Conscious Wisdom Podcast

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Conscious Wisdom Podcast The podcast showcasing Science, Spirit,Creativity, Ageless Wisdom, Philosophy & Conspiracy. Join the discussion, get involved, be revolution - be conscious

Conscious Wisdom Started in Brisbane in 2013 as a discussion group. Greg Dodge, the founder, attracted a bi-monthly group of divergent thinkers to share, grow and learn from each other about Conscious Wisdom. Kris is a good root - he runs the sessions on podcast and film

Our Vision

Conscious Wisdom is an open minded movement that looks towards a world that facilitates the growth of individuals t

o actively participate in a conscious enlightened world. A compassionate and connected community, where wisdom, wholeness, sustainability, kindness, healing, sharing, and the balance of the feminine and masculine are at the centre of life. We are dedicated to a clear vision that together we can create a more loving, connected and enlightened world, a world in renaissance that expresses, honours and respects the vastness of diversity in humanity and our relationship with all living things, planet earth and the universe. Our Mission

Conscious Wisdom is a community network of learning that provides innovative discussions, events, programs and resources that foster balance, cultivates consciousness, curiosity, wisdom and mindfulness, for a more just, sustainable, connected and flourishing world. Our tree of wisdom supports ideas around Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, Health, Esoteric, Life, Creativity, Education, Sustainability, History, Freedom, Deep Ecology, Wisdom and Consciousness. We support and encourage a diversity of ideas about mind, body, spirit, love, creativity, inclusiveness and harmlessness. Conscious Wisdom offers discussion groups, pod-casts, retreats, presentations, classes, and the facilitation of community based collaborative projects, activities and events. Our Purpose

The specific and primary purpose of Conscious Wisdom is to develop and disseminate information, knowledge and action based outcomes relating to the human mind, body, spirit and the natural world, through discussion groups, forums and events, seminars, retreats, workshops, publications, library and other means to encourage conscious awareness of various approaches and methods for expanding the field of possibilities towards a world that works for the greater good of everyone. Conscious Wisdom fosters the process of living a more healthy life of mind, body and spirit while deepening our connections to self, partners, family, community, planet earth and the natural world.

The Career of Souls - Thanks to Peter Wolfe for writing thisSystems of TransformationThere are 5 Personality Patterns, o...

The Career of Souls - Thanks to Peter Wolfe for writing this

Systems of Transformation
There are 5 Personality Patterns, or 12 Archetypes, 9 Enneagram Types, or 18 Maladaptive Schemas grouped into 5 primary emotional needs of Schema Therapy, 16 Myers Biggs Type Indicators (MBTI) personality types, or 12 Stages of the “Hero’s Journey”, or the 7 Chakras of Eastern Spiritual traditions, or the 7 Deadly Sins of the Western Spiritual tradition. There are many similar traditions found in all fields of human endeavour: Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory, Don Beck’s Spiral Dynamics, the work of Sri Aurobindo, Otto Scharmer, Aldous Huxley, Carl Jung, Robert Assagioli, Paulo Friere, mysterious work of ancient “Alchemists”, ancient traditions of “Initiation“ and “Rites of Passage”, the “Great Work” of Freemasonry, the list continues.

Each of these traditions presents a spiritual teaching perspective, that in its own ways describes the evolutionary journey of the Human Psyche; or what we might call the Career of the Soul. Each of these traditions varies in its language, terminology and surface features, however, they all share deep roots, common characteristics and a shared understanding of a common set of universal truths at the core of the human experience, which we might call the Mystical World View. These common characteristics include the following insights:

* Life is the journey from fragmentation to wholeness. Wisdom traditions describe a spectrum of evolutionary unfoldment on the journey from birth to wholeness as a mature adult human being;
* Stages cannot be skipped. If they are bypassed without being fully resolved, they will need to be returned at a later date;
* Trauma experienced at one of the developmental stages can result in neuroses - a form of spiritual complex caused by repressing the felt experience of a traumatic event;
* Each stage, is a natural part of human growth, learning and evolution;
* Each stage has a negative and a positive expression;
* The negative expression can be transformed into it the positive polar opposite;
* “Transformation” is the process of converting negative stage expression into positive stage expression;
* The core “Magic” - the essential transformative ingredient of every tradition, the Alchemist’s Gold, the catalyst that invokes the conditions or holding space for Spiritual Transformation - is invariable, “Love”, the unconditional Divine Love of the Mystical World View.

Each of the traditions described above is a “Spiritual Tradition” in its true sense. They usher us onto the pathway of authentic evolutionary Self-realisation, aligned with the universal archetypal patterns of Life itself. They are not arbitrary ideas pitched by individual thinkers. They are “Wisdom Traditions”, which is to say that they draw from a deeper, collective well of consciousness - a deep Source of Divine inspiration within each of us. We can all learn to access the “Source”, and realise the profound Wisdom of Self Knowledge that resides therein.

