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Internet traffic has grown sharply soon after the government banned the popular social media platform TikTok, suggesting...

Internet traffic has grown sharply soon after the government banned the popular social media platform TikTok, suggesting that users are exploring online loopholes to access the app.

The growth suggests users are exploring loopholes to bypass national restrictions and access the platform.

दुई सातादेखि चीनका बालबालिकामा फैलिएको श्वासप्रश्वाससम्बन्धी रोगको जोखिममा नेपाल पनि रहेको विज्ञहरूले औंल्याएका छन्। चीन...

दुई सातादेखि चीनका बालबालिकामा फैलिएको श्वासप्रश्वाससम्बन्धी रोगको जोखिममा नेपाल पनि रहेको विज्ञहरूले औंल्याएका छन्। चीनको बेइजिङसहित आसपासका क्षेत्रमा फैलिएको उक्त रोगका बिरामीका कारण अस्पतालहरू भरिएको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सञ्चार माध्यमहरूले जनाएका छन्। रोग र त्यसको कारण भने पहिचान भएको छैन।

चीनको बेइजिङसहित आसपासका क्षेत्रमा फैलिएको उक्त रोगका बिरामीका कारण अस्पतालहरू भरिएको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सञ्चार...

केही सातादेखि चीनका बालबालिकाहरूमा फैलिएको श्वास/प्रश्वास सम्बन्धी अज्ञात रोगको जोखिम नेपालमा पनि रहेको विज्ञहरूले औँल्य...

केही सातादेखि चीनका बालबालिकाहरूमा फैलिएको श्वास/प्रश्वास सम्बन्धी अज्ञात रोगको जोखिम नेपालमा पनि रहेको विज्ञहरूले औँल्याएका छन् ।

दुई सातादेखि चीनको बेइजिङ तथा आसपासका क्षेत्रका बालबालिकाहरूमा निमोनिया जस्तै लाग्ने रोग अकस्मात् फैलिएपछि अस्पतालहरू भरिभराउ भएको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सञ्चार माध्यमहरूले जनाएका छन्।

केही सातादेखि चीनका बालबालिकाहरूमा फैलिएको श्वास/प्रश्वास सम्बन्धी अज्ञात रोगको जोखिम नेपालमा पनि रहेको विज्ञ....

Influenza, Covid-19, and respiratory syncytial are common viruses circulating in Nepal that lead to sickness and pneumon...

Influenza, Covid-19, and respiratory syncytial are common viruses circulating in Nepal that lead to sickness and pneumonia. Likewise, Mycoplasma pneumonia and pneumococcus are common bacterial infections in the country that cause pneumonia, especially in children.

Several viruses, bacteria causing pneumonia outbreak in China said to be circulating here.

दाइजोका कारण हत्या गरेको भन्दै उनको परिवार विगत ६ महिनादेखि माइतिघरमा धर्नामा थिए । तर मंसिर ४ गते काठमाडौं जिल्ला प्रशा...

दाइजोका कारण हत्या गरेको भन्दै उनको परिवार विगत ६ महिनादेखि माइतिघरमा धर्नामा थिए । तर मंसिर ४ गते काठमाडौं जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयले माइतिघर मण्डलादेखि नयाँ बानेश्वरसम्म सुरक्षाको कारण देखाउदै निषेधित क्षेत्र घोषणा गरेपछि उनीहरु शान्तिवाटिका आइपुगेका छन् ।

माइतिघर मण्डलाबाट लखेटिएर धर्ना बस्न रत्नपार्कस्थित शान्तिवाटिका पुगेकालाई पैदलयात्रुले भिखारी ठानेर ‘भिख’ द...

पछिल्ला केही दिनयता रसुवागढी नाकाबाट सुन तस्करी बढीरहेको छ । सुन तस्करी गरेको आरोपमा आज तीन जना पक्राउ परेका छन् । केरुङ...

