>

I think every self-published author has been here before. You've decided to tackle the brave new world of self-publishin...

I think every self-published author has been here before. You've decided to tackle the brave new world of self-publishing and you Youtube and Google your little heart away.

You decided to publish on Amazon KDP and then you realize that you would rather chew hot garbage than try to fix your files AGAIN. No matter what you do, it's wrong. You day ends up in a lot of wine and tears because mighty Amazon has defeated you.

If this sounds familiar, there is hope for you yet! Click the link in our bio to schedule a consultation or to allow us to format your files to be compatible with any platform you choose!


Why are aspiring authors obsessing over the Author Roadmap Mini-Course?

Because it's the fastest and most efficient way to overcome obstacles to writing your book so that you may finally write the book that your audience needs.

The Author Roadmap Mini-Course gives you the path to actively combat the roadblocks that prevent 99% of authors from successfully writing and publishing their books.

Here are some juicy course highlights:

​✅ How to overcome fear and "Do it afraid!" so that you don’t stand in your own way

​✅Instantly overcome roadblocks to writing and publishing your book... even if you think you can't do it!

✅ ​How to find your target reader so that you know EXACTLY who wants your information!

​✅ Securing and identifying your book’s core message so that you know exactly what your reader needs

​✅ Using the 5E formula to help add content and structure to every chapter

​✅ Bypass being stuck on the same page of your book for the next year to writing a thought-provoking, income-producing work of literature!

​✅ The freedom to STOP stressing over writing a book - for all eternity!

Even if you haven't written a word yet...
Even if you don't consider yourself a "good" writer...
Even if you have been stuck on the same page of your book for months or even years...

The Author Roadmap Mini-Course will help catapult your business or career with the validation of a published book!

>>Click here to sign up:

I've got a story for you:When I was about three years old, I used to cry because I couldn't read. Nevermind the fact tha...

I've got a story for you:

When I was about three years old, I used to cry because I couldn't read. Nevermind the fact that I would try to read the Bible (lol) instead of books for kids my age. I was distraught. I just knew that people who could read had access to a whole other world, and I couldn't participate.

When my grandfather would see me crying, he would be so moved that he would say, "That baby's going to be a scholar!"

Nearly thirty years later, I was granted the honor of writing my grandfather's obituary and authoring a collection of short stories that captured his life.

My grandfather saw my potential and spoke over my future before I could recognize a word on a page.

It's important to have people in your life who can see beyond what you can see. I love this man, and I'm so glad that I could make him proud.


Meet Theodore, a man who starts his journey in life as a little boy longing for his father’s love, but instead, he often...

Meet Theodore, a man who starts his journey in life as a little boy longing for his father’s love, but instead, he often met his father’s anger and emotional absence. When his father finally leaves their home for good, Theodore often looked to superficial and sometimes toxic traits to define manhood for him. As a promising, but arrogant and prideful attorney, Theodore was at risk of losing the most important relationships in his home—his wife and son—until one day, a near-death experience causes him to re-evaluate his life and his identity.

Author Timothy G. McKay Sr. takes readers on a vivid and imaginative journey beginning with the origins of humanity, The Garden of Eden. This creative spin on the Bible stories and characters we know allow us to witness God’s power and love that spans time and space.


How long does it take to publish a book?

Coming soon! *Gritty* by Trey Styles

Coming soon! *Gritty* by Trey Styles

Authors are those who express themselves and tell their stories. They share and relate to readers and sometimes give str...

Authors are those who express themselves and tell their stories. They share and relate to readers and sometimes give strategies to help readers overcome obstacles. Their energy is contagious and they add value to their audience.
You don't have to know how to write well to be a great author. You just need to connect with a team of people who can best help you communicate your message. Whether you need a writing coach, editor, co-author/ghost-writer, or another self-publishing resource, we can help!

Don't be afraid to reach out! Let's bring out your true capacity!

Click the link in our bio or visit to schedule a consultation!

Late night read…..

Late night read…..


Even great writers didn't start off that way. Watch this video to learn ways to improve your writing.

Sometimes when we write about personal experiences, it can leave us feeling vulnerable--like our most private moments ar...

Sometimes when we write about personal experiences, it can leave us feeling vulnerable--like our most private moments are exposed for everyone to see and judge. The best way to conquer this feeling is by owning your story. You don't have to tell every gritty detail of your experience. Share your authentic experiences, but only share what you feel is most valuable to your reader.

The other option is to face those vulnerable moments and share the lesson that came from them. Share how you overcame that obstacle or healed from that painful ordeal. Take the power from it and give it back to yourself.

How many jobs let you work while comforting and tending to your restless toddler at the same time? This is one of my fir...

How many jobs let you work while comforting and tending to your restless toddler at the same time? This is one of my first speaking engagements since I had published my first book, and at first, I was nervous about how I would be received. I was among a close-knit community to which I belonged, but I wondered how "professional" it was to have a kid clinging to me while being on the program to speak.

But when I thought about it, I realized how perfect this actually was. She was the center of my testimony. A huge part of my story was how I came to be her mother and how I needed to heal from so much emotional and spiritual turmoil to be a good mother for her. She is the reason why I had to wake up and do life. When I couldn't show up for me, I had to show up for her. In many ways, she saved my life.

She is the blessing that I received out of my ashes.

Through the depression, shame, low self-esteem, despair, doubt, rage, and pain, she was the beam of beauty that God had used to bring me back to him. She is evidence of life more abundantly and God's grace and mercy.