Two Identities
We are all two things. The human vocation is to become aware of these two self-identities and marry or synthesise them into a new transcendent and unified whole. The two identities are:

1. Ego: We have a secondary, relative, surface identity known variously as the: Ego, Persona or False Self; and
2. Soul: We have a primary, ultimate, deep identity with and as: the Soul, Psyche, and Higher Self.

We are both Ego and Soul. The Ego is subject to change, transformation, and the perpetual journey of becoming. The Soul is open, empty, the fullness of unmanifested creative potential, infinite, eternal, and - having no content in and of itself - has nothing subject to change.

Human Vocation
The universal Human vocation is to become actually all that we are potential. On that journey, we first need to develop a healthy independent existence in this world as a personal Ego identity. The ego becomes the temple, our vehicle in this world; how we eat, procreate and survive. Once we have built the temple of ego, as a vessel for the soul, the soul may then be awakened to take residency and assume its place as the rightful heir to the thrown.

The realisation of Soul consciousness transcends and includes the ego into a new integrated “Self” - the Soul reigning, directing and overseeing the ego. In the integrated Self, the ego is the emissary whose role and purpose is to be of service to the Soul, the Master. Iain McGilchrist captures and develops this metaphor well in his book “The Master and His Emissary”. Our natural spiritual vocation becomes stalled, when the ego refuses to cede - to the arising Soul - the throne of personal identity.

The transition of identity from ego to Soul is the subject of “Initiation”, “Rites of Passage”, “Transformation”, the Ancient Greek and other “Mysteries”, Psychedelic experiences, and “Classical Mystical Experiences”. It is a spiritual change of guard, a step change from a mundane to a spiritually led life.

The ego begins our life as a pioneer, establishing a safe home and means of supporting ourselves and our family and loved ones in the world. Once this nesting stage is adequately completed by the ego, the stage is set for the arrival of the master, and the return of the bridegroom. This can be a traumatic experience for the ego. It is a form of death: ego death. This transition is never easy. But - If we have not had access to a spiritual framework that understands this as a safe and natural progression on a journey to human spiritual maturation, or an experienced guide to vouchsafe the transition - this essential inner “change of guard” with its inner symbolism and themes of death and resurrection, can be startling, confusing, disorienting, stultifying and demobilising, leave one doubting one’s sanity and unsure where to turn for help.

Conventional fundamentalist religions are ill-prepared to stand in as midwives in this extraordinary inner spiritual birthing experience. In a materialist consumerist world, in the absence of Wise guidance, the ego can become fascinated with its own power, status, and belongings, and become hardened against the need to “leave childish things behind”. An inflated ego becomes a roadblock to the ascent of the Soul. An inflated ego - thinking it has it all, thinking that it is all - is blinded to one’s own spiritual potential. The ego - blinded to one’s rightful evolutionary path - then becomes distracted, building a fortified city at a midpoint on the journey to spiritual maturity, and settles in as if it were already home. It then busies itself with work, comforts, conveniences, travel, sensual pleasures, empire building, and all of the other wonderful things that this Earth has to offer… but, in doing so, it can forget - or rather perhaps never know of - its sovereign inheritance. An inflated ego stalls the journey home, and settles on a consolation prize which it misconstrues as the whole story and the main event; but which ultimately proves to be no more than a temporal phantasm that quickly draws to a close.

Initiation is an ancient method that humanity has developed, to help get us out of our ego-fortified comfort zone and back on the road to our Divine inheritance. It is a way to shock us out of complacency, catapult us - out of our fortified city of comforts in the foothills - and back on the pathway up the sacred mountain.

Initiation is a term that describes the transformative shift in self-awareness and self-identity, from ego-primary-identity to Soul-primary-identity. The process itself may be referred to as initiation, conversion, transformation, awakening, satori, etc.

The initiation can take many forms and may occur in a series of cumulative transformative events or a singular ecstatic realisation. Methods that may help in the process of initiation may include:
* Exposure to wisdom traditions that open and deepen our understanding of the meaning, purpose and potential of a life fully lived;
* Meditation as a means to relax the mind. The mind is the organ of conceptual experience, whereas spirituality is the source of the direct felt experience of reality as it actually is, right now;
* Psychedelic experiences, in carefully controlled therapeutic “set and settings”;
* Spiritual practices of generosity, kindness and caring that connects us to our capacity for empathy and compassion for nature and humanity, and reconnect us to a sense of unity with the whole of Life;
* Relaxation and stillness, helping us to ease our attachment to the old stories of busyness and productivity that perpetuate a materialist consumerist worldview;
* Contemplative prayer, wordless contemplation noticing the peace and pure joy of being, here and now;
* Transformational workshops facilitated by an experienced initiate;
* Self-developmental work;
* Transpersonal therapies;
* Work with a transformative spiritual director;
* Men’s and women’s work and retreats;
* Counselling and therapy;
* Art therapy, self-expression, and creative practices foster and nurture an encounter with our authentic selves.

