Weekly physique progress update (making this a thing!)
Got COVID this last week so I’m not feeling the best but didn’t miss a beat with training, diet, or coaching my clients
Weight: 195lbs average down 2lbs from 197lbs last week and noticing a little bit more leanness
Training: strength is still increasing steadily despite getting sick, being in a 1000+ calorie deficit, and feeling extra fatigue
Diet: 100% adherence, still losing weight really fast on 3300-3500 calories a day (I get 20k steps, do 25 minutes of zone 2 cardio, and lift for 2 hours a day on average). Losing my taste and smell made adherence to the deficit 100x easier 😂
Sleep; not great 3/10 bc of being sick and breathing becoming RPE 10, but hoping it improves as I kick the virus
Stress: 9/10 due to sickness, mental distress from not feeling good and losing taste/smell, and increase in work demands but again this should improve a lot as I get healthier. I can see the water retention in my physique rn from the higher stress rn but that’s also a part of dieting
No changes to this upcoming week. Just hoping I kick this COVID thing and will be continuing to diet until I feel satisfied with my leanness. I’m probably 8-9% body fat here but we must go further