It's been a while since I've shared a new blog post, but I have published two since the last one I posted on here. The first, is a long and comprehensive look at how religious norms, beliefs, and institutions have emerged and evolved through processes of social accreditation to influence much of our societal behaviors and values, if you've read through any of the other SAT posts, I highly encourage checking that one out as it was an incredibly gratifying experience putting it together.
This one isn't in the series on SAT, but it is a reflection of my life through the lens of social accreditation, tracing my social experiences from middle school to now to understand how the need for validation and belonging has shaped my personal identity. It's a shorter post, but it was also cathartic to look back at my life in hindsight from this perspective.
People tell me I should work on a book or something, and maybe that's the real endgame for these blog posts, but as of now, I love this medium. I think that research social philosophy, writing essays and crafting them into an easily accessible blog gives me a sense of purpose that I wouldn't get working on a manuscript or book. I also struggle with worrying about whether or not people are even reading these or care about what I have to say, so putting all of the effort into a book that might never get read just seems exhausting, whereas I don't really care who reads the blogs because it's more about the act of making them. Anyways, this is just an introspective look at how my journey got me here, and why I think this way of looking at the world matters.
Thanks for reading!
This post is a reflection of my life through the lens of social accreditation processes.