Life Rolls On and @ #THEYWILLSKATEAGAIN in ATLanta
Betty Cantrell Miss America and Hunter Hayes in Warner Robins, Ga
bootz & katz live
Bootz & Katz played a packed BUFFINGTONS in Milledgeville, Georgia Thursday
Wheelchair sports action
American Association of Adapted Sports Programs (AAASP) kicked off their football season on Saturday morning. Clayton County Junior Eagles were defeated by the Houston County Junior Sharks by a score of 25-3. The varsity teams played an outstanding game with the Sharks getting another win of 48-40. This looks to be an exciting season.Stay tune @American International News Service has you covered.
Upcoming stories; NewSong's Very Merry Christmas Tour featuring Crowder and Sarah Reeves Georgia leg of the tour. Winthrop Vs Mercer Women's Basketball
NewSong's Very Merry Christmas Tour featuring Crowder and Sarah
Upw 2017 West
10,000 New friends
How does the world come together? The answer :put 12,000 people from sixtyfour countries from around the globe.
Some Kids at Bragg Jam 5/4 Music Space
Montgomery Gentry
Montgomery Gentry performs at independence party
Dave &Tim live
Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds play one of Gregg allman's hit songs "Mellissa"
Dave Matthews honors a music icon
Dave Matthews Band honor Gregg Allman during concert in Atlanta, May 31,
houston county vs west GA
American association of adapted Sports program football action
!st & Goal
Wolverines at goal line
Wheelchair football
Wheelchair #football
footage from alumni game
High school heroes step back on the hard wood.
they still got it
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