We, STERLING SPORK, want your words, art, and other detritus. STERLING SPORK is a new literary publication based out of Florida, specializing in experimental literature, art, and nonfiction. We will publish both online and in print. We are tired of the sterilized hipness of modern literary magazines. We are looking for work (or play) that challenges both the author/artist a
nd reader/spectator––work that falls in the cracks of form, genre, and convention. We wish to take Ezra Pound’s modernist dictum to heart: “Make it new!” However, modernism began over a hundred years ago, so this is no longer adequate. To remedy, we offer an alternative: “Make it NOW!” However, “Make it later!” would also be appropriate for procrastinators. Whatever works (or, preferably, doesn’t). There are many short stories in the world. There are almost as many magazines that publish short stories. Unfortunately, we are not one of those. However, we are interested in the following forms:
Nonfiction (scholarly and otherwise)
Visual art
Shopping lists
Reviews of books, art, or events
Impossible math equations
Uncontrollable exclamations
Short non-stories
Nonsensical diagrams
Family photographs
Calls for papers
If your work doesn’t fit neatly into any of the above categories, consider it especially suitable for our magazine. Please send your submissions for Issue 1 to [email protected] no later than February 1st, 2017.