पछिल्ला केही दिनयता रसुवागढी नाकाबाट सुन तस्करी बढीरहेको छ । सुन तस्करी गरेको आरोपमा आज तीन जना पक्राउ परेका छन् । केरुङबाट ल्याइएको १२ तोला सुनका औँठी रसुवागढी नाकामा तैनाथ नेपाल प्रहरी, सशस्त्र प्रहरी र भन्सार कर्मचारीसहितको गस्तीले पक्राउ गरेको हो ।

यसरी पक्राउ पर्नेमा रसुवा जिल्ला आमाछोदिङ्मो गापा–५ गोङगाङ बस्ने २९ वर्षका सुरेश तामाङ, आमाछोदिङ्मो गापा–५ तातोपानी निवासी ३७ वर्षका निमाटासी तामाङ र गोसाइँकुण्ड गापा–३ बृद्धिम बस्ने २३ वर्षका ङवाङ लोप्चन तामाङ रहेको जिल्ला प्रहरी प्रमुख सुवास बुढाथोकीले जानकारी दिनुभयो ।

चीनबाट सुन तस्करी गर्ने ‘तस्कर’हरुको निशानामा रसुवागढी नाका, तीन जनालाई प्रहरीले समात्यो अर्थ सरोकार काठमाडौँ .....

तीन जिल्लाका अस्पतालका लागि तीन वटा सिटी स्क्यान मेसिन किन्न बागमती प्रदेश सरकारले २४ करोड बजेट छुट्टायो। नुवाकोट, सिन्ध...

तीन जिल्लाका अस्पतालका लागि तीन वटा सिटी स्क्यान मेसिन किन्न बागमती प्रदेश सरकारले २४ करोड बजेट छुट्टायो। नुवाकोट, सिन्धुली र भक्तपुर अस्पतालमा आठ करोडका दरले तीन वटा सिटी स्क्यान मेसिन खरिद प्रक्रिया अगाडि बढिसकेको छ।

त्यसमध्ये नुवाकोटको त्रिशूली अस्पतालका लागि सिटी किन्ने प्रक्रिया टेन्डर भएर प्रिबिड मिटिङ समेत सकिइसक्यो। इमानदार भएर किन्ने हो भने यी तीनै मेसिन करिब १५ करोडमा जडान गर्न सकिन्छ। तर केन्द्रदेखि प्रदेशसम्मको स्वास्थ्यमन्त्रीको इन्ट्रेस्टमा सिधै नौ करोड बढी मूल्यमा सिटी किन्ने तयारी गरेका छन्।

काठमाडौँ : तीन जिल्लाका अस्पतालका लागि तीन वटा सिटी स्क्यान मेसिन किन्न बागमती प्रदेश सरकारले २४ करोड बजेट छुट्ट...

Nepal’s $216 million international airport in Pokhara, the country’s second-biggest city, opened in January. China agree...

Nepal’s $216 million international airport in Pokhara, the country’s second-biggest city, opened in January. China agreed to provide loans to build the airport more than a decade ago. Nepal tapped China CAMC Engineering, the construction arm of a state-owned conglomerate, Sinomach, as the contractor.

After a Times article about the cost and quality of Pokhara airport, which Chinese state-owned firms financed and built, Nepal’s anti-corruption agency said it was looking into the project.

It concerns an airport in Dharan planned sometime in 2003 but that is yet to take off. On Thursday, it drew the attentio...

It concerns an airport in Dharan planned sometime in 2003 but that is yet to take off. On Thursday, it drew the attention of many when Tourism Minister Sudan Kirati ordered the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal to do a preliminary study of the airport project.

“As far as I remember, this is the fifth or sixth study proposed so far,” said a top official at the Tourism Ministry. “This time, the airport construction agenda has been revived at the behest of Mayor Harka Sampang of Dharan sub-metropolitan city.”

Tourism minister orders Civil Aviation Authority to study the project that has been on the drawing board since 2003.

The Philippines has delivered a significant blow to China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) by opting to exit t...

The Philippines has delivered a significant blow to China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) by opting to exit the trillion-dollar infrastructure project of President Xi Jinping.

