Growing up we would been have so psyched that our zero-budget weekend shenanigans would screen just down the road at Campus Theatre. Thanks, Point Five Films!
Whistle to the Maples Horror Film Festival Official Selection Spotlight:
“Cicada: I Was a Teenage Horror Movie!”, Directed by Filmmaker and fellow Creature Feature Weekend Alumni Keil Orion Troisi.
🍁Welcome to the Maples!🍁
Come see this time-worn tale of Independent Filmmaking brought to life on November 11th, 2023 at The Campus Theatre in Downtown Lewisburg!
Doors will open at 5:00pm with the show starting at 5:30pm.
Tickets are available exclusively through FilmFreeway at filmfreeway.com/whistletothemapleshorrorfilmfestival or pointfivefilmfest.com.