OK, Facebook friends, we don't usually do this, but we need your help. We currently have 955 subscribers on our YouTube channel and would looooove to reach 1K. If you've yet to subscribe, we'd like to entice you with some NostalgiaCast merch. Here's the deal:
5 of the next 45 subscribers will be randomly selected to receive a NostalgiaCast shirt in the color/size of your choice! All we ask in return is that you post a photo on social media of yourself in the shirt, and tag us in the selfie. That's free swag for free advertising!
A huge thank you to everyone who's subscribed to the channel so far! And thanks to our friends , , and for helping us reach a whopping 4K+ views! We hope we've entertained you so far! Good luck, and we'll contact you with the results!