The announcement followed a recent collision between a Philippines boat and a Chinese coastguard vessel in the South China Sea. Furthermore, China’s military alleged that a Philippines military ship entered waters near Scarborough Shoal without permission.

The Philippines has delivered a significant blow to China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) by opting to exit the trillion-dollar infrastructure project of President Xi Jinping. The announcement followed a recent collision between a Philippines boat and a Chinese coastguard vessel in the ...

On September 30, Prime Minister of Nepal Pushpa Kamal Dahal, also called “Prachanda,” flew back to Kathmandu after concl...

On September 30, Prime Minister of Nepal Pushpa Kamal Dahal, also called “Prachanda,” flew back to Kathmandu after concluding an eight-day visit to China. At the Tribhuvan International Airport, Dahal answered questions about his visit, and Nepali officials released a 40-point press note. Conspicuously missing from both was any mention of China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Furthermore, out of the 12 MoUs that Dahal returned with, none were signed under the framework of the BRI.

Instead of addressing long-standing Nepali concerns during Dahal’s visit, Beijing tried hard to press its new initiatives onto Nepal.

Nepal Airlines is planning to sell off its Chinese planes that have been like an albatross around its neck for what an i...

Nepal Airlines is planning to sell off its Chinese planes that have been like an albatross around its neck for what an insider said is junkyard price.

Acquired between 2014 and 2018, the six aircraft were worth Rs6.66 billion in grants and loans. One of the planes has since crashed. The national flag carrier is asking Rs220 million for the remaining five aircraft in an apparent effort to get rid of them as fast as possible.

The five grounded Chinese-made aircraft have been more trouble than they are worth, officials say.

इजरायल र प्यालेस्टाइनको सीमावर्ती सहर गाजामा शनिबार हमास समूहले गरेको हमलामा किबुजस्थित कृषि फार्ममा इन्टर्नमा रहेका १० ...

इजरायल र प्यालेस्टाइनको सीमावर्ती सहर गाजामा शनिबार हमास समूहले गरेको हमलामा किबुजस्थित कृषि फार्ममा इन्टर्नमा रहेका १० नेपाली विद्यार्थीको निधन भएको छ । बिएस्सी एग्रिकल्चर अध्ययन गरेर ‘लन एन्ड अर्न’ कार्यक्रमअन्तर्गत ११ महिनाका लागि इन्टर्न गर्न एक महिनाअघि मात्रै इजरायल गएका सुदूरपश्चिम विश्वविद्यालयका ४९ मध्ये १० विद्यार्थीको ज्यान गएको हो । एक विद्यार्थी अझै बेपत्ता छन् ।

इजरायल र प्यालेस्टाइनको सीमावर्ती सहर गाजामा शनिबार हमास समूहले गरेको हमलामा किबुजस्थित कृषि फार्ममा

प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहाल ‘प्रचण्ड’ले बीआरआईमा आधारित परियोजना अघि बढाउन नेपाल प्रतिबद्ध रहेको दाबी गरेका छन्। आइतबार...

प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहाल ‘प्रचण्ड’ले बीआरआईमा आधारित परियोजना अघि बढाउन नेपाल प्रतिबद्ध रहेको दाबी गरेका छन्। आइतबार काठमाडौंमा आयोजित बीआरआईको एक दशक : व्यापार, लगानी र सम्पर्क सञ्जाल विषयक सेमिनारलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्डले परियोजना छनोट र कार्यान्वयन हुने गरि अगाडि बढाउन नेपाल सरकारको स्पष्ट रहेको जानकारी गराएका हुन्।

काठमाडौं : प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहाल ‘प्रचण्ड’ले बीआरआईमा

CESIF, an autonomous non-profit research organization, has been investigating various facets of international relations,...

CESIF, an autonomous non-profit research organization, has been investigating various facets of international relations, geopolitics, foreign policy, foreign direct investment, identity politics, and military diplomacy, among other topics.

The writers of the book include Amish Raj Mulmi, Arpan Gelal, Anil Giri, Raunav Singh Khatri, and Milan Acharya.

