Agility3R, a leadership development company, is dedicated to strengthening strategic skills and helping leaders become more resilient, responsive, and reflective. Jennifer Sertl, president and founder of Agility3R, is a business strategist and an internationally recognized influencer in social media and a thought leader in the emerging field of corporate consciousness. Jennifer Sertl has been feat
ured in Forbes and Harvard Business Review and is the author of “Strategy, Leadership and the Soul,” which provides an innovation model that integrates personal development and business strategy. She is a regular blog contributor for the Huffington Post, Ogunte Impact Women, and The Operating System (the OS). Sertl serves as a strategic advisor to Washington, D.C.’s think tank Center for Policy and Emerging Technology and The Asia Institute and is featured in the recent documentary “Well-Being In the Digital Age,” produced by RDigitalLife. Hatch 10, in partnership with Intel, included Jennifer Sertl as 1 of the 100 most innovative thinkers in 2013. Sertl recently served as a featured speaker on leadership, globalization, and innovation at the Asian Banker Summit in Bangkok, Thailand; at Sibos in Osaka, Japan, and at the LeadershipXchange Summit in Denver. She was the Social Media Ambassador, on-site, at the Social Innovation Summit 2014 at the United Nations.