All of these processes and methods invite us into encounters with our deep, true Self. They are like date nights with our Soul. They set aside a special time to put aside the ego's usual distractions, leave the ego at the door, and enter into a place of stillness, peace, joy and contemplation that is the nature of the Soul.

Religion - from the root meaning to “re-link”, to connect again, has its reason d’être in providing support to rest an all-consuming ego, and reconnecting with the stillness, peace and rejuvenating capacities of one’s Soul. Many religions have lost their way, and become more interested in perpetuating their own institutions, that in supporting the evolutionary journey of Soul discovery and reintegration.

The Role of Religion
Religions are reliquaries that carry our sacred stories through cultures over extended periods. From time to time the religious institutions themselves may lose touch with the source from which humanity's sacred myths invariable arise. In these cases, the institution may continue to maintain at least the “shell and form” of ancient sacred myths, that continue to hold symbols with the potential power to shock and awaken the Soul within us. How these stories are interpreted for us, by religious leaders, determines their transformative power, or lack of it. Transformational processes require the attention of experienced guides - those who have already experienced a spiritual awakening or are at least on the pathway as aspirants.

Western society's messianic stories of dying and resurrecting God/Men may or may not accurately reflect actual historical events, but, from a mystical perspective they in any case provide a clear and powerful metaphor for our own Spiritual careers. They are the allegorical story of the death of our own ego, and the resurrection of our Soul. This is the shift from head to heart, from individual to collective consciousness. It is a shift that awakens the Soul, transcends and includes the ego, and integrates a unified mature adult human being.

The biblical imagery of the bride and bridegroom is a transpersonal symbol that points to an inner marriage of the ego to the awakening Soul. The resultant offspring is a completely embodied spiritual and physical being. We retain our ego’s grasp of survival, influence and power in the world whilst having it tempered, ordered and directed by the higher capacities of empathy, compassion, kindness and care that are the characteristics of Soul lead life - Love in action - Soul, identifying with the whole of living existence, loving All as Self.

The transformative shift from an ego-lead to a soul-lead life - from ego to eco - has radical impacts in terms of improved self-awareness, compassion and regenerative capacity in the world. A broad intentional evolutionary step change from ego to eco holds real and immediate implications of relevance for the survival and flourishing of Nature, Society and Self at a pivotal moment in the evolutionary journey of the human species.

In conclusion, the spiritual career of the Soul is a journey of inner transformation and growth, from fragmentation to wholeness. Various wisdom traditions, spiritual teachings, and practices guide us in this evolutionary process. They help us recognise and integrate our dual identities: the ego, or surface identity, and the Soul, or deeper identity.

While the ego is essential for our survival and functioning in the world, it can also become a barrier to our spiritual growth if it is not willing to yield its throne to the Soul. The process of Initiation helps us break free from the ego's grip and awaken our Soul consciousness, which ultimately leads to a more loving, compassionate, and integrated Self, with regenerative impacts on the broader more than a human community of Life.

Religions and spiritual practices have traditionally offered various methods and tools that can help facilitate this inner transformation. However, these traditions must remain focused on supporting the Soul's journey, rather than perpetuating their own institutions.

Today transformative processes are being integrated into all fields of human endeavour. The Great Work of humanity today must, first and foremost, become the work of deep inner self-transformation - the shift from an ego-lead to a Soul-lead Life and a vital uplifting future of individual and collective betterment for All.

Ultimately, the spiritual career of the Soul is about discovering and embracing our true nature, transcending the limitations of the ego, and living a life guided by love, compassion, and empathy for all living beings. Love is the key, the centre and the beginning of all truly transformative and regenerative work in the world. From a mystic's perspective, Love is the great solvent, the catalyst that dissolves the ego’s sense of an exclusively “separate self”, to become immersed in the essence and fullness of the Pleroma, the fully unified “Kingdom come”. This will now be brought to us, delivered by a miraculous prophet, sage or saint - Divine or otherwise. We are now the ones we have been waiting for. You, we, all of us are now the heroes of our own story.