The publication, “China’s Emergence in Nepal’s Infrastructure: Stats, Issues, and Challenges,” published by Center for Social Inclusion and Federalism (CESIF), delves into the complex web of China’s involvement in Nepal’s infrastructure development. CESIF, an autonomous non-profit resear...

At a time of great geo-political turmoil, Prime Minister Dahal has paid a visit to China and I feel it will act as a pro...

At a time of great geo-political turmoil, Prime Minister Dahal has paid a visit to China and I feel it will act as a propeller to develop modalities to implement major projects signed between the two neighbours,” said Nishchal Nath Pandey, director of the Centre for South Asian Studies.

Nepal shifts from ‘one-China policy’ to ‘one-China principle’.

ति विमान दुर्घटना बारे छानबिन गर्न गठित जाँचबुझ आयोगले बिहीबार संस्कृति पर्यटन तथा नागरिक उड्डयनमन्त्री सुदन किरातीलाई स...

ति विमान दुर्घटना बारे छानबिन गर्न गठित जाँचबुझ आयोगले बिहीबार संस्कृति पर्यटन तथा नागरिक उड्डयनमन्त्री सुदन किरातीलाई सरकारले चाहे अनुसारको प्रतिवेदन बुझाएको छ ।

आयोगका सदस्यसचिव बुद्धिसागर लामिछानेका अनुसार, ०७९ माघ १ गते काठमाडौंबाट पोखराका लागि उडेको एटीआर विमान दुर्घटनाबारे विस्तृत जाँचबुझ गरी बनाइएको अन्तिम प्रतिवेदनको मस्यौदा मन्त्री किरातीलाई बुझाइएको हो । उनले अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय उड्डयन संगठन (आइकाओ)को प्रावधानअनुसार यस घटनासँग सरोकार राख्ने विभिन्न मुलुकको अन्तिम सुझाव प्राप्त भएको ६० दिनपछि प्रतिवेदन सार्वजनिक गरिने बताए ।

सरकारले आठ महिना अघि पोखरा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थल नजिकै भएको यति एयरलायन्सको जहाज दुर्घटनामा विमानको प्राव....

Nepal will be selling an additional 180 MW of electricity to India from Wednesday mid-night as the country in this regar...

Nepal will be selling an additional 180 MW of electricity to India from Wednesday mid-night as the country in this regard gave go ahead to Nepali authority.

According to an official of the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), India’s Cabinet meeting has decided to purchase additional electricity from Nepal. “With the Cabinet’s decision, India’s Central Electricity Authority has asked the NEA to take forward the process in the line.”

Kathmandu; Nepal will be selling an additional 180 MW of electricity to India from Wednesday mid-night as the country in this regard gave go ahead to Nepali aut

A Department of Revenue Investigation (DRI) team had confiscated a huge quantity of gold hidden inside brake shoes of sc...

A Department of Revenue Investigation (DRI) team had confiscated a huge quantity of gold hidden inside brake shoes of scooters during a cargo inspection on July 18 after it had passed undetected through customs at the Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) in Kathmandu. The gold was brought on a Cathay Pacific Airways flight from Hong Kong and was later weighed to be 60.716 kilograms.

During interrogation, Yongxin Peng showed Nepali citizenship certificate acquired from the District Administration Office, Kavre but the police also recovered a Chinese passport and several other documents from him.

Leaders of the Socialist Front Nepal, which comprises four parties including Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal-led CPN (...

Leaders of the Socialist Front Nepal, which comprises four parties including Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal-led CPN (Maoist Centre) and two other ruling parties, have said they want the name of the Koshi Province changed to reflect its ethnic identity.

Leaders of the front speaking at a gathering said they would gradually become a unified party.

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal draws flak for encouraging street protests.

All technical preparations have been done. We are set to launch the Nepal-India cross-border person-to-person fund trans...

All technical preparations have been done. We are set to launch the Nepal-India cross-border person-to-person fund transfer system by November,” said Munni Rajbhandari, chief operating officer of Nepal Clearing House, a payment system operator.

Indian tourists will be spared the hassle of carrying bundles of cash as large banknotes are banned in Nepal.




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