This moment is a reminder that a beautiful story can come from the most unlikely sources. I believe It is the authenticity of my story that makes it so relatable to so many.


What is your favorite tool for writing a book?


You know you're an author when...

People should always judge a book by its cover. Next to editing, your book cover is the second-largest expense when self...

People should always judge a book by its cover. Next to editing, your book cover is the second-largest expense when self-publishing. AND FOR GOOD REASON. A good cover will even sell a bad book ... but you definitely don't want a bad cover to make someone bypass your AMAZING book.




Your book isn't just for you, you know. There is a tribe of people who need to read your experience or glean from your k...

Your book isn't just for you, you know. There is a tribe of people who need to read your experience or glean from your knowledge and expertise. Someone is waiting for an answer to a question that has been baffling for years, but you have it. There is a person who needs to overcome some big "thing" ―and here you are, this triumphant warrior who has done just that.

But what if you never write the book telling that tribe how you did it? How would they know they can overcome if you don't show them that they can? Write the book. This is bigger than you. Someone is waiting on the strategy or the connection. Don't disappoint.




Like skinning a cat, there are several ways to write a book. However; there are some "rules" that every writer should fo...

Like skinning a cat, there are several ways to write a book. However; there are some "rules" that every writer should follow to have a progressive writing career. Which of these do you do no NOT do? Yes, we realize that those were a lot of "do's"! 



Which one of these reasons resonates with you? ..

Which one of these reasons resonates with you? 



FREE MASTERCLASS!!! (link in comments)Join me in this FREE masterclass to learn how to actively combat the obstacles tha...

FREE MASTERCLASS!!! (link in comments)

Join me in this FREE masterclass to learn how to actively combat the obstacles that prevent 99% of non-fiction authors from successfully writing and publishing their books.


* How to overcome fear and "Do it afraid!"

* Instantly overcoming roadblocks to writing and publishing your book... even if you think you can't do it!

* ​How to find your target reader so that you know EXACTLY who wants your information!

* Bypass being stuck on the same page of your book for the next year to writing a thought-provoking, income-producing work of literature!

* STOP stressing over writing a book - for all eternity!

* ​How to find self-publishing resources without spending HOURS ON GOOGLE!

​* Catapult your business or career with the validation of a published book!


* Workbook companion

​* Live Q & A

* Accountability Action Plan

* Attendee "Hotseat" Opportunity

FREE MASTERCLASS!!!Join me in this FREE masterclass to learn how to actively combat the obstacles that prevent 99% of no...


Join me in this FREE masterclass to learn how to actively combat the obstacles that prevent 99% of non-fiction authors from successfully writing and publishing their books.


* How to overcome fear and "Do it afraid!"
* Instantly overcoming roadblocks to writing and publishing your book... even if you think you can't do it!
* ​How to find your target reader so that you know EXACTLY who wants your information!
* Bypass being stuck on the same page of your book for the next year to writing a thought-provoking, income producing work of literature!
* STOP stressing over writing a book - for all eternity!
* ​How to find self-publishing resources without spending HOURS ON GOOGLE!
​* Catapult your business or career with the validation of a published book!

* Workbook companion
​* Live Q & A
* Accountability Action Plan
* Attendee "Hotseat" Opportunity

Whew! What a day this was! My untamed edges are reminding me just how overwhelming my first book launch event was way ba...

Whew! What a day this was! My untamed edges are reminding me just how overwhelming my first book launch event was way back in 2015. There were so many obstacles standing in my way that I didn't know how this day would even be remotely successful.

To start, as I was visiting my mom, someone slashed my tires. Yes, slashed. All four. The day before my event! I had to get my car towed, and between caring for a one-year-old and running around to finish my last minute errands, this was a HUGE set-back.

Then, there was a freeze on my bank account, so I didn't have access to any funds to pay the remaining balances on my food, event space, and decor. I couldn't even get my hair and nails done for the event because I was so BROKE.

This picture captured EVERY emotion I felt leading up to this day--the pressure and stress of planning the event, but also the joy, relief, excitement, and anticipation of releasing my first book. It was a long time coming, and I was just so glad to see the fruits of my labor manifest.
Everything came together beautifully that day. There was an abundance of people (and food), and there was not a worry in the world.

Becoming an author has been an amazing journey, but helping other people become authors has been even more fulfilling!

I'd love to usher you into the world that is self-publishing and help you feel that satisfying, overwhelming beam of joy that results in completing your book!

You can schedule your consultation by clicking the link in our bio!


5 Things to Do Before You Launch Your Book

So you wrote the book! Congratulations! Before you start screaming to the heavens about your greatest achievement, make sure you follow these steps to help you have a successful launch! I'm going live here and on Facebook at 5pm EST. Hope to see ya!

Success in life is something we all seek. For many of us, the fancy home, expensive toys, and loaded bank account define...

Success in life is something we all seek. For many of us, the fancy home, expensive toys, and loaded bank account define who we are. But should our identities and definitions of success be solely determined by the abundance of material possessions? What happens when our measure of self-confidence is rooted in something other than Christ?

In Seeking God Over Seeking Things, author Dana Davis chronicles his journey as a world-class musician, sharing how personal insecurities led to tough challenges as he sought to achieve success on his own terms. Through his powerful testimony, Davis demonstrates how yielding to God and embracing God's wisdom will bring peace, confidence, and assurance of receiving every blessing God has for our lives.


*Tips for generating a great book title*


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 19:00
Thursday 08:00 - 19:00
Friday 08:00 - 19:00


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