ChatGPT’s Spin

So… I asked ChatGPT what to do with the above article and following below is her response…

The information provided in "The Career of Souls” offers insights into various spiritual traditions and their shared understanding of the evolution of the human psyche. It also highlights the importance of understanding and integrating the two identities of Ego and Soul.
To apply this knowledge to your life, you can consider the following steps:
1. Self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your current stage of personal growth and development. Identify any areas of your life where you may be experiencing a sense of fragmentation or lack of wholeness.
2. Learn about spiritual traditions: Familiarize yourself with various spiritual traditions and their teachings. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of the human psyche and the path towards self-realisation.
3. Seek guidance: If you feel stuck or unsure about how to integrate the Ego and Soul, seek guidance from an experienced spiritual teacher, therapist or mentor. They can provide support and help you navigate the journey towards self-realisation.
4. Practice self-love: Recognize that the core "magic" or transformative ingredient of every tradition is love. Cultivate self-love and compassion towards yourself as you navigate the journey towards self-realisation.
5. Embrace the journey: Recognize that the journey towards self-realisation is not linear and that each stage is a natural part of the human growth process. Embrace the journey and be patient with yourself as you transform negative expressions into positive ones.
Remember that the journey towards self-realisation is a lifelong process, and there is no right or wrong way to navigate it. Take what resonates with you and trust your own inner guidance as you move towards integration and wholeness.

Happy New Year’s Everyone!! ❤️💕☀️I feel that most can find it in themselves to agree with the sentiment of what Franklin...

Happy New Year’s Everyone!! ❤️💕☀️

I feel that most can find it in themselves to agree with the sentiment of what Franklin said right here.

“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.” Benjamin Franklin

Jim Palmer said: “According to statistics, only 8% of people are successful in achieving their new year resolutions. These resolutions typically don't have staying power because they are temporary fixes that focus on the symptoms of a life that lacks clarity, meaning, and true joy, peace, and contentment. Even if a person accomplished a New Year's Resolution, it may not address or resolve the root causes of a person's chronic unhappiness, disharmony, fear, anxiety, confusion, dissatisfaction, and inner suffering.

Here are a few substantial intentions to consider for your life's journey in 2023:

- Rooting out limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs, mindsets, attitudes, fears and stories you carry inside you

- Freeing yourself from people-pleasing, and a life that is governed by the expectations of others

- Investigating and exploring your interior self, innermost being, and your true nature and essence

- Learning new mindsets and tools for living a life that flows naturally with composure and equanimity, instead of grasping, clinging, stress, anxiety, striving, and resistance

- Identifying the guiding focus, objective, intention, or objective for the next season of your life

- Cultivating a new relationship with yourself with self-acceptance, self-compassion, self-care and self-actualization as the foundation

- Establishing boundaries or discontinuing your active engagement with people who have a toxic or damaging impact on your mental, spiritual and emotional health

- Seeking out new connections with people who accept you, get you and with whom you can be real and authentic”

Dr Bruce H. Lipton is one of my fave authors and scientists. Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognised leade...

Dr Bruce H. Lipton is one of my fave authors and scientists. Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognised leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award. Dr. Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist. He received his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine in 1973.
Dr. Lipton’s research on muscular dystrophy, studies employing cloned human stem cells, focused on the molecular mechanisms controlling cell behaviour. An experimental tissue transplantation technique developed by Dr. Lipton and colleague Dr. Ed Schultz (published in the journal Science) was subsequently employed as a novel form of human genetic engineering.This video made on Jan31st 2022 was shared by Alan Parsons - thx heaps - take the time to watch - it is only 9 minutes short - and has some great thought bombs.

The link to the video is in the first comment

"Menticide".   Brainwashing (also known as mind control, menticide, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reform...

"Menticide". Brainwashing (also known as mind control, menticide, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reform, and re-education) is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques. Brainwashing is said to reduce its subjects' ability to think critically or independently, to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds, as well as to change their attitudes, values and beliefs.

This video was made in collaboration with Academy of Ideas. They create videos explaining the ideas of history's great thinkers in order to help supply the w...


We love this statement from Aunty Lilla ❤


💜☯️ Joseph Campbell: "The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.
Life has no meaning.

Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life.

It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.
People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life.
I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive".

ah - the mysterious...

ah - the mysterious...


Good morning this Easter Monday. A friend shared this six minute video with insights from Edward Snowden. (Look into his background if you’ve never heard of him). For those of you who are aware of who he is and a previous documentary, Citizen Four, a few years ago, this snippet will bring up concerns about our current goings on locally, nationally and globally.

(Not clear on who these “them” are - but share your thoughts)

Even though, I feel, this presents no tangible solutions, except for revolution, what are your own thoughts about the information presented here.
Love to hear a diverse range of thoughts, opinions and solutions.

Great advice 🙏☯️☮️

Great advice 🙏☯️☮️

A medley of wisdom quotes......

A medley of wisdom quotes......



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