Major build tartar build up after years of not cleaning teeth. #tartar #plaque #teethcleaning
Getting a cleaning after 7 years! #teethcleaning #dentalcleaning #plaque #tartar #gumrecession
Drilling a moderate sized cavity. #cavity #filling #dentist
Drilling a cavity that’s blue inside! #dentist #drilling #cavities #dentalvideo
If you have bad breath, it might be time for a cleaning. #badbreath #dentalcleaning #cleanteeth
I only used Colgate Wisps for a full day. Here’s my review. #colgate #colgatewisps #brushyourteeth
Drilling the dark spot in your tooth. #cavity #cavities #rootcanal #dentist #dentistry
5 years worth of cheese build up on teeth. #cheese #tartarremoval #plaque #teethcleaning #dentist
We must protect Anna Cathcart from XO Kitty! #annacathcart #teeth #dentist
The most clever way to fill a cavity. #cavity #dentist #cavities #stamp
Professional teeth whitening from start to finish. #teethwhitening #whiteteeth #dentist
Placing a vintage filling. #silverfilling #dentist #filling #cavity
Getting teeth cleaned after 5 years. #teethcleaning #plaqueremoval #plaque
Ever wondered how students learn how to drill cavities #dentalstudent #cavity #drillingacavity
Drilling a huge cavity 🙀 #cavity #dentist #rootcanal #dentistry
4 years of plaque build up gets cleaned off the teeth. #teethcleaning #plaque #dentist #dentistry
Biggest salivary stone I’ve ever seen! #salivarystone #tonsilstone #mouthstone #mouthsore #dentist
Cracked tooth 🫣#cavity #rootcanal #dentist #dentistry #dentalvideo #teethwhitening
Cleaning up calculus. #dentalcleaning #teethcleaning #dentist
It’s a tonsil stone parade! #tonsilstones #tonsils #dentist